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New USDA zone map has been released: https://planthardiness.ars.usda.gov/

Koppen Climate Map: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/fb/K%C3%B6ppen_World_Map_High_Resolution.png

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previous >>2750061
land edition
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My first ripe maters of the season only have a couple days left. How's everybody doing with the heat? Gonna hit 111 today shit sucks.
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>squash vine borers
>tomato started ripening
>it's like 1/4 the supposed size it should be
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My hass avocado has sprouted.
I’m more inundated with rain and not getting mine tied up secure enough or fast enough for the weather. Mine are just coming on but I’ll be picking tomatoes through October.
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Can you guys tell me whether these weeds growing in my backyard are edible? Tell me their names.
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>*cums on your plant in the dead of night and picks some leaves*
Mimosa pudica?
They look alike, but mine produces pods with seeds like beans rather than inflorescence.
I think one of these might be Bidens pilosa (Blackjack / Spanish needle)
This might be Wild Madder / Rubia peregrina
My potatoes have alternaria alternata, brown spots on the leaves. Pretty sure I know how it happened, whatever. The question is, do I just cut my losses and pull them out now? It's only the leaves, there was one stem that had some brown spots and I pruned it. But yea, I'd rather have small potatoes than no potatoes. They're almost ready to harvest anyway. Help pls.
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I think this is Tridax daisy
This might be Cardamine hirsuta
There's an app I use called PictureThis to identify plants on the fly, it's not 100% accurate depends how good your picture is and what the plant is but it's been pretty spot on so far.

It'll constantly beg you for a RIDICULOUS $40 a year but you can just keep saying no it doesn't matter I've used it all growing season.

Doesn't tell you every single thing about the plant but it'll tell you what it is and give you other examples of what it thinks the plant is, then you can google the rest like edibility and whatnot. I used it for that exact thing and I'm keeping some edible wild plants in my yard this year.
I say ride it out homie a few more weeks for me.
Thanks fren. It's a bit more widespread than what you've got going on. Pen dot sized spots on most of the leaves. It started like 3 weeks ago with a handful of them, I pruned them and now it's everywhere. I don't even understand where the seed farm got 75 days to harvest from, because if not for the spots they look healthy enough to go till the end of the season. Just sitting here STILL waiting for them to die back lol.They flowered around the same time the spots showed up. Tubers, man.
what the FUCK can i plant around my patio by the woods that only gets a couple hours of sun per day
Lettuce arugula spinach leafy greens maybe some chard and kale dawg.
How warm is your climate? If you're getting average temps of at least 70 you could plant some short bushy cherry tomatoes in containers. You won't get anything ripe until just the end of the season though because of the shade probably, unless you're in a warm climate like me I have my tomatoes in partial sun (around 6 hours) and they do amazing. My full sun tomatoes never do shit.

