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Climate change really bums me out
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Climate Change shifted snow season into Spring
its gonna be another thunderstorm tomorrow, i dont really have to be anywhere, but its annoying
>Climate change really bums me out
You must have a tremendously comfy life if climate change is even on your radar.
It will be on everyone’s radar eventually
We'll all be dead by then, but it is absolutely inevitable at this point.
I do, can't lie about that. But still, anytime I go to a new national park, or see a cool animal somewhere I'm reminded of the fact that the landscape is changing for the worse and the population of those animals is plummeting.
>We'll all be dead by then
are... are you this stupid? the main threat wont be rising sea levels or wild fires, it will be a refugee crises on a scale not seen since the black plague
Eco-fascism is the environment's only hope, gay race communism won't solve the problem.
The main threat will be crop failures
>hot as hell
>still more thunderstorms
Fucking hell just give me rainy gloomy weather I am used to, not make it so hot
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>But the people are retarded
Most are emotional rather than rational. Or bots, they mimic fools perfectly.
It did and it's gay.
Climate change is natural and inevitable. It's being blamed for problems that are actually caused by overpopulation and unrestricted immigration.
I thought climate change doesn't real? Now it's "oh yeah it's happening but it's natural"? Kek
Climate always changes you fucking retard. Trying to hold up a natural phenomena is delusional as trying to shoot a fucking hurricane.
Climate change is directly related to deforestation of coastal and intermountain rainforests as well as the filling of wetlands. Coastal construction also puts yard and street chemicals directly into the waterways, untreated, which acidifies the oceans and kills the algae blooms.

The gulf of Mexico is nearly completely dead.

C02 is a result of the problem.
>It just changes dude you can't do anything
You lack the intellectual capacity to make this argument. The natural earth cycles are tied to the solar cycles. Our Sun is a cepheid with an 11 expansion/contraction duration. Earth also has a variable axis, not just the magnetic but the centripetal pole moves which also impacts the long cycles.

You also have meteors that hit at irregular intervals like the one that hit Xinjaing arguably inspiring all the flood myths.

All of this impacts the "weather"

However you fuck faced retard with zero comprehension of scalar systems:

Trees and wetlands act as buffers as well as nucleate clouds. You can directly show that thinner trees and reduced wetland coverage makes weather systems more chaotic and extreme--which is what we're seeing.

It's not C02: It's coastal rainforest logging, the filling of wetlands, and human settlements on water -- houses and concrete replaced the plants that used to filter the water before it hit the oceans.

All of this shit is obvious as fuck but the timber cartels and energy cartels have mind fucked you idiots with decades of propaganda you idiots literally think cutting down a tree is good for the tree.
Great breakdown, feels like people rarely speak to the root of the problem (coastal rainforests and wetlands)

>kills the algae blooms
I thought algae blooms were bad though and released toxins that kill fish?

>gulf of Mexico is nearly completely dead
Do you have more info on that?
>Gulf of Mexico
It's called the "Guld of Mexico Dead Zones" and I'm not sure how much information you're looking for. As usual with anything environmental there is a lot of well poisoning around the facts. The mid west is one giant watershed that drains into the gulf of mexico and it's loaded with wastewater from industreal farming and cities.


As for the algea blooms: the ones that cause problems bloom in high tempatures and feed on shitty polluted water. The healthy green algae is repelled by polluted water.
Interesting, thanks anon. So if I have this right, it's the fertilizers farmers use all running off into the water that are causing this nutrient overload which allow bacteria to overpopulate an area and use up all the oxygen in the water, therefore killing animal life?
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Read some Arne Naess. His thought has helped me to deal with how climate change makes me feel. There is no point of no return.
Jasper is burning down right now and I feel pretty horrible. Warmer winters had the pine beetles kill more trees and they just burned like tinder. I was going to go camp by Jacques lake in August.
Anthropogenic climate change is hysterically over-rated. Cosmic and solar influences first, then geologic, and finally biologic, which would include humans.
Climate stasis doesn't exist. Climate balance is a hoax.
Tertiary influence, and a self-regulating mechanism. Higher CO2 equals more forests.
Tell me more
Fact free post
You are close but you're ignoring the elephant in the room

90% of all old growth forests are gone, coastal and intermountain all American (north and south and central) rainforests are less than 50% of the biomass they were 200 years ago (before north America was slash and burned and the beaver population was reduced 98%) and north America has less than 60% of the original forest cover it did 150 years ago.

