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Old thread: >>2733343

This is a thread for enjoying a pipe while doing outdoor activities. If you ask why this belongs on /out/, you've never spent an evening by the campfire with a pipe silently enjoying the nature around you, and you're missing out.

>how to get started
Purchase a Missouri Meerschaum Legend and a pouch of Half and Half or Captain Black tobacco, available at most smoke shops. You will need a lighter or match, and something to tamp it with--a large nail works well if you don't have a pipe tool. Fill the pipe with tobacco, pack it down halfway, top it off, pack it down to 3/4, top it off again, pack gently and enjoy. Smoke slower than you think you need to, the tobacco tastes best when it is burning cool. Tamp and re-light as needed. If you still have trouble, try different methods on YouTube until you find one that works for you.

>smoking a pipe will give you cancer
While any tobacco consumption comes with some risk, the cancer risks from occasional pipe use are pretty minimal. Educate yourself and make your own informed health decisions. Some info here https://aacrjournals.org/cancerpreventionresearch/article/10/12/704/46541/Association-between-Cigar-or-Pipe-Smoking-and

>muh weed
Not the time or place. Start your own thread

Then leave the thread. Pipes have been a part of outdoors culture for centuries. If you don’t like it, leave.
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Just purchased my prettiest pipe yet. A Savinelli Sigla bent billiard. The walls are T H I C C. The bowl has a cool asymmetrical, yet smooth, wavy look. Really nice vertical grain around the bowl too. Blows my Dunhill and Castello pipes out of the water, and for less than half the price.
A link to the specs
Been getting into VaPers lately, really like Elizabethan and just tried Escudo Navy Deluxe. Quite good, Got the urge to retry some Capstan Blue I bought and didn't care for when I started 2 summers ago. After 2 years in a mason jar and getting a taste for VaPers hot damn that Capstan was nice. Like it more than the Opening Night an anon recommended I try. Looking forward to aging it to see how it opens up.
I feel the same way about Capstan. Bought some in January and it was meh. Not bad (there’s only one tobacco I’ve ever had that I thought was legitimately bad), but it was boring compared to other straight Virginias I had. Jarred it up for half a year and had some over the weekend. It’s really good now. Kinda like Orlik but less acidic and more bready.
Got some Plum Pudding for the first time since 2021… it’s STILL the most inconsistent tobacco from tin to tin I’ve ever had. The cheesy “oriental funk” and vinegar is gone. It’s now mostly latakia aroma. I complained about the last tins I got in 2021 because it smelled and tasted like it had very little, if any, latakia in it. Now it smells like there’s too much latakia. I just compared my new tin to the old tins I had jarred up, and they smell like completely different blends. The old tins are sharp, sour, and tangy, with just a hint of smokiness. The new one is mostly smoky with just a bit of sweetness and tang. I just want it to taste and smell like the very first tin of it I had. Seriously the most magical tobacco I’ve ever smoked. Partially because it was while resting at one of my favorite hiking spots, but mostly because of the insane exotic flavor. I don’t know. Maybe I’ll just blend the two together and balance them out.
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Bought an unsmoked "vintage" Ropp standard that I found (more available). Cherrywood branches fashioned into a pipe. People say they are good smokers once you've got a decent cake on them so I will proceed sensibly. I would like to find more info out about these pipes, like when Ropp stopped making them, so I can age it, but I don't hold out much hope. Maybe I can email them but that would be extra effort from me and them.
I havnt been smoking for like, a year, but I still carry the good old "Czech tool" moat usefully tool of my life, reset fire alarms, screwdriver, undoing the pins on radiators, baking, hell, given enough time you could probably pick locks with it
Anything that needs scraped, tampered, scooped or poked (not your mom) this bitch will do it
>34€ for a 50g tin
Yeah ok, fuck you too, Macron.
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i just use one of these
Just found out the more expensive corncob pipes are just the same as the the cheap ones with a polished finish. So basically I wasted money.

It's £21 per 50g tin here in the UK.