That's just one suggestion wait for others it's probably not a great one, just one off the top of my head.
What's kale dawg?
Kek. This.
Tomatoes, they do pretty well in limited sunlight
Also chives
Gooseberries and currants are natural understory shrubs if your climate permits them
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use the plantnet app, it's not commercial and works really well in my experience
Is growing mushrooms a fun hobby?
I recently got into homebrew and fermenting foods and so mushrooms seems like a fun thing to do
Using plantnet as recommended by >>2753283
This one seems to be Boerhavia, with many different subspecies, but generally edible.
Phyllanthus amarus, medicinal but not edible / food source.
Oldenlandia corymbosa or diamond flower, medicinal but not edible. This site says it can be eaten, though:
Plantnet doesn't give me a high percent semblance, but I'm still pretty sure it's Tridax daisy.
No high percentage either.
Probably Desmanthus, edible for livestock but not so for humans it seems.
Euphorbia hirta L. Very high percentage. Medicinal but not edible.
Looks pretty chill.
Looks kinda boring just because it takes like a week to grow desu
They are great because you just drop them in a grow cellar and just leave them and just check up on them now and then.
I don't know how /hgm/ feels about Clarkson's Farm, but I got interested in growing mushrooms when I found out how fucking easy it is to do. Problem is, if theres any sort of contamination or the air isn't cycling properly the mushrooms become contaminated with fungus or disease and it spreads to all of the other mushroom packs extremely quickly and you can very fast end up with a biohazard that requires respirators and a lot of man hours of scrubbing to decontaminate the cellar to use it again.
Can I dissolve some regular compost in water to get a bootleg liquid feed?
Anything to plant in succession to cucumbers at this time? They're quickly approaching end of life due to early planting and disease, would be a waste to waste the space.
Can I plant potatoes now? Kek.
>Can I plant potatoes now? Kek.
Saw some farmer in my region do it too so screw it, did it.
I don't know if I'm gonna plant cucumbers next year either. They're quick and I like em but the taste isn't anything better than what I can get in store in contrast to other crops.
Compost question still stands.
>that anon that had his rye harvest
>didn't tell me how it went
He has run... a-rye
do you guys use any software to plot out your garden? Having a decent year more or less winging it but I want to be more organized next year
I’ve tried and tried but most apps or software fails and I’m not paying for that shit. Good old fashioned grid paper.
I’m OPs pic btw. The kitchen herb garden beds are 3x5 and the vegetable garden beds are 3x10. 18 inch paths throughout.
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Can't say I have enough space to need it.
Also I'm sad to say that I lost almost all of my leeks to being stupid and not realizing I was supposed to separate them when I planted because I was in a hurry. Also "lost" all of the garlic I grew from my dad's last year's crop I decided to plant because the conditions just weren't right, they finished growing about 1/2 inch in size so I just tossed them in the old scraps/yearly surprise bed.
I’ve been fighting slugs like all get out that sucks bra I hate losing plants. My basil and dill got buttfucked this year.
How it started vs how it’s going >>2752969
Six years of constant expansion turned a 10x10 ft plot I turned over with a shovel by hand into a 45x60 ft vegetable garden and a 15x30 ft herb garden on the side.
I live in a high desert I haven't seen a single slug since I got here fortunately. UNfortunately, we suddenly have a ton of ear wigs out of nowhere.
I’m also fighting the earwig infestation that sucks. I turned over a tarp this morning and there were hundreds. I’m midwestern and we’ve been getting a ton of rain lately but I don’t mind. I recommend any and all rain and water collection you can get. I know how those assholes can be though depending on your area. You can never have enough water stored up. I’ve got three 50 gallon rain barrels now and am eyeing a fourth.
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Are you looking for me?
There isn't much to show, I merely put it under a roof to dry out
See your rye whit was pointless anon delivers.
There's a single wooden round laying in my yard, I had a pot on it for a while. I moved it to clean the yard up a bit and it was just a sheet of ear wigs, absolutely disgusting. They're only a nuisance since they don't eat anything I'm growing as far as I can tell they're just gross and I'm pretty sure they smell once they get in a large enough group.
Thanks for complimenting my rye wheat :^)
wheat shall ryes again!
> There isn't much to show,
But seems like you’re doing aryeght. Let us know what you end up doing with it.
> I live in a high desert I haven't seen a single slug since I got here fortunately.
Lucky bastard!
My garden is slug country. I keep killing dozens of the fuckers every night and it just doesn’t make a difference.
I’m gonna find out the hard way if my newly bought slug fence works and if my watering system works. Gonna go on holiday next week and I gotta plant my final round of seedlings, before they die in the greenhouse in their tiny pots. Might as well give the slugs a feast while I’m gone.
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i wanted to pickle the two odd jars because i got some homegrown cucumbers from rural relatives and the bunch of dill i bought was so giant i went out and got a bunch of jars and all of the cucumbers in my store to pickle lol
and made some strawberry jam the ol grandma technique with the packaged pectin
i still have like half of the dill and got less jam than i expected so i'm probably going to make more of both tomorrow, still have 8 empty jars
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more threadrel cucumbers are dead but stuff is growing
brussels are peak
tomatoes are somehow two different shapes
longbeans are growing
tomatillos puffing up
and peppers too
Is having to tie your tomato plants like that really so common? I keep seeing it, but I live in a very windy area my tomato plants get whipped around until they're really sturdy unless a freak wind storm comes along but I never really had my plants droop from fruit weight before. I HAVE had seasons where not a single one of my slicers ripened, but that's the shit soil I've finally built up not the sturdiness of the branches.
no i did it to this one only because i had one break last year
i left the rest as is
and yeah i need to get some cow shit and put it in the containers, soil's so sandy even after adding compost
I only did one raised bed the first year, built it myseelf with fresh un treated lumber it looked great (I have no pictures somehow) and that little bed had a very small crop that year I planted tomatoes, basil, squash, and cucumbers. Never got a cucumber, got a couple squash but then bugs got to them and I made a makeshift bed (A mound of dirt) to plant a few more in and those did well got a lot of zooks.

