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I witnessed a woman fall to her death today on half dome cables. Immediately turned around and hiked out.
>turned around
540, I was on the sub dome so I wasn't committed yet
was she fat?
Sweet bro
the closeness of death really makes you feel alive, doesn't it?
How fat? Was she hot?
She looked fairly average size at least from what I saw while she slid down

My sister witnessed a dude jump off a cliff and sudoku himself at Starved Rock, it shook her up for a bit, but she’s also a female so you need to stop being a little bitch OP.
Don't mind the retards incapable of taking anything seriously.
Risk is intrinsic to mountain activities, I think it's criminal that countries allow such a commercialization of the environment at the expenses of human life and nature.
Many really are clueless on the dangers they are facing.
From what I can see from picture it might be sensible that hand rail system to be turned into a via ferrata.
very good choice anon. your soul will not be harvested by the hills this year
So you're saying your date didn't go well
>Immediately turned around and hiked out
Pussy. I would have ditched the cables and free-soloed it to show all the tourists how it's done.
I hope the selfie turned out ok.
what sound did she make? how did she fall? how could we have prevented this?
>ITT Things that didn't happen
We'll find out soon enough if there was a death in a high-profile location in Yosemite.
It's funny because the park rangers will tell you if you are thinking about using climber gear like a clip harness then you likely aren't ready to go up it.
pics/vids or it didnt happen
if true there should be something, it was a holiday weekend so it had to be packed with tourists, someone must have gotten it on camera
>tripfaggot telling someone to stop acting like woman
Almost 24hrs later and not a single news report about a death in Yosemite. Why are you lying?
Plot twist: He killed her and they don't know it yet
It was covered in clouds with howling wind when I got up there. A guy had fallen backwards at the cables and was laying near the start with a compound leg fracture. Basically no visibility. Ranger was sending people away. They waited for things to clear a bit and had a helicopter rescue, but it was still heavy cloud cover when it came. Glad I didn't watch someone bite the dust.
That looks really easy
This happened but years ago.
It's easy with the cables unless you're a total gumby. Real climbers wait until after the cables come down in October
If you know the right knots it's easier with cables down as it's also when the crowd is slimmed out. More at risk when there's a ton of idiots and one of them could ruin your entire day, or at the very least create a bottleneck
>If you know the right knots
That's why I said real climbers and not casuals who have to rely on the NPS to create a safer climb for them
>Real climbers wait until after the cables come down in October
Still looks easy
>commercialization of the environment at the expenses of human life and nature.
isn't that the modern human experience
checked, Starved Rock is pretty based
maybe snake dike is more your speed
How the fuck do you "lose the talus bone somewhere on the mountain"? Is your foot not tucked inside your fucking boot until you hit the trauma ward?
>While New Zealand nationwide’s no-fault personal injury insurance program AAC (Accident Compensation Corporation) will cover the majority of Parsons’s treatment and recovery once she’s able to return home, Ben said she was racking up bills in excess of $4,000 per day while recuperating at an American hospital in Modesto, California, in addition to the numerous extensive surgeries she’s already undergone and which lie ahead. Her travel insurance covers a small portion of this, but her medical bills already exceed $1,000,000.

>As a result, her family is hoping to bring Parsons home as soon as she can fly, but it remains to be seen how soon that will be. Her sister, Jessica, set up a donation page to raise funds to help cover her bills, including for the prosthesis, treatment, and rehab
>be kiwi
>go to Murica
>pay medical bills
What about free soloing El Capitan like Alex Honnold? Is that easy to you too?
One is a hike the other is an extremely difficult rock climb. Why are you comparing them?
I'm not comparing them. I was trying to determine what his (or your) limit for "easy" is
Half Dome's normal route is listed as a T4, in other words just a strenuous hike, something that any adult in good physical shape can do.
Without the cables?
It's easier and safer without cables as long as you're not free climbing like some retard
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>class 5 is easier than class 3
/out/ logic
cables give unfit people the illusion they can do it. said people become more a danger to you climbing it than just doing it without cables where everyone is forced to know what they are doing and use safety equipment.
Fair enough about inexperienced tourists creating a danger when the cables are up. Calling it "easy" is still a bit of a stretch. What's your definition of "moderate" and "hard" then?
I'm kinda confused. Here is a video of a couple climbing half dome when the "cables are down".
But there are still cables...
But yes, if there really were no cables this would be a climbing route which could potentially require some rappelling on the way down.
The cables refer to poles that the wire cable is attached to so you can walk up it like stairs. It's confusing, I know.
Different assertion than the previous one.
"cables down" looks like safety on easy mode - just whack a loose prussik on there and you're good to go.
Visually exposed routes like this give me the shits whatever I'm doing. I MTB on forested hills here, steep af. In the forest, all good. As soon as I get to a cleared section, hating life. It's stupid because I know it's exactly the same and it's purely a change in perception. Nothing I can do about. Didn't really bother me until a couple of years ago either.
>Her sister, Jessica, set up a donation page to raise funds to help cover her bills,
Why are people this retarded? Just dont pay, what are they going to do? Write it off on taxes, that's how the system is designed.
write what off on taxes? A million bucks worth of hospital bills?
>get injured
>that’ll be 1 million dollars goy
Crazy that you have to file for bankruptcy as a default if you have heavy medical debt
>Crazy that you have to file for bankruptcy as a default if you have heavy medical deb
Alternatively you simply buy health insurance like a sane person, which by the way is required by law for a decade now or you pay fines yearly. Also for foreigners who come over, do extremely stupid shit, and then have to be rescued and sent to a hospital that's on them. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Especially for high altitude, high risk activities she should have come more prepared.
I don't pay for shit, fines mean nothing because again I ain't paying shit. The only thing they can do is kidnap you and lock you in a box, it's literally the only punishment that matters.
it's sad that this was the first thing i thought as well, was she an influencer?
Yes, the hospital writes off that $1 million they never expected to be paid in the first place. This is how american healthcare works.
Why didn't she just stop the fall?
rare time a trip is based
>I witnessed a woman fall to her death today on half dome cables. Immediately turned around and hiked out.
LMAO. I would've had to find somewhere to strangle my cock
Snake dike is ez for a climber but heady. Don’t fall.