Surprised how cheap it is compared to Ireland and Australia. Think I might have to stock up before the price skyrockets under our new anti-tobacco government.
Oh, you don't like what I like? Ree in fact?
What if I 3d printed a lighter sleeve with integrated poker and tamper but with a pepe on it
Big yikes Lil' Tikes
Come on, it's just a joke. That being said, you have any reason to be uncomfortable for being joked about your sexuality?
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>What if I 3d printed a lighter sleeve with integrated poker and tamper but with a pepe on it
Shit, I’d buy it for the novelty. Kinda like that Stampede Kek pipe tobacco.
>Go backpacking w/ dog
>Bring Gandalf pipe because I'm a tryhard faggot
>Walking through a bunch of dead trees
>Suddenly get swarmed with hornets because they love nesting in the soft wood
>Whip out trusty pipe
>Load it
>Start puffing like a choo choo train, not even really inhaling
>Smoke drives off the hornets
>Have to haul ass for over a mile spewing a smokescreen to keep them off me
>It worked, didn't get stung once

I never go hiking without a pipe now
>Then the park ranger & Yogi clapped
Would have been gold to watch.
I tried JM Boswells northwoods last night, I bought one of their 3oz jar deals. My initial impressions were not great, the tin note was off putting to me, it had a strangely chemical smell, though I'm not sure if this had anything to do with it being packed in the jar it came in instead of a tin. For the first quarter or so of the bowl i was pretty underwhelmed, while smooth the smoke didn't seem particularly complex or flavorful, and I had a difficult time picking out any notes.
However, after a relight after the first quarter of the bowl, the flavors of the latakia and cavendish became much more distinct and pleasant, and seemed to come in waves of one then the other. I'll definitely be giving it another try, it seems like it might be a good introduction to english blends for people who have only smoked aromatics. The tin note is still strange to me and is probably still my biggest gripe
Anyone have crumble cake blend recommendations? I really like plum pudding, and the crumble cake seems to smoke really nicely if I just kind of pull off a piece, roll it, and stuff it
Yeah, same with Countryside too. Just tried them for the first time on Sunday. People always rave about Frog Morton and how Northwoods, Countryside, and Country Squire’s Shepherds Pie are close to the Frog Morton blends, but all of them have too much cavendish and flavoring for my tastes. They aren’t “bad”, just not to my liking. There are English blends with cavendish that are really good like Arango Balkan Supreme, My Mixture 965, and Plum Pudding, but the chemical-y flavoring is too much.
>Chemical-y flavour
I've been smoking 365 for a while now, it's my go-to blend and I never let it run out. But also I've been smoking the plainest single-tobacco blends on earth, so I can sense what you're saying. It does feel like a concoction compared to a pure VA, the smell and the almost intoxicating flavour, but I still can't stop buying another tin when the time comes to stock up. What is your recommendation for a "good" English to try after Mixture 365 (and Nightcap)? It's clear to me that the English blend is an excellent genre of the pipe tobacco world.
Bengal Slices is pretty similar to Plum Pudding. For a Virginia/Burley crumble cake, Briar Fox is really good after a year or so of age.
Maltese Falcon by GL Pease is the best one I've tried yet, and 965 and Nightcap were my favorites before I found that. I have a tin of Squadron Leader I haven't cracked open yet, heard good things about that blend
After hearing people rave about Northwoods I was expecting something more in the realm of Nightcap so I was surprised too. Definitely more cavendish than I was expecting. Their Military Force blend is similar with much more cavendish. I like Northwoods and Countryside but they are definitely a step closer to aromatics than they are English blends. Sometimes Northwoods is just what I'm in the mood for, and Countryside is a nice light sunny day blend when I don't want a virginia or VaPer
Canadian here thinking about ordering bulk tobacco from 4noggins.Anything I need to know before ordering, like how to try to slip my package past customs.
I've heard from anons on here that 4nogs is based and ships "hobby supplies" but that is just stuff I've read on this board over the years. Someone else might have personal experience. Just a thought, tinned tobacco might have less odor emanating from the box and might be easier to get through.
According to the last few threads Canadian customs has caught on to the "hobby supplies" charade. Idk how Canadian law treats religious exemptions for tax and possession, but in the US for example drugs like peyote are legal and untaxed if you're using it for religious purposes.
Is Shepards Pie good? How does it compare to the other two you mentioned? I just ordered some after reading this post. Never tried CS blends before.
Anybody tried that yet?
It’s good. Less sweetened black cavendish than Northwoods and Countryside. The only problem is that it’s kinda inconsistent from baggy to baggy. They blend it by hand in their shop, so there’s bound to be inconsistency. The first time I bought some it was heavy on the black cavendish, like Northwoods and Countryside. The next two times there was a lot less black cavendish, and it actually reminded me a lot of Arango Balkan Supreme, which also has a bit of black cavendish.
Oh, if you do start exploring Country Squire blends, try Cowboy Coffee. I could honestly probably smoke that everyday. Virginia, dark fired Kentucky, and a bit of brown cavendish. It has a really nice brown sugar, slightly smoky, slightly herbal flavor going on. Definitely my favorite from them.
Little question from a pipe Virgin: how much does smoking pipe influence your cardio? In the gymfag sense. Is it as bad as cigarettes or worse or better? If it’s different, how? Thanks in advance
It shouldn't really, you're not inhaling the smoke. The nicotine might affect blood flow or something but only if you had a smoke right before your cardio, which would be a strange choice
As >>2753719 said, you don't inhale pipe tobacco (don't try it), so there's negligible effect on one's cardiovascular system.