Second year? That first plot I made where I'd fertilized, watered, composted, and then put all the scraps back into as well. That plot was AMAZING the next year I had probably 100lbs of cherry tomatoes off of ONE plant and then I just ignored it I couldn't eat any more it kept producing ripe tomatoes daily until the frost hit.

Now it just grows whatever it wants and anything that grows there is incredibly healthy with 0 effort, it's fucked up but I let it do it. You just gotta keep adding nutrients and growing and eventually it'll just become soil.

I only say all that blog shit because my growing area was 90% sand on top, and then if you dig 3 inches down it's basically all clay. Nothing grows at all, but now those areas I put work into are pretty fertile I get some decent yields. It's only year 4, too. Doesn't take that long if you're in a fairly permanent place. I'm only going to be here a few more years but I hope the next people who live here appreciate that gardening space I'm building.
One day, eh? Gimme a plot of land and I'll give it all the chicken shit I can carry.
Or just do buckets with nice expensive soil from a local nursery if you can.

There's a florist in town that sells compost and garden soil by the tractor shovel full for like $10 instead of paying $10 per bag at a store and it's way higher quality full of local compost and beneficial bug life. If I did buckets with that I bet anything I planted would do well even though I live in an area of almost pure sand.
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Since others are posting updates here's some fruiting I've got going on
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Ground cherries. These things are going crazy
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First attempt at eggplants. Hopefully some fruit soon but the bugs seem to have chosen this one as their buffet
The soil I used is not bad, but it's peatless so not a lot of clayy materials to keeo it together. I'll give it the shits after season.
How do you tell when they’re ripe. I see wild ones growing all over
when the casing turns yellow
I had one of those growing in my backyard alongside a bunch of weeds. I thought it was a weed and probably toxic, so I uprooted it.
Apparently they're quite tasty...
Fuck my life...
What do you fine gentlemen think about corn?
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It's winter so all the outdoor stuff is pretty much in winter mode but I caught this nifty little snap while I had my morning coffee today.

my red anthurium is having problems and I don't know what the problem is tho
Wait until it falls to the ground if you want to be certain, it won't get dirty thanks to the husk

>Apparently they're quite tasty
I don't like them that much but if you like the taste of sour tomatoes you would probably love it
>if you like the taste of sour tomatoes you would probably love it
Then maybe it wasn't such a loss. Thanks. :)
It's impressive how accurate plantnet is!
I tried several plants and weeds from my yard and it either gives me the exact plant, or a very close relative.
Highly recommended to any anons trying to identify a plant.
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>Apparently they're quite tasty...
Eh it's a really weird taste. Related to tomatillos.
I'm him
It only struggles with obscure ones or related plants. It's my go to.
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well since you showed me yours, I will show you mine.
Mine just got ready for harvest
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Yep, it's harvesting time. The plant is dead, the seeds are just drying at this point.
I wish I had more space to grow a lot of it

Yeah, it's great, I learned that small red berries I found on my last bike ride are edible lingoberries for example, a shame I didn't have internet connection at that time, I would have tasted some.
Map function is also neat, you can see where people find specific species
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a funny plant that's not gonna make it
>I wish I had more space to grow a lot of it
Same, store corn is atrocious.
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Well I won my appeal against the HOA, so I guess shitbox update: everything got big. Most of the tomato plants are 6ft and fruiting. The superhots are about 5ft and I'm letting them and everything else flower.
Tomatoes and superhots
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San marzano seedlings, overwintered peppers, potatoes (L to R)
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SM tomatoes from the big plants. I've gotta have 30 already. Although I fear I'm going to get half sized toms, cause I still have the occasional end rot problem.
How does overwintering them work? Do they just keep producing?
My brother does mushrooms he doesn't grow anything else, they grow eerily rapidly he made some one night time lapses it freaks me out so I refuse to grow indoors like he does.
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you're supposed to prune and repot them in winter(I didn't repot) and next year they'll get bigger and produce more. Mine definitely aren't getting bigger because I knew fuck all about gardening last year and they got pretty beat up but there are a legitimately a shit zillion flowers on that thing and already about a dozen almost full size peppers. I stopped pruning about 3 weeks ago.
Now I have the problem of getting seeds out, should I just whack it over a tarp like I have seen it done in movies?

