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what does /out/ think of barefoot shoes? went hiking with friends recently and the fastest of the group wore barefoot hiking boots, and had no blisters either. are they the final redpill of boot threads?
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I like barefoot shoes and I think everyone should at least try them once. As an added bonus they make your feet strong, very strong.

Barefoot shoes are great, for almost any surface.
That said, I have the lower versions of the ones you posted, and the soles are too thick, the nubs in the profile cause weird pressure points on my feet.

Thinner more flexible soles are much, much more comfortable. I can walk around on rocks on thinner ones all day without issues.
They're never fucking durable if you actually go outdoors you'll break them so fucking fast they're just for little office pussies that never do any hard shit

Just be barefoot if you want the barefoot experience you nutless fags

real boots + actually barefoot

works great for me! pussies!!!
Fuck Xero and fuck minimalist footwear. I walk 12k steps a day in plush On Clouds or Skechers. And weekends spend in Hoka Clifton's and Bondis and runners. I'm 34 and manager 36 minute 5ks, I'm content. Biggest trek was Vivian Creek to San Gorgonio, 5000' across like 8 miles, tons of rocks. I love having max cushion

You do you
This. Stop being a pussy. Wear boots or don’t wear anything. Barefootpilled.
I might check out options when it's time for new boots but my toes really like having the extra room in Merrell trail runners & Luna sandals, the grip on the sandals is unreal on wet surfaces
Trump would get my vote for that vice nut
They are some of the best for barefoot. They wear a little fast and your wife will hate you if you step indoors with them. I'm trying a few other brands right now like freet and sole runner.
The nice thing is if you size up you can just add an insole and get the same comfort of your fat ass shoes for fat crews
I still wish someone made barefoot work boots with a thicker outsole. I don't need some gay barefoot feet.
Also worth mentioning this woman got 2800 miles on bedrock sandals >>2753216
>36 minute 5ks
Well, that's embarrassing.
>anon says he's content
>obviously doesn't base his happiness off of arbitrary requirements set by others
>try to make him feel bad anyway
But why
>they're just for little office pussies that never do any hard shit
thread ended here
I have two pairs of Saltic as daily shoes and am satisfied with them. I prefer the Fura model without the rubber band around the shoe, it can detach in stress points in the Outdoor model, especially if you buy a size you can wear with thick socks and then use thinner ones. Rubber also prevents perspiration and makes the shoes hotter.
I'm not convinced on the sole pattern Saltic uses.
>mascots of this sub.
Please clap for our keyboard champions.
I'm also going to start buying 10 pound Swiss made clown shoes.
It's 4chan where making 7 figures makes you a poorfag and not being able to trailrun K2 barefoot makes you a casual pleb
>woman got 2800 miles on bedrock sandals
>only the toes are worn
[x] doubt
i wish they made more rain boots with thin soles like this. the only examples i can find are in japan and theyre so narrow and small, ive got big honkin wide euro feet
vivoruns big, I have tried minimils, 5 fingers, merrels, xero, china stuff and vivo. they make great boots and only company id put over Bates minimils all have seen many miles but only xero has seen snow use so far since seasons...
You don't need more.
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>the soles are too thick, the nubs in the profile cause weird pressure points
yeah I was considering getting a pair of their trail runners to begin with, which have a much flatter sole. reason being I can get away with wearing them casually as well which gives me more time to get used to them.
Saltic ones have a flat pattern.
I own 3 pairs of barefoot shoes and i can tell you they are absolutley great. I don't use any boots, just low rise ones and they are more than sufficient. The freedom and flexibility they give you is other worldly, better balance, better awearness of what your feet are doing etc. Also my joints never hurt anymore. Greatly recomend, i will never go back
in my experience (i have aeveral pairs) this is not true.
Since he was using imperial measurements, one is forced to assume that 5k (no units given) refers to either inches, feet or miles, with the most realistic being feet.
A speed of 2.5 km/h isn't even a brisk walk.
I suppose steps would also be possible, but that's not really helpful as a measure of speed or distance without a stride length.
I like them when I'm traveling light but when I'm carrying a heavy ruck I like sturdier boots. Like other Anons pointed out they tend to not be very durable but if you're not a poorfag that's not a huge issue. Going actually barefoot is based but there are some circumstances where barefoot shoes are very nice to have, especially if you're wearing toe socks with them. I've been wanting to get into making my own moccasins but haven't made time for it yet. Ease into hiking/running barefoot if you're not used to it because the artificial support of shoes allows certain support muscles in your foot to atrophy and it can be really easy to overexert them at first.
Imagine not being able to walk across crushed gravel in bare feet. I know barely walking toddlers with tougher feet than most of these city dwelling larpers.
>5k (no units given) refers to
a 5km race, most typically. It's a standard length even in America where Imperial measurements are otherwise favored.
>city dwelling
I first got into barefoot running shoes when I lived innacity because my feet weren't adapting to the purple rock salt they put on the sidewalks in the winter. I was fine on gravel, coarse concrete, etc., but that purple salt was something else.
You a fucking pussy
yuck. do the leather ones have hydrophobic/lipophilic fabric too?
Feels great, you feel much more free.
I had to switch to my vibrams (camp shoes) on the second day because my boots were killing me on the first day and kept switching throughout the week (10 days).
I did one small peak in them and my feet were quite knackered from walking on all the rocks, definitely gives the feet a workout.
For fuck's sake, we need a better name for these things, you can't be barefoot in shoes. What's next, naked clothes?
"Minimalist" footwear is the more general term but barefoot shoes are generally understood to be a specific subset of minimalist shoes which mimic the barefoot experience as closely as possible while still providing a barrier between the foot and the ground, kind of a similar idea to the marketing of Trojan's Bareskin condoms.
they catch a lot of negative flak, but I've actually had very good experiences with more recent Xero shoes. The quality level seems to have improved. I say try it. my feet are very happy in them.
reminder that hydrophobic/lipophilic material will attract ankle biters
I am currently on a hike from key west to cape gaspe quebec, I have been wearing barefoot shoes since around Virginia, I have the trail glove 7s and I really like them
I find them to be very comfortable. If your muscles are up for it, the unrestricted feeling is just plain nicer than regular shoes. The lack of durability is an issue though, which is unavoidable without compromising the design.
My other issue is how many brands use designs that draw attention to their barefootness. I don't want to wear shoes that scream "LOOK AT ME, I'M A WEIRD HIPPY!" for fuck's sake. The wide toebox looks goofy enough as it is.
I'm young enough that my first pair of running-specific shoes were "barefoot", fucked up my shit pretty good lol
Wore them hiking on a whim because my normal hiking shoes tore my ankles to shreds on a particularly sandy hike the day before, never looked back
Do need to get microspikes and some waterproof socks for the winter, but have managed on the couple snowy hikes we have per year around here with just my trekking poles
works on my machine. sounds like the ones you bought are shit poorfag.
You took it easy on him. He’s a real fucking retard
Just going to throw my personal experience in here so enjoy the shitty blog
I bought some everyday barefoot shoes just to try the concept
I found it interesting, but had some pains starting out (mainly due to how I defaulted to walking with heel strike)
After about 6 months in everyday barefoot shoes I got some high ankle hiking barefoot shoes
They felt great and did the job, but I'd like to say there is a reason we developed cushioned shoes.
You can do the same distance in barefoot, but you have to train more to reach the same distances
It's not for no reason marathon races banned a type of cushioned shoes and not barefoot

