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Ultralight backpackers have ruined my enjoyment and sport. I'm constantly being ridiculed over the size of how much I pack and my choice of backpack because I don't keep within the ultralight weight limit. Just last week I had a group of women joke about how much I was carrying for a 3 day hike. I fucking hate it, fuck these ultralighters
Cry nigger
Real brown skin behavior there anon
>constantly being ridiculed
By who? Why do their opinions matter to you? Why do you associate with them?
>haha, good one ladies. btw, stay safe. i heard there's a rapist on the trail.
walk away
>Real brown skin
Real nigger
A big heavy fucking pack full of shit you probably don't even need is the way God wanted you to camp.

A full ultralight setup is probably $2,000 minimum. But if you go Cheap Heavy Mode you can probably do it for $500 or less (i mean brand new equipment, not fb marketplace finds).
I just tell them that I'm not weak enough to need special lightweight gear for a casual hike.
It's just the truth.
They'd get excited
I love ultralighters. I got a really nice Mountainsmith pack at the Goodwill bins for $5. It must have failed to sell on their website and then in a store because omg it weighs 4 lbs or something.
I blame the big outdoor retailers and the people that take counsel of their marketing.
Hike your own hike Bro. Don't worry about what some no outdoors time drone thinks because it does not align with their REI programming.
I have a 65 liter military surplus pack with frame that cost me about $75. It is very durable. I have an old milsurp sleeping bag, a hammock & tarp setup that I like, old surplus canteens with the metal canteen cup to cook in.
Add in food, water & hygiene items my pack is right at 40 pounds.
I have carried it many miles across rugged Appalachian terrain. I am not a through hiker and do not pretend to be but I do get to the Appalachian mountain streams and lakes that I enjoy no problem. My gear is rugged and durable. The gear I carry allows me to get a good night sleep too.
A lot of the trends in outdoor gear are marketing schemes.
"Cotton kills" You have to buy the REI synthetic clothing. Bitch - thousands of people across the world are enjoying the outdoors right now wearing only 100% cotton clothing.
"You have to buy this $400 pack and $500 tent or the girls will laugh at you." Actually, I'm not an unmuscled twink and I can carry 40 pounds just like the last 1,000 years of my ancestors did.
Freeze dried food, $12 for what they call 2 servings that is not one meal in reality. A pound of rice and a good can of soup is $6 and a much better meal than your "Pro Hiker Freeze Dried Bullshit."
Don't pick up a nice piece of hickory in the woods. "You have to buy these trekking poles."
REI is going to start people to start carrying bottled oxygen next. It will be in a titanium bottle though so people will think it is light, trendy & cool.
You had me until you got to the cotton schizo rant
>$2,000 minimum
You’re very new and it shows.
>I blame the big outdoor retailers
They don’t push ultralight or even lightweight gear. This is an absurd statement.
>muh cotton
Yeah okay faggot. Enjoy your abrasive, sloppy, sagging, sticking, sweat-soaked t-shirt.
How can you even prefer synthetic materials over 100% all natural cotton ?
What kind of cotton are you wearing that is abrasive ?
>How can you even prefer synthetic materials over 100% all natural cotton ?
By not wanting to be wet for hours on end the moment you start sweating or if it rains lol
LOL, name a clothing item that does not get wet when you sweat or get rained on
There's a huge difference between cotton and synthetic materials. Do you even hike? It's not like this is some secret lmao. Cotton absorbs WAY more .
>Do you even hike ? The words of a true urban cubicle dweller.
You are such an urban LARPer you do not even realize there are people that spend hours outside in all weather conditions many days a week.

You live in a cubicle apartment. You transit to a cubicle for work. Then 1 weekend out of every three months you go out to "hike".
Nice projection. The fact that you think cotton has the same water absorption of synthetics shows you have no idea of what you're talking about.
>der projection

Do you even hike Bro ?
Yes, cotton is abrasive. The problem is compounded when it’s wet. It’s why joggers avoid it.
>wool doesn’t exist
Ok, Anon.
>everything gets wet when it rains or you sweat Lolol
/out/ never disappoints
He does not hike. This is apparent.
just tell them to go fuck themselves, whats the problem? it's not like theyre strong enough to carry a weapon to attack you with after.
I mean you can hike uncomfortably for a long time and not know any better. Staying ignorant of things that increase quality of life just means that youll.get used to what you know. I used to think that cotton was perfectly fine (it still isnt that bad all things considered) but after trying wool stuff for the first time I realized just how much I had been missing out.
>I'm constantly being ridiculed over the size of how much I pack and my choice of backpack because I don't keep within the ultralight weight limit.
doubtful unless you have an actual comical amount
he pops up here regularly.
>>wool doesn’t exist
>>everything gets wet when it rains or you sweat Lolol
nta but where the fuck are you getting these from lmao?
>where are you getting these from?
I never mentioned synthetic materials. He just tried to pigeonhole the conversation into a false dichotomy (synthetics or cotton) without acknowledging that wool exists. Therefor, an indirect quote of him saying “wool doesn’t exist” is completely apt.