Something like 80% of all coastal wetlands have been filled as well as all of the midwest rivers have been turned from chains of beaver dams and wetlands to concrete drainage.

Climate change in our era is directly caused by the filling of wetlands and logging of coastal and intermountain rainforests.

The only people that won't admit this are logging cartels and retarded boomers who believe all the lies and bullshit the logging cartels and land developers shove down their throats.
>Trees magically grow when the C02 increases
You can't be this retarded?
The real world isn't fucking minecraft dumbfuck.
It takes a forest decades and in some cases a century to recover enough to actually capture enough C02 to impact weather cycles.

Also Forests nucleate clouds and act as a weather buffer. When you remove buffers the sytem moves to the extremes... which is what we are seeing.

It isn't a tertiary or even secondary cause you mouth breahting retard:

#1 cause of weather pattern change is deforestation

#2 is filling of wetlands

#3 is you're fucking retarded.
Only talking about measured Temperature:
the 2020 data is too high because of how and where they take the measurements but the 1920 data is too low for the same reason.

It's mind boggling that everyone forgets about the great dustbowl around the 30s that was caused by the entire midwest being converted from loosely connected forests and wetlands that dominated the Great Midwest Drainage basin to farming and grazing for non native species.

We literally have an example in our ERA of major climate change resulting from human activity.
I am fairly certain 'global warming' and 'climate change' is specifically overhyped so we ignore the real problem, which is pollution. Fucking trash is EVERYWHERE
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>the 2020 days is too high because of how and where they take the measurements
Perhaps you are one of those people who think that climate scientists have never heard of an urban heat island?
If this is indeed your way of thinking, I recommend this short article:
And as an aside, the dust bowl was nothing like the climate change that we are experiencing now. We have temperature data from that time and the dust bowl wasn't even a blip on the radar outside of a small section of America. The area of the world affected by the dust bowl could be covered with a postage stamp on a globe.
Climate change is real and a natural process that has been going on since the earth was formed.

Anthropogenic climate change is a lie told by climate activists to control your behavior
Natural climate change happens over the course of hundreds and thousands of years, not decades.
>is a lie told by climate activists to control your behavior
this is maga-tier cognitive dissonance
I was talking about climate change, thanks for proving my point. A major section of land covering Five states was covered in the fallout from the complete climate shift of the midwest after the coastal and inland forests were decimated.
I think you're either really dumb or a complete liar if you're trying to pigeon hole what I said about the 1930s temperature plot into urban heat zones.
You can directly correlate the removal of wetlands and thinning of forests from 1700 to today to the shift in weather patterns in north America.

It's not really about min or max temperatures at all--it's about the shifts in where the averages fall.

North america gets "about" the same amount of rain but now it gets it all in the spring and fall instead of being evenly distributed about the fall and all summer is drought--that's climate change not an overall aggregate temperature increase.
>Anthropogenic climate change is the truth heavily manipulated by mega corporations to tie man made pollution and weather pattern changes to C02 instead of deforestation and the filling of wetlands.
>North america gets "about" the same amount of rain but now it gets it all in the spring and fall
>looks outside
this is not a factual statement. be more specific or at least be factual
Agreed with what you say about the wetland and forest stuff. How do the melting ice caps fit into all this then? Is that from the CO2? Also I'm a bit of a smoothbrain, I read something that mentioned water vapor is more of an issue than CO2 is as far as greenhouse gasses are concerned, what is your take on that?
>I am fairly certain 'pollution' is specifically overhyped so we ignore the real problem, which is overpopulation and migration. Fucking brown biomass is EVERYWHERE
If eugenics doesn't manage to enter the public discourse soon, I don't see any reason to be mad at the likes of Schwab and Gates anymore.
Not that guy but even though water vapor is a powerful greenhouse gas the amount in the atmosphere doesn't change much--once enough vapor accumulates it just turns into rain. The average water molecule spends 9 days in the atmosphere before it becomes rain. CO2 can stay in the atmosphere for hundreds of years.
This. It's funny how anthropocentric humans are. They overbreed like bunnies due to agriculture and cheap fuels, but it will be their time to go the way dinosaurs went. Let's see how the agriculture works for them in less than stable climate and what their ancestors are going to be. Maybe the octopi overlords of the future will have human farm animals and breed humans for meat and eggs.

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