If you had a pipe hanging out of your mouth all day like a lot of people did in the early 20th century, it probably would have a negative effect, but if you're smoking a bowl a day, I can't see it having any effect.
Thanks, I'll check that out on my next order. They also have some Gordon Pym in stock, I mentioned that having Syrian Latakia a few threads back. Snagged 2 tins just to have, not even gonna smoke them for a while.
smoking tobacco is bad for you. but thats a damn nice skinboat in OP
Another virgin smoker here.
Does the stinging in the mouth dissipate over time or should I suck it up?
>should I suck it up?
Opposite actually, you are probably smoking too fast, getting your ember too hot
Also remember, relighting your pipe is perfectly normal, someone says otherwise they are a clown
Thanks my man
Your blend might also be too wet or one that isn't very beginner friendly.
To add to this, cavendish tends to smoke hot, especially if its particularly wet as >>2753967 said. Virginias also tend to smoke hot because of the sugar content. Try allowing your tobacco to dry for a bit. I find blends that are not ribbon cut to smoke cooler when rolled and stuffed rather than rubbed out
Just got some Lamb with Jam from them today too. Awesome, awesome blend. I might like it more than Cowboy Coffee desu. It’s dark burley, dark fired Kentucky, and Virginia, BUT they blend it with mint tea bags, so the tobacco gets some of the essence of the mint. It doesn’t really taste minty, but it feels minty, like how it feels after you floss with mint flavored floss. Flavor wise it tastes like an earthier, less sweet Cowboy Coffee.
To be fair, all tobacco stung when I first started smoking a pipe, even though I smoke the exact same way now as I did then. I think there’s definitely a chemical change or something that your mouth has to get used to when you first start piping. So if you are smoking correctly and it’s still stinging, wait a month or so. Just be sure you are smoking correctly.
Eating mint fucks your swimmers up, Im not sure if smoking it is the same.
>military personal have double the normal rates of infertility.
>might be too wet
It might also be too dry. Try that one on for size newbie.

But like others have said, smoke it slow and cool, and don't be afraid to let it go out, because you will find your stride. It's like learning to play a (relatively simple) instrument -- at first you're humming and harring over it, but then you just start playing it the way it wants to be played.

I've only been doing it a year, and now I smoke my pipes from top to bottom in 1-2 lights, and I smoke it cool.
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There are such great moments with this hobby. I bought this Ropp Standard and it was unsmoked. Did some research and learned that it was definitely made before 1991 (when the brand was incorporated into a wider pipe-making company), so basically it was a virgin pipe of at least 33 years of age.

