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>Tassel Ferns
...this is screaming PNW to me
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nope, eastern us, nice to catch the tail end of rhododendron blooming season
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Went on a 7 mile ruck yesterday
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is this also eastern us? what all are you finding?
i'm trying to find chanterelles around me for the first time but i thought it was still a bit early
Pop up thunderstorm ruined my plans for an evening hike FUCK. Guess I’ll try early tomorrow
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Italian Alps
bernese alps
It was too big to kick over

Kino pic
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Started SOBO on the long trail today. Pretty rainy and brutally humid. I'll check in and post pics every once in a while if there's interest.
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hmm is that old growth?
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>mfw i can hear this picture
Out west has more epic mountains and sweeping views but by god do I miss appalachia some times
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an old pic
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This waterfall was hell to get to. The shortest way involved a road that rapidly degraded from paved to dirt to big-rutted rocky wide ATV trail, had to turn around, go the other way, which was paved until the last 3/4 mile, then rough dirt road again, then when I got there there were TWO large groups there with kids making tons of noise and I eventually had to ask the kids swimming in the falls to move so I could get a photo.
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Fellow Appalachian who got dragged out west (I’m going to presume it was for job or family because it was family for me) it feels bad man. I haven’t really gone out being out here because I’m in the SW and I just don’t appreciate the desert that much
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the desert's a beautiful place but in a harsh way.
love the desert sunsets and evenings, there is nothing quite like it. But i really hate going /out/ in the middle of the day with no shade

Back in appalachia I could hike without sunscreen because of all the trees and shade, and if it was a real hot day you just find a nice cool spot next to the brook trout streams to relax. I miss that sometimes
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this is supposed to be a road, not a trail
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It’s the Metropolitan Natural Park in Panama. Not sure if it’s old growth
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California has a lot of freedom hating faggots that are the antithesis to all that is good and natural, and they sure are trying to destroy it, but man this state is pretty. Sonoma coast I hiked around today a bit.
Redwoods are kino. Always a reminder to look up in the woods it's pretty neat
Retarded forgot the pic
Last one from the day hiking back on the trail.
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Tough to beat the redwoods but SoCal can be nice too
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Vermont is kicking my ass, making less than half the milage I was hoping for. Sugarloaf tomorrow, see you guys in a few days.
Can't seem to upload images on this shakey connection.
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Cloud peak wilderness. 7 miles in, 7 miles out. Fuck that place.
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got out last weekend, wasn't bad at all, except the bloody techno music from a near festival

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no panic, i left no trace
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heated up some precooked Gumbo

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tried to do some "makro" photography an did the drug

looks good
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Iceland's laugavegur trail
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a week ago
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and a month ago, other side of the valley
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went and seen my uncle the other week
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Moors above Grange Over Sands
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my off grid paradise in nz
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Two weeks ago, Clout Peak Wilderness in Wyoming.
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Meant the Cloud Peak Wilderness, my bad.
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Cool Black Gum with donut shaped burl
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A who-knows-how-old turpentine tree with cat faces and hardware.
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Forgot pic
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Big giant Black Gum
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Longleaf upland just after a burn.
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Big Eastern Mud Snake.
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