NTA, yes but even if hand pollinate (no bees in winter) there is just not enough light for development of proper fruits unless you use supplemental light
Most people just prune them and keep them semi-dormant where it only has enough light to barely survive until spring
seeds should be absolutely dry and hard before attempting to remove them.
With the small amount that you have, you could just use a glove and do one head at at time.
Either by rubbing the head between two hands. Or using thumb and index to squeeze out the seeds from bottom up.

No damage to seeds and you get to claim a huge % of them. But it's obviously more labor intensive than other methods.

For bigger volumes this method is not an option.

By the way, be sure to save and use the straw.
Huh. When season ends I'll ask for pruning directions.
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Finally a use for my neighbors vines that overgrow the fence every year.
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Everyone is showing off, can't fall behind

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Anyone knows if they are big enough to flower this autumn?
Started them in February this year
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What can I plant with my new delosperma before they've spread?
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says the man on google.
>"You can't cross pollinate or cross breed nightshade and tomatoes"
Says the professional farmer.

I bought three varieties of cherry tomatoes, let's fucking go. These berries are tiny, I need bigger ones.
>not grafting tomatoes on potatoes
How do you get in the box?
I actually have a third nightshade I tried to replant but it has been struggling, it's alive but not taking well to being moved. I could try this but but I have no potatoes growing.

>Up to 10 days to see potato growth
I have a bag of ancient potatoes that are trying to burrow through the floor, I'll go bury a coupleee in the clay and sand and see if they do anything and if they do I'll graft the weak nightshade onto it, if that takes maybe I'll add a tomato and make a frankenplant by the end of the year. It doesn't have to produce, I just wanna see if it lives.
>not growing tomacco
truly ngmi
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corn. vegas corn. it was accidental. apparently some bird seed decided to root in june in las vegas, and start growing when temperatures range between 115 and 120°F.
There's a chicken wire door on the other side. I was too lazy to make an actual door so I just open and close it with split rings lol.
I want an update from that anon, one of the coolest things posted in hgm
>I want an update from that anon, one of the coolest things posted in hgm
Oh? I was actually talking about a Pootube video, did someone do that here too?
Yea it was in early spring, one of the grafts didn't take, the other two did though. It was pretty neat.
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>potatoes will grow anywhere they don't need good soil!

Prove it nature, this is entire clay, sand and rock. Do your best.
The looser your soil the better. I’ve had really good luck with them in buckets but it’s not like the meme and they won’t get big but they taste amazing quartered and pan fried in butter.
Well it's something like 2:1:1 clay silt sand let's see how that goes. It's loose once you work it but it's dense and hydrophobic before working. We'll see how it goes, I worked the area into a mud slurry basically, mixed in some extra sand and a few handfulls of compost since I didn't want to waste too much of it. If something grows it grows, this was entire weeds five minutes before I took the picture.
They're a virgin crop but at the same time some have different soil requirements
So theoretically, I have 90~120 days before first frost hits my area. How much growth should a potato have before first graft?

And theoretically, could I then graft another nightshade family plant on to the plant after it's grown further? I want to make a Tomato-Potato-Black Nightshade plant.

I am apparently very good at growing the entire family of nightshades I've never had one NOT do well so why not combine all of it? I don't like eggplant or I'd add that in.
tell ya what, i'll pay you to cross-breed tobacco and hemp. do that, i'll pay you 80k for the seeds upon proof of germination.
I have nothing but free time and a lot of drive to do things that people tell me I can't do. In fact spite is a lot of the motivating factor for my life, so sure.

