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How safe is it to go hiking in the wilderness on your own? I’m scared I might get eaten by bears or cougars.
do you hide a .44 magnum with 200 rounds in your prison wallet?
stick to trails or do as >>2751758 suggests.
Grow some balls and stop being stupid.
I'll go with you anon, and keep you safe, but you have to let me suck you off.
>by bears or cougars
you can spot bears by leather vests and beer guts, but they will likely leave you alone if you decline.
cougars however, watch out for happy hours, leopard prints and cigarrette smell, loudly announce that you want nothing to do with them, back away while making constant eye contact, dont bend down or turn your back
Having multiple people won't stop a grizzly bear from mauling all of you to death. Cougars can be scared off, and black bear attacks are so rare it's not even a threat.
No, I carry 300 rounds.
I do it all the time
per capita, hikers vs drivers you are 600+ times more likely to die hiking vs driving in the us. be terrified of other people on the highway, anon
driving vs hiking. this is an excellent example of how being sleep deprived behind the wheel could have caused me to kill us both.
Depends on where you are. In general, animals won't bother you unless you provoke them. Even wild boars with young will run if they have the chance. At least the 20+ I've encountered over the years did.
But some animals (bears and large cats, mostly) have learned that humans either carry tasty food or are tasty themselves. if you're somewhere where attacks are common, carrying a large caliber handgun, a spear or a long, pointed walking stick and bringing a dog is a good idea.

Having multiple people doesn't really protect you, unless you're going to stay in a group at all times (i.e. even when shitting), as the few animals that deliberately target humans will wait unless you're alone.

Pesonally, I'd be much more worried about venomous insects, snakes or spiders, though. They're small enough that you generally don't notice them until they're close, they tend not to avoid you (because they're too slow to get away in time) and there's no way to effectively defend against them.
But even they generally don't attack unprovoked. I've had a a few very close encounters (skin / clothes contact - had a japanese hime habu snake trapped between heel and toe of my boots once, for example), and so far, they always tried to escape first. Only attack I've seen in 20+ years of going out was a snake I stepped on trying to bite through my shoe and not getting through the leather.
>had a japanese hime habu snake trapped between heel and toe of my boots once, for example),
how the fuck does this happen?
>be in okinawa
>can't legally drive a car bcs. German license is not valid there
>bus service is shit (2h+ delay som days, other days the bus doesn't come at all)
>decide to just ruck my groceries home in my old Alice. 20kg, 10km is a pretty comfy ruck.
>cross over from Ishikawa to Onna along the road on the 1km patch that isn't military area
>have to pee right in the middle
>take a few steps into the forest, checking that there's nothing dangerous on top of the soil and fallen leaves
>look down to unzip pants
>see hime habu wriggling out from under my boot
Now I'm pretty sure that snake wouldn't have been able to penetrate my boot's leather even if it tried. But my point is that even a snake like that, which could kill an adult with a single bite (which is where the name "princess snake" comes from, btw - ryuukyuus used to give them to noble women so they'd be able to commit suicide painlessly when necessary) tried to escape instead of attacking.
Of course, if I had actually stepped on it, instead of catching it in the gap between heel and toe, I assume i would have tried to bite.

Had a few encounters with spiders there as well. Turns out those vending machines the japs place everywhere attract mosquitoes at night, which in turn, attracts everything from small brown recluse spiders to giant huntsman spiders, and if you're not careful, you might end up with them on your body. But again, they don't bite randomly, and you can just shake them off.
Just bring bear spray.
unlucky number
it needs to be lowered the 300
is the bear witnessed you SPECIFICALLY shit out a .44 magnum with 200 rounds IT WILL run away
lower than 300*
Very unsafe. Don't do it. Stay inside.
I've been eaten by bears and cougars. It's great, the older ones really know what they're doing. No need to be afraid, they can tell you are nervous and are happy to take the lead.
You’re more likely to encounter a bear on an established hiking trail.
That's just the handgun, next is the 45-70.
nta but deal.

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