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I can't be the only one who prefers going /out/ at night and I'm not talking about camping. What activities do you do at night?
>What activities do you do at night?
Spooky walks
Night time ricks with a bunch of friends. Fin going out with ten friends, all armed, stomping around the mountains.
break into buildings, walk down the railway line, get stoned and make a fire with friends
I like to go general yard work. Mowing, weed eating, gardening. I’ll also wash my driveways once a week. I usually do this from 1am to 6am.
Lucky. I wish I had friends to do random stuff like this with in my youth
Watch crepuscular animals, practice seeing in the dark, patrol the neighborhood for burglars and loose dogs.
When it's winter, I like to walk across the fields and listen to Burzum. It's the only time I use any electronics when I'm /out/.
Sometimes I stare at the moon, sometimes I just lied down and look at the stars, sometimes I walk along the woods (not inside because I don't want to get lost) and stare into them, sometimes I climb onto random stuff. Depends on my mood and whether I can get my head clear and properly detach
Fishing. Trout fishing, bass fishing, all on the fly and all at night. Bigger fish, spookier takes, way more engaging.
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Nothing beats tromping around exploring shit at night. It's peaceful, a little spookie.
I like looking at all the bugs who come out. I also enjoy the way your perspective changes if you use a torch it'll catch all the leaves you'd normally look right through. You can feel like you're in a completely different place. Full moons are nice too, especially on the mountain tops.
>What activities do you do at night?
I chase women.
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The park, mostly.
where do they run to
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The one time I went /out/ with the homies at night was one of the most fun nights of my life.
I've tried hiking at night by myself and for the most part found it strangely depressing. I thought it would be fun and scary, but it just felt like hiking but without the pretty views, and no one to talk to as a reminder that I have no friends. There was one time I went out looking for a cool abandoned water tower or some shit, I don't really remember, and couldn't find it but stumbled upon some other cool stuff in the process, pic related. That was fun. I wish I had people to go with.
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It's one of my favoritemost things to do.

Also little BGM for this thread
I love the times when the fireflies are out and the crickets are chirping. Magical times in the dark night forest.
I stopped doing solo night hikes after running into a mountain lion that came at me bro.
Is that you, Kyle
I used to enjoy walking in the local park until I ran into some homosexual gentlemen who enquired otf I would cared to engage in sodomy with them

No anon I am not any such person
u in hawaii? im down to go.
>i cant be the one who prefers going out when lost of the predators are awake? right
predators can't be seen without heat vision

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