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Why do governments constantly preach about protecting the environment and indigenous territories, then pull shit like this? It's THEIR territory! Just watch the oil leak that will happen here in 5–10 years, like has occurred countless times before.
>Why do governments constantly preach about protecting the environment and indigenous territories
because they want votes from people who care about that stuff and most voters only listen to what politicians say, not what they do.
>then pull shit like this?
oil corporations pay them to
>”his traditional territory”
let’s see the deed
BRB mailing him an AR-15.
What's that even supposed to mean?
Proof of ownership.
It just socialism at work. Indian reservations have been fully socialist for over a 100 years now. 'They' use them as test beds.
this is the most retarded opinion i have seen this week
Your reply show you're ignorance. US Indian reservations are the old Communist communities in the word. It why the living standard is so low on indian reservations.
The Wetʼsuwetʼen are Canadian.
>suwetʼen are Canadian.
You don't think Canada and the US Bureau of Indian Affairs, don't commingling ideas. You really think Canada is going to be much better then the USA?
First. The actual tribal chiefs consented to the project. The "hereditary chief" has no authority. There are a couple hundred people who can draw a straight paternal line back to some guy who was chief at some time. These are also the same people who complain about the lack of economic opportunities on 1st nation lands and then block every attempt at economic development.

>Oil leaks
Come in with a backhoe and scrape about an inch of dirt off the surface and it's like it never happened.

>Why do they do this
Because we have an economy to run.
Yep, gotta get those indians imported and paid for
Stop wasting your money on trash and have more kids and we wouldn't have to bring Rindeesh over. You think all those social services you wank over are going to pay for themselves?
Right, and Rajneesh serving you at Tim Horton's instead of Ricky is going to make all that happen, is it?
Do you not understand how taxes and benefits work? It's not a bank account where you save money all your life and the when you're old and fat and dependant on the system you start taking it out. You using the system in your old age is reliant on a bunch of young people putting into the system at the same time.

It's a dumb fucking system as there always needs to be more people putting in than taking out so you always need massive pop growth. Personally I would get rid of it and just do what the Americans do. Buy you fags keep voting for it sooo... Here we are.
Actually Europeans settled the Americas thousands of years before injuns did so it's rightfully our clay.
There's archaeological studies of villages being up to 14,000 years old. Wanna refute that?
Native Americans are immigrants like we are. Genetic studies show they have roots in Siberia and northern China which means they crossed the land-bridge during the last ice age. However there is evidence of people being here prior to the last ice age.
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This is correct, which is why I refuse to call them Natives. They're Indians. Deal with it.
I don't need to refute anything. There are sites older than that which show European style stone tools.
Most green parties are astroturf organizations funded by major oil and coal companies with the express purpose of dismantling nuclear power and naysaying systemic changes that would reduce dependence on oil and coal for power generation.
>then pull shit like this?
Because talk is cheap. Action speaks louder then words.
>crossed the land-bridge during the last ice age
That's not what "immigrant" means
>There are sites older than that which show European style stone tools.
In the Americas?
the elected council from that reserve voted in favour of the pipeline. turns out all these "hereditary chiefs" are max grifter and outright thieves.
>there was no response to this
Take your meds
Right. It’s ackshually the Indians who own all the casinos goy
This take is actually pretty accurate. Though it’s dying out in most of all the reservations except some of the most isolated. Kids would rather have Hondas and candy then share their years worth of meat with a bunch of distant cousins.
I pray to God that this reservation system is ended soon.
>It's THEIR territory!
And the actual elected representatives of the Wet'suwet'en Nation want the pipeline built. The only ones who don't are the "hereditary chiefs" AKA people who have no actual power and shouldn't have actual power because your bloodline doesn't entitle you to rule over people.
>It's THEIR territory!
No it's not. We're letting them pretend it's theirs out of kindness. If it were really their land they would be able to defend it.
This isn't really the environment unless you classify injuns as fauna
Half of the Indians there want the pipeline cuz they care more about the comforts that come with liberal capitalism than they care about owing their own land, and the oil companies work with those ones to develop it
do we really need more oil extraction? does nobody care about the environment? even indians are selling out...
until anybody cares enough to explain to liberals that nuclear power is the only practical green way to power a nation this will continue

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