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Second and third drownings this season at Glaicer, a woman drowned in June in St. Mary's falls.


>Drowning (826 deaths) is the Leading Cause of Death at national parks and national recreation areas.

>Drowning is followed by motor vehicle crashes (725 deaths), medical events (643), suicide (563), undetermined (544), and falls and slips (478).

>Interestingly, despite the abundance of wildlife at national parks, only ten people were killed by wild animals.
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>named Avalanche Creek
>kills people
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This is it during a lower flow, people get too close to the edge trying to take pictures.
Zero sympathy fuck all retards to death
i nearly died to undetermined once while /out/, gave me PTSD
redeem in peace
>This is it
is that out West? I thought it was all desert out west. That doesnt look like a barren hell hole...
it is all desert out west, barren and not worth visiting, now shut up and stay out
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Pic related is actually out West.
Are you shitting me? You mean if I take a spontaneous Grand Canyon trip it’s gonna be packed with retards?
The creek didn't deserve it.
Yes, and mostly boomers with huge RVs.
Hearty kek

Wear it
not true at all in avalanche creek where 1/2 tourists drown every year. the problem is the canyon is super deep, and the water very oxygenated, so you lose buoyancy, sink, and get smacked around by sharp underwater rocks. and the mist makes the upper rocks very slick, so its super easy to accidentally fall in. the lower areas are chill and accessible so people think "oh this river is safe, i'm checking out this cooler upper area" not knowing they're about to get rocked. it's also like .5 miles from the main road and on an easy, absurdly popular trail.
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"River Redemption"

Under the sun blazing hot
Indian spirit on the spot

[Verse 2]
Flowing river so wide
Under American eyes

Feel the water's grace
River cleanse the space

Generations washed anew
River's power seepin' through

[Verse 2]
Hear the drums from the past
Redemption coming fast

Feel the water's grace
River cleanse the space
That picture looks like a death trap for those that don't know.

Moss, rocks and oxygenated water is no joke.
Not to worry though. They have maybe another 10 years of this before their age catches up and all but the most determined boomers begin to either check themselves into assisted living, or hole themselves away in their Amerifat homes, slipping and dying in their oversized showers.
Once we are in our mid 30s, assuming we all are in our early 20s now, these parks will be mostly empty.
These fastwater systems are known to most experienced /out/ists as incredibly dangerous and swimming in them will cause death. Honestly this kind of semi-obscure exploring knowledge is a pretty good litmus test for who can handle themselves /out/
once you step off pavement the crowd thins 75%, go a mile off pavement and it's down to few people even during the busy season, even on the popular trails. north rim is always empty too
>Early twenties
>Zoom trash
You will kill yourself, die of overdose or get savaged by brown apes sooner than the boomers kick the bucket.
Degenerates won't reproduce, you will all get filtered.
post more national park deaths
the second you go on trail 99% of the people disappear, and just go to the north rim if you really dont wanna see other people
>the water very oxygenated, so you lose buoyancy, sink, and get smacked around by sharp underwater rocks
welcome to canoeing lmfao
What is it with pajeets' obsession with leaving human waste in rivers.
did you include lake of the clouds as "out west"
I hiked that trail later in the day the guy drowned. here's what the water level looked like
Any bets on what kind of rental car they have to fish out?
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It was a santa fe. Quite impressive how they fucked up that badly
Kek one of those pictures is in China lmao
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>Kirwan and Ratliff had not read
probably par for the course for those guys.
retard detected
>Yosemite half dome
>Smokey mountains Clingman's
>Arches NP
>Yellowstone Old Faithful
>Zion narrows
>Yosemite glacier view
>Acadia that dumb wave that makes a noise
>Yosemite falls
>Grand canyon
All in america

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