Personally I enjoy barefoot shoes, but they don't have any real advantage for hiking imo
They just feel different to walk in.
I've hiked in normal shoes for 20 years before and it never stopped me from doing anything

Not sure if I'm going to get the next time I need new shoes, other than wanting a wider toe box like barefoot shoes have (you can get cushioned shoes with a wide toe box)
If you find a well made barefoot shoe you can always size up 1 and buy a fat insole to get the best of both worlds.
I understand your reasoning and mostly agree that you are going to heel strike at some point especially backpacking.
Something like belleville mini mil or vivobarefoot esc would be great for an insole as a more durable minimalist shoe with a good range of fit.
You dont do any hard outdoor shit, zero, none.
after leaving the army I started walking barefoot in my house because my foot got cramps after wearing boots for hours everyday. My foot are wider and I they no longer hurt. I also noticed calves and foot's muscles gains. I started wearing barefoot shoes to go outside to buy groceries or for driving and they are comfy af and very breathable. Wouldn't recomend them for running, standing still for long periods of time or for moving weight.
"Wouldnt recommend doing things with them" got it
That's about my experience except for running and standing. Running barefoot is just sensitive to form more so than walking. You can't tolerate a heel strike and you really need to build up to it. Most people prefer a minimalist shoe though with some low level of padding though, just to even out little rocks and such. Heavy loads are a similar issue. It's not really weight assuming you've built up your arches, it's all stuff you have to put your foot down on. In the gym, walking, even hiking? No issues if you can track your footfall. But unloading your truck when you have to balance a weird box while you jump down onto gravel it certainly is easier to have a stiffer sole which provides a stable platform that holds rough terrain.

Luckily you can still get benefits by doing as much as you can with barefoot or minimalist shoes. I have very wide boots with a low arch insole for everything else.
Kinda on topic but anyone that has experience with halti outdoor shoes?

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