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Is there a point where the size of your tent ruins the atmosphere of actual camping outdoors (with a car 5 feet away as well)?
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10x10 is more than enough of space for one person
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"Stop liking what I don't like!!"
I got a 10x10 tent to take the wife camping because she wanted something "roomy", shit seemed comically large
You should be inside your tent as little as possible, since the idea is that we live as goddamn troglodytes everyday of our miserable modern human lives, and this is a brief opportunity to experience the natural world a little bit closer to how our ancestors did, looking up at the stars, watching the birds and the insects war and frolic, fearing what lurks beyond the clearing, in the dark foliage around us.

Big tent with "amenities" inside is just bringing your depression with you, and you'll just wonder why you're even there, since you have better amenities at home.
>what lurks beyond the clearing
This guy gets it
>t. spent twelve weeks living in a large tent on a job site
Boomers can tow their fuckoff 20ft RV trailers anywhere they want but you have a problem with this?
Yes and no. For car camping I am typically there to do outdoor things, so I don't mind a little more room for comfort and storage so that it becomes more of a base camp. There's still an upper limit just because I don't want to deal with set up and take down at a certain point, it still needs to fit in a car trunk with the other shit. The one exception I have is that I really love the idea of a hot tent, would absolutely haul a big tipi out somewhere and spend days just cutting wood and existing in the winter.
>killing what lurks beyond the clearing, in the dark foliage around us.
As much as you can take with you without it being a pain in the ass is my guess. If you're out hiking for a week that's fuck all, if you're driving to the place you can take a bunch of stuff with you but it's going to have diminishing returns pretty fast. More crap to clean up and so on. A big tent is good for family camping.
Opinion discarded. You wanted a house the entire time.
Looks comfy
If you can stand up in it, it's a cabin, not a tent
Sure, if it's too heavy to carry innawoods it's probably at that limit, although I would generally say that the experience is made up more importantly of other things, like disconnecting from electronics, remoteness from other people, and extended exposure to the open sky. Sleeping in a foot-access primitive log cabin that is a hundred miles from the nearest settlement is still a great experience.

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