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Does anyone here ever stop at paid campsites, i know most people here are super into wild camping but for some trips it can be more relaxing camping in a managed site, usually it's cheaper and better than a hotel or motel, sleeping bags are much cosier than the shitty beds they have.
I can just hear the dogs barking, kids screaming, and generators running. Honestly, you can get any positive you get from managed sites just driving into National Forest and setting up shop miles from anyone else.
Yep, I rent one from time to time if I'm feeling lazy and don't want to look around for a good spot.
Do they not have backcountry sites where you're at?
Smaller sites seem to be ok usually only other people who respect eachother and like camping
I live in california so they are not total shitholes, even so I go in off seasons or to ones that NO ONE goes to.
they are good if I'm just out fucking around with friends, otherwise I dont go to em
You must just suck at picking places because I go a couple times a year and never had this issue. Did have a much of Mexicans having a good time a few years ago but they quieted down at the posted quiet time.
Norcal or socal?
Lake Amador, total shit.
Lake Pardee, great when its not busy, closed to camping this year though.
Only a few miles apart
I am not going to pay to sleep on the fucking earth
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The places I pick are friggin awesome. This is because I don't pay to camp and have a 4x4.
>t. "stealth camps" in a sewer drain
Oh yes you will
must be homeless
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For all of the East vs West bullshit we see posted here, this thread proves no one on /out/ has ever travelled by plane for a hike.
yup. taking my 10yr old kiddo car camping later this week in a NF forest campground. Its a nice little campgrpund right on a creek and will be perfect for her first camping experience
I avoid them. There's almost always some shitskin blasting music.
Posted quiet times are too late, usually 10 PM or something like that. It should be sunset.
It's probably easier for them having a set time rather than having to go out whenever sunset is that day
I was looking for fishing spots a few weeks ago and found a site several miles into a state forest, it's hard on a creek which is cool. Going to go back in the fall and stay for a weekend.
I used to sleep in my truck at paid campsites when traveling for concerts and stuff because most hotels won't let you get a room if you're under 21. They're nice for what they are
To expand in this:
The logistics of getting to a trailhead in another part of the country often necessitate accommodations before starting a hike (or fishing trip, hunt, climb, bird watch probably, ski trip, and so on). It’s often infeasible to fly, take a shuttle, and get started in the afternoon.

My trips are all hikes. After landing, I have to Uber (or take transit) to someplace that sells fuel for my stove. Then I have to take a private shuttle (or a bus one time) to the park. The airport, the Walmart that sells fuel, and the bus stop aren't at the trailhead.

A private shuttle can get you straight there, but if it’s a park that requires you stay in designated sites then you’re rolling the dice with being able to make it on time, and you’re pigeon holed into the route you take. Driving yourself faces similar hurdles, though obviously not as dire.

The obvious, easy solution is to get to the park and stay in one of the campgrounds that night. You can then start as soon as you’d like. Another night at the campground after the hike will s pretty much necessary as well (plus they have showers, lol).

Hotels work too, obviously, but they’re very expensive in peak seasons around national parks. They’re sometimes a better solution for this particular problem. It just depends on the location and how much is in your budget.

