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My parents offered to get me a new bike, a hybrid for on/off road, but I really have no idea what's a quality brand for the money. Any suggestions? Preferably something around $500.

Thanks for any help!
I have no knowledge to contribute, just wanted to say stay safe bud, helmet on and all that
/n/ is for you, but I gotta tell ya, $500 won't get you anything very good unless you get a used bike. $1000 bare minimum.
>something around $500.
Polygon Xtrada7 is all I can suggest for that money. It's the same as the 6 but with forks that will work how you expect them to - the coil forks are trash. They're a good bike regardless of price. Also has thru-axles which is handy later if you want to switch wheels around - lots of bikes at lower prices still use QR.
My son has a 6, has been a great bike. I just wish they'd had the 7 in stock when his birthday was coming up. He's on a full sus bike now, but we still both use the Xtrada. Mostly for general riding about, but also if we're doing trail that's generally mellow or has heaps of climbing, it's light af.
totem volcano
Yeah I was thinking used. Will check out /n/, thanks!

I'll check these out, thanks so much! I'm really grateful!

Oh, yeah. I hate wearing helmets so I guess I'll try and get something comfortable. Thanks!

Giant is the best bang for your buck. There's not much to it other than deciding if you want a more mountain type hybrid with suspension or a city type hybrid with rigid forks and then the level of groupset. In your price range it's going to be shimano tourney which is about the most basic you can get, but it works.

Just know that the cooler a bike looks the less comfortable it is to ride. I ride a shitty diadora modena, it looks dumb and it's very basic but it's comfortable with adjustable handle bars and suspension seat; I put many hundreds of km on it every summer although I'm not the fastest guy on the road because the gearing is not made for speed.
>I hate wearing helmets
just hunch, but i guess you´ll hate drooling in a blue gown, not recognizing your family anymore
>I hate wearing helmets
Right up until you see someone eat shit without one.
"But I'm a safe rider!"
Yeah that bitch texting in her SUV doesn't give a flying fuck how well you ride.
>Giant is the best bang for your buck.
Explain? Don't say anything about the frame, I assume you know Polygon makes frames for a good portion of the other folk, right? Which is why they're cheaper - they don't outsource manufacturing.
if you want a bike anyone can ride you should buy my ex girlfriend
Here you go homie, I'm doing your shopping for you : )
Buy in US (Assuming that's where you are. First one I found on the only US site I know)
Typically blunt honest Oz review:

Both ends of this bike have lockout, but the way the geometry works, you never need it.*
* I have some experience on them ha ha
Sorry for pic, I had to screenshot smaller and smaller until img limit.
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Not keen to own but can I take it for a spin?
Will return it dirtier than when it left so people think you've been having a good time with it.
be careful, all she know is scroll phone, abort black baby, eat hot chip, and lie
Sounds like the standard model these days.
I'll still have a go so long as I can return it.
If you try to pull any shit I'll just leave it locked up to your porch and block your number.
if $500 is a hard limit, buy a trek 820
rubbish components that will lead to hate of everything cycling
real talk, I also hate wearing a helmet, I also apparently have a small head and helmets look absolutely ridiculous on me.

but man I destroy pretty much one helmet a year.
I did that when I was mostly riding gravel and I'm doing now that I ride mostly xc and down country.

get a helmet, if you ride you will eat shit.
I would be dead if I didn't start wearing a helmet for my wife.

met has some "goodlooking" ones for okay prices.
I wear a " Vinci".
POC had nice ones for way too much money.

that's an insane deal.
For $500 this is a good deal new, hybrid type bike


Gotta use their discount code. Also I don't know if it's your size
Use your feet.
>Use your feet.
>what are pedals
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should i get a mtb or gravel as a first good bike? i live in hilly/mountainous area, but want to be able to do road travels up to 400 kms with it. is gravel meme?
price range same as OP
>recommend me a good bike
>my budget is 1 wheel

You people crack me up every time.
Also you will not ride 400 km in a day, and if you're talking about multi-day tours, that's a strange number to stop at.
If you want to do any rocky rides then get mtb. Over time you can just buy a second set of wheels and swap them when you gonna hit the road.

Gravel is a meme. Wide tire makes you slow on the road and no suspension makes it unbearable on anything more than flat / sandy forest roads
not everyone's a spandex wearing faggot
Gravel is quite a broad term. They're hybrid bikes. They're somewhere between a touring bike and a mountain bike. There is no standard gravel bike. Some have 3 chainrings, while others 1. Most but not all have a lot of attachment points to carry bags. They usually have no suspension. Steel frames are common, but aluminum or carbon also exists.

I don't mind taking my gravel bike through the occasional muddy path, but it is certainly not made for extreme mountain biking or technical tracks. They're made for long distance unhardened but non-technical paths.

Meanwhile mountain bikes have gotten more specialized over the years. Can't really imagine doing long tours with one of them.
>Wide tire makes you slow
now this is a meme.
what about this one? https://www.decathlon.com/products/triban-grvl120-gravel-bike
do you think it's good? i had a 500€ MTB from decathlon which was shit, i literally couldn't go up 8% incline on it lol. and i drove sub 80€ bikes before for uber eats with no problems

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