I sat down, packed it carefully with a mellow virginia blend, and smoked it nice and slow. It caught the flame easily, built up a solid ember that lasted throughout, and stayed cool. It also stayed very dry, so much so that I smoked it 12 hours later and again it stayed dry. Breaking in a 30+ year old pipe is a nice feeling for sure.
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me jelly
They're on Etsy, maybe 6 more to choose from. Coming from the UK, but pipes are cheap to ship. I paid £40/60 bucks.
Forgot how good Arango Balkan Supreme is. Need to buy a couple pounds of it.
try some borkum riff. its the single most smokeable pipe tobacco for beginners out there.
my captain black dried out and now it tastes awful
any other good tobaccos in that style or do I just repurchase CB
Captain Black can dry out?!?! Lane 1Q is close to Captain Black. 7 Seas as well, though I’ve never tried it.
I didn't fully close the bag and it's been sitting in my desk in my room for a month in high heat (i hate summer)
I'll lok into those two, thanks
Wait do you normally inhale?
pure h2o baby
Does it have to be JUST tobacco? Inb4 dude weed. I wanted to try Passion flower and lions tail. Something to give a mild euphoric buzz but not be high from. I was gonna try this as a blend in a paper, but I suppose a pipe could be enjoyable too after hiking up a mountain.
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>roughly 50 jars
>about 20 unopened tins
I uh… I got problems.
Not to worry, I can help take a few of those off your hands. Seriously though, I'm jealous. I'm slowly working on a cellar, bringing more of things I enjoy when I try something new. Since you've got quite the selection, what would your top 5 picks be? The things you seem to always find yourself coming back to, and why
Newbie here. What can you guys tell me about flavouring my tobacco? I chucked a handful of cloves in my jar and it's given a slight flavour to the tobacco, but every now and then the bowl will crackle and I will realize I have just smoked a whole clove. Should I have kept the cloves in a thin bag or does it not matter? People say you can smoke herbs and spices but then again people also eat tide pods... any tips?
Peterson Elizabethan
Elizabethan just hits all the right spots for me. Citrusy, toasty, spicy, and a bit earthy. I could smoke it any time of day and any time of year.
WhiteKnight/Sutliff Balkan Sobranie Match (same blend pretty much)
Perfectly balanced. Woody, smoky, fragrant, buttery. The only thing I’d put close to it is Arango Balkan Supreme.
>Burley based
Peterson Irish Flake
It’s woody, earthy, sweet, a bit tangy, slightly smoky, and it packs a big nicotine kick. Same components as HH Old Dark Fired, but I like this more.
C&D Autumn Evening
I’ve never really had a bad aromatic, but I’ve found that most black cavendish aromatics taste too similar to pick one over anoth. For example, Captain Black tastes like Lane RLP6 tastes like Boswell No Bite Delite, etc. What makes Autumn Evening different is that it uses red Virginia cavendish, and the maple/butterscotch topping is relatively unique (not your typical vanilla/caramel/cocoa topping). And it really is great in the autumn.
>Straight Virginia
GL Pease Union Square
Fresh it’s just alright, but with a year and a half of age it gets rich, deep, sweet, and smooth. Has the best mechanics out of any of the straight Virginia flakes I’ve smoked.
Does anyone know if you need to break in a refurbished pipe from somewhere like smokingpipes?
Cloves are smokable. Indonesians make cigarettes with a clove/tobacco blend.
>C&D Autumn Evening
I hear a lot online about Autumn Evening. It's one that comes up consistently on people's aromatic list. I'm a leaf, too, so the maple sounds pretty good (I boil my own sap to make syrup; I enjoy a lot of maple syrup). With fall coming up, maybe I should get a few ounces.
I have a strange relationship with pipe smoking. I only ever yearn for a pipe on weekend or when I'm on holiday. On days I'm in the office and have work, even if it's the next day, I don't want one.