Apparently it’s pretty hard to go off route where she did, you can see the traverse and the next bolt but she got herself on a 5.10 route next to snake dike
>Do something incredibly stupid
>Surprised when there's consequences
It makes perfect sense as a deterrent against risky and utterly stupid behavior
Lol fuckin Lisa Simpson over here, shut your sanctimonious pie hole.
Okay, that's your choice. If you end up having to go to the hospital and get a bill that makes you go bankrupt that's on you then lol.
>“It was raining a little bit before we started climbing,” said Evans, “but we gave it a bit and the sky cleared.”
So they decided it would be a genius idea to climb granite after being rained on and then slipped and fell?
There are no articles on this.
OP's a fag and a LARP.
That's how American finance* works. Big businesses will absorb costs or losses all the time if they know they realistically can't recoup it. What are you, the AP AR nerd tasked with getting the money, going to do? Are you going to take a multimillion dollar entity to collections over a past due invoice of $30? Or are you going to write it off?
Or what? What are you gonna do about it? Get a grip, imbecile.
That doesn't save them anything on tax, though. They record revenue, never receive payment, and adjust their net income accordingly.
It’s a like a 10+ hour hike round trip, normies are not making it to these
>hospital makes one million in profits
>to avoid taxes on this one million, they make a fake one million bill they never expect to be paid and write it off as a loss
Hope you learned something.
I hope you get cancer and the hospital takes every single dime you ever wageslaved for.
They need to increase their revenue, and thus their income, by the same amount that they're writing off.
>have revenue $x and taxable income $y
>make up fake $1m bill
>write off said bill
>revenue is now $x+$1m
>net income is now $y+$1m-$1m
One of us definitely needs to learn something. You're welcome.
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When i was a kid i did Angels landing in Zion. I saw a dude stand up at the top, trip and somersault backwards and almost drop off the edge. He didn't quite have the energy to complete the roll and it saved his life.

10/10 good hike
There are plenty of normies that make it
They can't since i have insurance with a low deductible like a normal sane person ;)
>shook her up for a bit
Nigga kek
Last time I went up there were so many norps on the cables it was going to take hours to get down. We just moved to the outside of the cables and passed all the dildos. Pretty funny, people (women) were sperging at us, OMGing and I can't even'ing, one lady was already scared shitless and started hyperventilating when we went past her.
Cables down is the way to go, or during a full moon. We had an illegal bbq up there about 20 years ago, back before the rangers posted up at the sub dome. My messican buddy carried a 12 pack and some ice and I carried a grill and some beef steaks. We were dumb kids but it was a fun trip.
retard doesn't know that the majority of medical insurance has a maximum allowable payment in a calendar year, not to mention copays, coinsurance %, and highly paid weasels who do their best to deny your claims regardless of how straightforward it should be.
OP is a liar...but also a seer.

>ranger specifically warns them about rain
>go up anyway
>"this storm came literally out of nowhere!"
>try to descend
>"dad I'm slipping"
>"just keep going lol"

>He dropped to his knees and prayed for a miracle, and a few people approached him, asking if they could pray, too.
Unfortunately for them, as recent events have shown, God's grace extends only to lying, cheating, treasonous, whoremongering adulterers.
I trekked over those mountains granite domes with a heavy pack at a steady pace for hours on end, just to set up a new camp each night. Will never forget laying back at night atop those domes gazing at the Milky Way and all the stars.
>I trekked over those mountains and* granite domes
Also got some climbing in, filtered water from clear streams with iodine
I think I prefer iodine or campfire boiling/distillation over those plastic doodads
Though clean water is clean water, I'd rather have one of those filters than die of cholera
I don't understand. If you're going to do half dome why would you not take a harness and clip in? At most you'd fall to the next pipe.

