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I am inclined to acquire initially a solar charger capable of replenishing electric chainsaw batteries, ideally with the added capability of charging an ebike.

Has anyone discerned the most efficacious methods to achieve this objective?

In due course, I aspire to obtain one for the roof of my vehicle, though acquiring a portable variant appears more practicable at present.

I extend my sincere thanks for your help.
why type like a fag?
it's not funny and doesn't make your thread better
A 5 watt panel that costs $15 will eventually charge an ebike. Be more specific.
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This is the amount of solar panel you would need. Those shitty folding ones aren't going to do it.
>replenishing electric chainsaw batteries,

You're such a faggot it's unreal.

Stay home with your boyfriend.
You can

keep a battery

longer than you can keep fuel.
Why are


typing like a deranged

reddit tranny?
Electric chainsaws are complete garbage, better off with a Silky saw over that trash.
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Why? I have an echo and it is quite good, the only real issue is i can only cut a few trees and branches before its drained. This is why I asked for guidance on solar charger panels to charge electronics such as those batteries. The sound is the main proponent of my electric chainsaw.
>he used a thesaurus to write a post on 4chan
>t is quite good, the only real issue is i can only cut a few trees and branches before its drained.
I've been looking at Jackery 1000 with solar panels not cheap but great product. They have a whole live of sizes to fit.
Search engines are for more than porn, use it.
I get your point. But i was more-so looking for someone’s experience with such things. I for one can hardly trust amazon and there reviews. Youd think out would have advice on such manners but i guess not. I guess they are larpung and dint even bring a chainsaw and or its never sunny. Gay
Talk to me in catedratic tonge, is so hot UwU

>I have an echo and it is quite good
>the only real issue is i can only cut a few trees and branches before its drained
What's this to do with /out/ eh?
Careful, jannie will ban you if you complain about off-topic posts
I have a solar charger similar to the one you've pictured there. It's rather impractical for a few reasons, one being that it takes a long ass time to charge anything. I pretty much consider it a backup plan/last resort. I'll usually bring a power bank, though, and I'll also bring the solar just in case.

Also, you type like you've got the RFK brain worm.
fucking NERD xD
If you want to actually charge anything you will need a 200 watt panel at least and not that 5-10 Watt fold shit that might fill a mobile battery to 40% in 10h of full sun.
Then you need some storage so you carry a 3kg+ panel that is fuck huge and a 5kg+ power station to actually charge your shit. Sounds very practical to charge a gay as fuck electric chainsaw or a faggot bike.
Maybe just get a gas saw
most of those don't even have batteries
There is a $169 solar powered battery with ac output
The ac mode can charge 120v stuff like my escooter battery
Monocrystalline panels
3.3 lbs small enough to take hiking in a pack
Sinkieu is the brand name ive got two they come with panels and all kinds of adapter

That's okay if you plan to charge your phone/tablet for anything serious you want something above 100000mAh and even that is "tiny"
>his saw isn’t a hybrid with regenerative kickback charging.
Utterly pathetic, ngmi^2
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You guys remind me of me about 4 years ago. The best answer to charging an e-bike is straight up blame America for not allowing AC outlets be made everywhere. The hard answer is you need a super 73 type bike (with those vintage frames) and buy the best camping backpack that will fit under the seat of your super 73 and strap the backpack under it as this is the most efficient use of storage on an e-bike and the method required for carrying a proper solar panel and generator. And about $3000 later you have a setup that can charge eveything in the hot sun and you along with it if you have enough sunscreen. Now i could into AAAAAALLL KINDS of detail as to why the industry can change to make what you guys are trying to do easier but I am 1 single voice and it just so happens that everyone I’ve tried to talk to as someone that’s researched this extensively, that could change the industry in this regard has refused to respond to me at all.

What you’re trying to do is far form impossible, it’s just that many industries aren’t set up to take advantage of say, USB C-PD protocols and many, many, MANY other technological advances that could make this easier but they see their ways a more profitable.

Good luck and Godspeed.
Its not very big but
It charges 4-6 hours in the sunlight
And about the same in the wall.
I didnt see any others for the price that could charge something higher powered with AC
I bought it for my scooter in case i get stranded
The sunlight charge time is surprising to me. I like it

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