Not sure why. I think it's got something to do with being in the corporate environment mentally meaning I feel like I have to conform.
Anon thank you for telling me about Shepards Pie. Hot damn that is a good smoke. I have to say as far as English blends go its that and Maltese Falcon in the lead. It has everything I love about Maltese Falcon with a pinch of cavendish sweetness. Love it, certainly beats the Boswell's blends. I have some Cowboy Coffee on the way. Should get here next week. I think I have a problem, this will make 27 different blends in my cellar.
Its an excellent addition to sitting outside relaxing, if you're busy all day I can see not really having the urge to sit and smoke
Its definitely worth a try
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I have a tight budget and just got a cob. Where can I buy cheap pipe tobacco in bulk online? I read the cheapest ones online like picrel are for ryo cigarettes and would ruin a pipe. Is this true? I prefer no aromatic smells, thank you.
2 questions: why do you want lots of cheap tobacco in bulk, and why, if you dont know what youre doing or should be buying, are you opposed to aromatics?
Also, dont smoke that shit, buy actual pipe tobacco
You can get quality bulk for relatively cheap. Don’t waste your time with that junk. I tried some when I first started smoking, and it was awful. Didn’t ruin my pipe, but it tastes like cardboard. If you want a beginner friendly tobacco that’s cheap and good quality, get something like this:
There’s a ton of quality bulk tobaccos that run in the $40/16oz range.
welp, it's a sad day in British history. The Labour government has announced that tobacco will be banned from being sold to future generations.
hopefully exports can support the industry
I am just a poor person who likes the pure tobacco taste instead of anything artificial.
That's still 4x of the ryo "pipe tobacco" I found. But I guess I have to invest at least that much to make pipe smoking enjoyable.Thanks
There is no single "pure tobacco taste," and most aromatics add scent more than they add flavor
4noggins has some good bulk prices too for good tobacco. If you like pure tobacco taste try an English blend. I've heard the becks ol' limey bastard you can order on 4noggins is pretty good. English blends are a great place to start
That $40 dollar "investment" is half a years worth of great tobacco, or you could smoke two years worth of regret.
Life is too short to smoke shitty tobacco anon
Just found my favorite bulk Virginia. Sutliff 507C. Legitimately thinking about buying like 5 pounds. If you like Orlik, this is very comparable, just a bit less sweet. Bright, citrusy, grassy, and a bit woody. Also comparable to Dan Tobacco Hamborger Veermaster.
Thanks. If I buy a bunch of of these, how long can I store them without spoiling them?
Tinned tobacco will last years and only gets better with age, I'm not sure if the bulk is sold in tins. If its not, and regardless once a tin is opened, store in a mason jar, it will also last a long time
A century or more if you vacuum seal it, a few years if you keep it in a unsealed mason jar.
Even in an unsealed mason jar it would last a decade or two.
I don't own a pipe but I own multiple books on coracles
very cool, would smoke on one.
i smoked homegrown tobacco. there definitely is a pure tobacco taste. but commercial tobacco always has some casing required by law.
There are different varieties of tobacco, so no, there isn't a single "pure tobacco" taste, like I said.
Last wekk I bought three packs of snuff and I have been enjoying it, anyone else in the thread also uses it?
just got a falcon Shillelagh with a hyperbole rustic bowl
so far its smoking great, need more dryfilters though, only got 2 right now & with one being used
If you have some pipe cleaners I hear they work just as well.
i made a few rings outta those just in case, but i don't know if they'll really work well enough, being different materials
time will tell if they do, and if so, then i got more than i'll ever need, lol
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These would be my recommendations for bulk/everyday blends for each main category. These represent my picks for Virginia, Burley, English/Balkan, and VA/Per respectively. I’ve decided on these four blends after trying close to 100 different blends. They can be bought for less than $50/pound and are readily available 80% of the time. I just purchased two pounds of each. My sampling journey has come to an end. I still have all those dozens of blends jarred up, and I will come back to them occasionally, but these will be my main rotation of blends for the foreseeable future. I haven’t decided on an aromatic I want to stock up on yet. It would between Cornell & Diehl Autumn Evening, or good ol’ Captain Black. I’m leaning towards Autumn Evening since it can be purchased in bulk, is cheaper per pound, and is higher quality leaf than Captain Black. Captain Black does provide that “classic” pipe smell that people think of when they think of pipe smoke, though.
Just mixed 2/5ths Black Cavendish into Bayou Morning, it's like smoking a snickerdoodle.
I keep meaning to buy a falcon since they look like the type of pipe you can throw in a backpack and not worry about. Plus, the option to change bowls on the fly is a nice idea while /out/.