The second indirect quote is referencing >>2751323 wherein he creates a false premise of being wet (from rain or sweat) when the conversation is about drying off. The latter shouldn’t have to be explained. The fact that it does, and that he missed the point, is an indication of board quality (it’s very low).
congrats on your complicated bin bag anon. i'm sure all of those plasticizers won't have any influence whatsoever on your shrivelled testes.

little known fact, nobody ever went outdoors before nylon was invented. that's because without synthetics you will die within five minutes of leaving shelter. because natural fibers are abrasive and make your plump thighs all chafey.

>nobody ever went outdoors before nylon was invented.
Do you think they wore cotton or wool?

>no!! If you think cotton sucks you must be advocating for synthetics because that’s the only other option!
>it doesn’t matter because everything gets wet when it rains
>I am very smart!
This guy wears plastic and likes it
Hemp, linen, cotton, wool, animal skin

Hemp is criminally underrated
I agree with you OP they're insufferable. "Oh you didn't buy this brand new REI bullshit that costs way more to save a whole 0.02lbs??? Idk how you can enjoy the trail with all that extra weight!!"

Of everyone I've run into on the Appalachian trail the best were always people that didn't really seem to care about pack weight
>REI sells ultralight gear
Have you ever even been to REI?
Listen here, pudding-head. Buying expensive synthetics is not necessary to enjoy the outdoors. Can we at least agree on that?
Get cheap synthetics?
Cheap wool?
Cheap hemp?
Stop being a fucking retard?
>Things that didnt happen
>going on the same rails as ultralightfags
Buddy, if there's one thing I've learned in almost 20 years of out, it's that ultralighters never make it further than 2-3km from the nearest parking lot. Beyond that, it's all tradgear, milsurp and the odd teenager with a 10€ discounter backpack.
>I'm constantly being ridiculed
Literally the opposite of reality, holy shit
>caring about what other people think
Even if it wasn't plain to see (well, for everybody who goes out...), just think about it: People who have the extra money to spend on overpriced ultralightshit generally don't have the free time to go out all that much. Can't be several day's marches from civilization when you might have to answer calls and emails at a moments notice.
Only exception to that areretired boomers, who also really love their ultralight toys, but they never really go into the woods either.

But I guess none of that ill register while you still have to justify spending 50$ on your magnesium twigsnapper...
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>look at the size of his pack
>it’s so big
>he’s def insecure and packing his fears
>I bet he is compensating for his tiny penis
Have you ever seen a trail runner?
They aren’t wearing milsurp packs
>Europeans are retarded and can’t into ultralight
Yeah, we know.
>I’m very far from a trailhead
No, you’re in Europe.
For me? It's moderation

>heavy, durable canvas pack
>cheap, lightweight chink titanium cookware
>heavy-for-its size 2 person tent for comfy and stormproofness
>modern light rain jacket
>ultralight down sleeping bag which costs almost as much as everything else combined
>some heavy food, some freezeslop

Without going full-retard you can get the best of both worlds. You cunts are always so polarized.
This. I personally invest in durable but light comfortness. Wide and long sleeping pad, good pillow and sleeping bag, some good food. But generally very light, tent and cookware is really light. You dont have to sleep on a 1/8 pad and be eating slopblocks. You also dont have to carry 80lbs of milsurp.
Digits witnessed. This guy knows how to prioritize.
>caring about vagina

sad but true. better mention bears
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See you guys in 3 weeks time. Do try to go outside while I am gone bros.
Only thing missing in picture is a rain jacket, more food and more clothes in the bag in the bottom left corner.
1/8” pads get so much shit, but:
>incredible weight-to-insulation value
>sold specifically to be used with an inflatable (for extra insulation and to keep it from being punctured if not using a ground sheet)
>>sold specifically to be used with an inflatable (for extra insulation and to keep it from being punctured if not using a ground sheet)
Thats what I use my 1/8" for. Essentially acts as a groundsheet/protection from punctures. Its also generally nice and foldablez which means its easy to use as a sitting pad when resting.
Yep. Its also waterproof and if it's evazote it has a lot more friction so youre pad isnt sliding around. And you also have a clean dry mat for organizing and packing. Cheap and light.
I've never weighed my pack but I'm pretty sure I'm carrying over 50 pounds sometimes, I'm not a big guy either. I think the size of my cheap shit is more annoying than the weight, my sleeping bag takes up half the pack, and when it rains really hard to get my massive poncho over my pack with the big ass foam sleeping pad and tent attached to it
but I've never spoken more than 3 words to anyone while backpacking
extremely disrespectful to go into nature with nipples protruding
I doubt you been harassed at all by any of that.
Its americans that plague the board, they have been brainwashed into polarization hell due to centuries of having a two party tyranny
I dont mind the THICCness but that tent/backpack is going to be annoying wobbling around smacking your ass on every step
Dumb. Not because of the weight but because of the bulk. As the other anon said, that ridiculous circus tent will be slapping against the wearer. And even well established hiking trails have overgrown sections and fallen trees that this monstrosity is going to get snagged on.
Shit, I thought it was a sleeping bag
Natural fibres are superior. Tenting last week i brought linen that served not only as my sheet but my towel. Plus there are different weights of cotton, i was only wearing thin cotton for the week.
Damn, this sounds like rational thought
You know this is 4chan right?
Wouldn't it be better/make sense to have it up top if possible?
Sorry..... I just won't wear the plastic haha I hate the antichrist too much
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>expensive synthetics

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