You use a trip on an anonymous board, anonymity is one of the appeals of 4chan. You want to make it like twitter, facebook, social media with a handle, it is clear you are seeking attention or trying to establish some kind of online identity.

It is pretty annoying on principle, if not against the whole spirit of the site. It is the same thing with self-promoting e-celebs. It is technically bannable to doxx yourself or others, but not with e-celeb pundits who get paid from spamming themselves on 4chan for clicks and views on social media.
Lot of free climbers that shun the harness, often to set records, or just for the thrill and bragging rights.
Skid is the king of the tripfags. Don't know who this Bepis is but he sounds like a clown.
Was it her? https://www.sfgate.com/california-parks/article/college-student-death-half-dome-yosemite-19591633.php
>caring this hard about one line of green text in the very top of a message
reprioritize, anon
You wear boots when rock climbing?
>maximum allowable payment in a calendar year, not to mention copays, coinsurance %, and highly paid weasels who do their best to deny your claims

I'm impressed you didn't say
>by the donzerly light
This nigga predicted the future what the actual fuck
Because retards with overinflated egos will tell you dumb shit like "if you think you need a clip harness, you're not ready to climb it" or "real climbers can do it without cables and harnesses, you're just a tourist scrub if you rely on that." This sort of careless talk leads people to do dumb shit because of their own overconfidence.
Mentioning allowed amount and copays in the same sentence proves you’re actually the idiot in this conversation.
people die and slip off there all the time. someone fell 500 feet which is over double what this latest chick fell. thats a damn long way to fall before you die
so would you pass the people slowing you down or would you be polite and die
Based. Ive never paid a hospital bill except when i broke my clavicle in HS and my parents thought making me pay would teach me not to do dumb shit
It can be done. My son climbed up the cables at 8 1/2 years old but he was in a harness, clipped to the wire and short roped to me. I've been climbing for over 25 years.
Goyim parents are silly
i would turbo past them. hell i veer off trail to pass people on the uphill too
There are many risks you are taking without even knowing, retard. Should the government just label everything, or do some life risks fall under common sense?
I hope if this ever happens to me that there are lots of normalfags watching and my body splattering next to them scares them away from the outdoors forever.
didn't see any news of a death till today, do you have a time machine by any chance?
the most retarded part about this whole thing is the dad getting on his knees to pray instead of doing anything to help the daughter.
>instead of doing anything to help the daughter.
Are you retarded? She was brain dead before she hit the ground. He also would have had to have taken a leap off a steep cliff to even reach her since she was a good 100ft down slope still off the actual trail which would have likely resulted in his death as well or just made the rescue even more annoying since the retard jumped after her and stranded himself.
>I have no idea how 4chan works and dont know before the reddit hoard came in the 2010s ruining the site that tripcodes made 1:25 posts. I'm going to post inane garbage mentally ill head canon on how 4chan works.

Yeah zoomer this is a hobby board why dont you go back to your discord youre not welcome here cancer also you need to be 18 to use this site.
Spooky thread. OP is a confirmed magi. Put me in the screencap
uh oh
what is this thread
if theres a put, then cap me in the screen
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Put me in the screencap too.
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Put me in the screencap
All fake reddit edgyness aside, that shit is sad.
agreed, he should have nose dived off the cliff so he could perform on the site surgery to her broken body and busted brain.
>park ranger tells you not to go up
>you go up anyway
>didn't even wear any climber gear
they had it coming
>you didn't listen to the park janny, you deserved to die
>noooooooo you have to buy all the gear before you go outside
you have a cowardly cuck mentality. I hope you get eaten by a grizzly.
You're the type of person who would wonder into a known grizzly infested part of a forest without any protection then wonder why you were killed.
maybe you should just stay /in/ if you're that afraid of the world. we're all going to die of something. better to die doing what I love than in a hospital bed regretting my wasted life.
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Toasting in ebin scream crap
No, OP was very strangely accurate. ~15 people have died on the half dome cables in the park's history. It's not like this is something that tons of people just get rekt on frequently like base jumping. To get this and the person's sex correct within seven days is beyond crazy.
He also got her build right
Yes, that too, considering the amount of obese normies hat are more likely to be killed on this hike and the skinny climbing hardos who are mostly the ones attempting this route.
OP must have taken a big hit of DMT and was able to project himself into the future. Crazy shit just like that dude who envisioned trump getting his ear shot.

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