How do you like it? How does it compare to a briar or cob? I now have 7 pipes, including a meer, so from now on I will prioritise in terms of specific functionality.
i only got it yesterday, but it seems fine, very easy to keep alight, with all the airflow
i've only really dealt with cobs & a clay, so i can't say i have a real opinion, but compared to a cob, it does actually seem easier to use though, the airflow seems to be the heaviest contributor to it, you can very gently smoke it without any effort, and even after an aggressive tamping, it doesn't want to go out
you definitely need the dry rings however, you can visibly see the droplets of moisture & tar in the chamber after a smoke, the few rings i made seem to be working fine
one thing of note, i do not know if its just the tobacco, as i also just got that the day ago (ran outta the stuff), but it seems to become wet extremely easily while smoking, i think its just that i haven't let it dry out though, still, i think that this style of pipe may have a particularly "aggressive" airflow during a smoke, that in some strange way, draws the moisture out, meaning this pipe may be best lent to a dry / low moisture tobacco, which isn't a bad thing mind you
its certainly a nice pipe, and would absolutely recommend it, at least from my limited experience so far
Thank you kind sir, I’ll try your recommendations
With all this bulk talk I'm curious; how is this packaged? Does it come in large tins or bags? I've been trying small tins of different blends and I haven't had a reason to buy any bulk so far
It comes in ziploc bags and you have to buy a case of mason jars to cellar it yourself.
I just use washed out food jars but I am going to smoke it within 3-6 months anyway. Is it really much better to have a fully airtight seal?
I am loving the process of making pipes. I made a whittled one that I posted last thread and made a smaller one last night to smoke on my breaks. I worked it smooth with my sanding belt and it looks pretty good to me.
What benefit is there in the acrylic mouth part? I have been hollowing out a single stick into a shank + end bit and cutting a bite into it. Sometimes a piece of tobacco or ash will find it's way up there.
If you don't have money but like making things then try making a pipe, it is a lot easier than you might think.
A few months back I bought a tub of Carter Hall and thought it was meh. Not bad, but not as good as everybody hyped it up to be for a codger blend. It was mainly the topping that threw me off. Well, I let the tub sit unsealed for about 3.5 months. The topping has almost completely disappeared and now smells of natural burley. It has the same notes as Solani Aged Burley Flake, just not nearly as smooth. I gotta say, it’s probably gonna take the top spot among codgers away from Prince Albert for me. Great with a cup of coffee.
I believe the decline in the popularity of pipes, aside from the impact of more stringent laws, coincides with the increase in the proportion of office jobs

pipe smoking, being inherently smelly and arguably dirty, fits well with manual and outdoor labor. the feminisation and domestication of the workplace mean that all smells are exaggerated and dirt is frowned upon
smoke a few times with a wood mouth part and you will understand real fast. it gets fucking disgusting after one session. thats why.
are you trying to tell me different tobacco strains dont taste like tobacco? you muppet.
Acrylic is easy to clean and doesn't have a taste, so using it as a mouth piece makes sense. You can also shape them if they're hot enough (boiling in water is the usual way to go)

Ironically, nicotine products, like Zyn, are more popular than ever in the office. People haven't given up nicotine, they just consume it in a way that's socially acceptable now. But nothing beats a pipe in terms of availability of flavours. Pipe tobacco is still surprisingly affordable, even with stringent laws. I import into Canada and even if I get dinged for taxes it's still the cheapest form of "nicotine product", if that's how we're classifying it.
Are you retarded on purpose or just by accident?
Virginias taste nothing like Orientals taste nothing like Burleys taste nothing like Perique tastes nothing like Latakia tastes nothing like Semois tastes nothing like Kentucky. Hell, Red Virginia, Brown Virginia and Bright Virginia all taste different.

Now, when you talk about a “pure tobacco” taste, I’ll assume you’re talking about a Virginia/Burley mixture, since those have been the most common mixtures in the US for over a century and is used in everything from pipe tobacco, to cigarettes, to gas station cigars.

A cheap but good VA/Bur is Virginia Gentleman from Cornell & Diehl. It’s a mix of Virginia, Burley, and a bit Oriental. It’s essentially a premium quality, high grade version of the mixture that would go into a Marlboro or Camel. Now, it doesn’t taste like a cigarette, but it has that grassy, toasty, nutty, woody, semi sweet flavor that can be seen as a “pure tobacco” taste.
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Kinda off topic, but I tried Zyn for the first time today. That shit damn near knocked me out. I thought my nicotine tolerance was high since I can smoke stuff like Haunted Bookshop, Irish Flake, Royal Yacht, HH Rustica, and even strong cigars like LFD Double Ligero and not feel anything, but damn. Zyn is no joke. Don’t take it at work like I did kek.
Side note, the company that makes ZYN, Swedish Match, also has a 49% stake in Scandinavian Tobacco Group, which makes many of our favorite blends. Just an interesting little fact.

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