>nice blog post
all of that area is too hot 5 me
and also why when you are so close to the mountains just go up there instead
Yes. Can be comfy, I do it mostly because I have a kid and it's an easy way to be outdoors with them. Have some beers, grill some bacon wrapped dogssss
t. paycuck
>t. hasn't purchased a coffee in two years, only drinks the dregs he finds in trash cans
Imagine paying to sleep in the woods
Imagine being dumb enough to think the fee is for sleeping
Usually the first night out of the season I'll do a small 5-site NF campground half an hour from home. If any equipment somehow failed in winter storage there's my car, outhouse, bear box, fire ring so it doesn't matter. It's at elevation so I'll go in April/early May while the nights are still chilly, usually got it to myself. Always a comfy start to the year, drag out the cast iron, make stew, toss a line in the creek, whittle
I agree with both of you. Maybe 8pm to allow families to wrap up dinner.
I used to, like, fifteen years ago, in upstate NY/Vermont. Shit was different then, though, you could book a site day of, or even just show up, it'd cost under $20, and you'd sometimes have the whole campground to yourself, or just about. I also used to use camp grounds instead of hotels, especially while road tripping. It's so crowded now, and the prices have gone up significantly, I won't bother with established paid sites anymore.
They can clean their shit up in silence. When the sun goes down, it's time to sleep, at least, it is while you're camping.
You're arguing with the resident /out/ retard. Stop giving him attention.
You're a dumb no fun faggot. That's prime hanging by the fire time
Quiet times should be every hour of the day. Hate inconsiderate fuckheads making all kinds of noise for no reason.
Depends what you're doing most people just do it for relaxation, ofc you'd want to be up super early if you're hiking a long distance but most people would prefer staying up having a fire and drinking beer
It's usually not too bad on small sites, the worst thing is when your favourite area becomes a tourist hotspot and becomes swarmed with normie retards who leave their shit all over
You mean you don't like hearing the top 100 from a cheap bluetooth speaker?
Fuck you nigger. I don’t care if the fee is for maintenance or whatever. Not paying.
Not staying, either. I kick squatters out of paid sites multiple times a year
No it fucking isn’t, but thanks for letting us know you’ve never been camping with family or friends.

Nighttime is for star gazing, watching eyes in the bushes, finding spiders with a flashlight, chatting by the fire, roasting marshmallows, telling stories, and drinking and laughing until someone farts loudly then laughing even harder.
I enjoy that too, though you don't have to be noisy while doing so. Also, I generally find that I settle into waking and getting sleepy in line with the rise and fall of the sun pretty quick when I'm camping. It just feels natural. The same doesn't seem to be true for everyone, and it sucks to be around loud people late at night in a campground.
For me it's shitty raggeton
literally why
the entire point of /out/ing is to get away from people and see nature. guess what you're gonna see in a designated tourist destination
Am I the only one who knows about single rented sites away from other people? Seems like nobody here has them in their state/region/hellhole
Still related to /out/, wild camping isn't legal in a lot of places and while you won't get caught most the time it's good to just relax sometimes, it's not like camping in sites costs a lot
Not everyone I go with can deal with true innawoods. When I can, I go spend a week up by China Peak by Huntington lake.
>Am I the only one who knows about single rented sites away from other people? Seems like nobody here has them in their state/region/hellhole
The innawoods part of /out/ are not very smart. They think you either go deep into the brush, off trail (aka 30 minutes from your truck) or you sleep at a car camping place. There's no inbetween. There's no designated camping spot. There are no lean-toos on the AP. It's either cut down your own clearing or a tent next to a car.
In my country the majority of people stay in either designated campsites or backcountry huts. Some areas are so sparsely populated that it's common to have an entire campsite/hut to yourself.

Pic related is all within 2-3 hours of where I live
Never. If you like it, go ahead, but to me it just takes away everything I enjoy about hiking.
My back and hips are messed up from my time in the military, so sleeping on the ground really doesn’t make for good experiences anymore. We bought a scamp 16 and we camp in National or state parks and only do private campgrounds if there are no other options. Gives us a way to bring our 22 month old camping with a quiet cool dark place for her nap.
>I enjoy about hiking.
>not the same as camping

I took my 10yr old out the other night for her first night ever camping. It was awesome. Had s'mores the whole deal. We took a day hike and then had a cozy camp to come back to right on the creek. The campgrpund was chill and no knucleheads. Car camping can be awesome- its not either/or but both car camping and backpacking have their place.
I hope you have many more such great trips, anon.

paid campsites are typically overprovisioned to maximize revenue. It would have to be weird situation that someone is charging for camping but at the same all sites have ample room and privacy.

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