Except I don't think I'll be allowed to grow hemp in my back yard. The neighbors do it but they also have cameras all over.
you making wine with those bad boys?
Dude's grafted a sucker onto a pretty young tomato to my eyes.
Jam's good
Garlic turned blue but that's due to the antioxidant in young garlic apparently, made five more jars, jams tomorrow because the shop was out of fruit
>Garlic turned blue but that's due to the antioxidant in young garlic apparently
Had this happen to me only once in my entire life and it was this last fall when I was making a lemon garlic chicken dish, the entire dish was a blue/green color and everybody refused to eat it even though it tasted exactly the same as always.
My Black Satin blackberries are absolutely disgusting, not even sweet or with a good berry taste and acidic to the point that the back of your throat feels like you just vomited. RIP
Ferment them into alcohol?
Add sugar and pectin and make a jam.
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why explain bullshit excuses to me? who am i? i'm not your head, you cannot convince me of anything. convince yourself you can do it, regardless of cameras. fuckin square.
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>Looks like a neighborhood cat laid in my garden
>Would be fine, except it looks like it was directly in the middle of my leeks
>Bunch of them snapped only one looks okay
So thinking about just pulling them all, I have enough space there for something short and bushy and that's about it. I get tons of sun and no rain so basically whatever I want grows as long as I water it, what do I throw down want some suggestions I'll just pick whatever I think would go best with the rest of the bed. I don't really care as long as it doesn't spread.
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Yeah, like every year.

I've been thinking I could photograph and post the whole process here as it goes along to show anyone interested in making wines how it's done but I'm not sure if there is anyone here who wants to make wine but doesn't already know how.

I already got gooseberry with a bit of currant wine (pic related) this year going but some sort of airbreathing (I assume) yeast took over fermentation and white sheen started developing over the surface (no, it wasn't a mold, it looks different) which is kind of weird because I'm certain it was airtight, I tried transferring into another jar and adding sugar but it came back so I had to fall back on using large dose of potassium metabisulfite to kill everything inside.
I don't like using it but I had no choice this time, it was either potassium metabisulfite or pasteurization but I don't have equipment to pasteurize about 8 liters so potassium metabisulfite it was.
I could neutralize potassium metabisulfite now and restart fermentation with proper yeast but it already got about 7~9% alcohol content so I'll call it a day here.
My grandparents old wine glassware must be somewhere. Maybe I should make some too.
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I got this new Ukrainian cultivar of aronia called "Vseslava" and check this out, fruit size comparison to "Viking" (on the right), noticeably bigger, it's also sweeter and has a bit less of that astringent aronia taste, it's kind of like the difference between old haskap cultivars and "Boreal" series, improvement in every single way.
So if anyone is looking for aronia I strongly recommend this one but I don't know if you'll be able to get it outside of Poland and Ukraine, can't find anything about it in English.
110 days to harvest and 110 to halloween.

Any reason why I don't completely cover my front lawn in pumpkin seeds and a layer of compost?
Isn't it already too late for pumpkins?
I'm in texas, so no.
You will NEVER get rid of them and neither will any of your neighbors after some animals eat a few of them. That's the only downside I can see.

We ran over a a small pumpkin in our driveway one year, it regrew all over for the next X amount of years I don't know if they've ever stopped, I moved. They grew in straight gravel with no water so yeah, good luck getting rid of them if you fill your yard.
>got a bunch of new fruit to experiment with jams
>already thinking of getting even more jars
ah the curse of the preservoomer
This but for wine, I'm waiting for serviceberries, goumi berries and apricots to grow large enough to make wine from them
Also thinking about planting a lot of large fruit tomatoes next year to make wine from them, it tastes pretty good apparently
No way dude I’m in Illinois and it’s just in time for Halloween. Source we produce 95 percent of the pumpkins.
I smashed a pumpkin at the fence line and all that sprang up died from lack of water within a month and that was early June. The hills I did last year did not come back, and died too without watering, so not too concerned. I'm doing drip irrigation on these.
>large fruit tomatoes
As in ones with big fruits?
Yeah, big tomatoes with a lot of juice and not much skin, seems like a great choice for a wine
I must get just the right amount of rain to keep them alive then. They never got huge, they just never went away.
If you had the money, would you buy a small homestead in Norway, in Sweden, or in Finland?
Also, do you know any good Scandinavian real estate sites?
>depressive loners
I uh, Sweden? At least it's Baltic-bound not Atlantic.
Got it
Purely theoretical but all of them get even less sun days and average temp than my already depressive region, couldn't imagine moving there especially for homesteading. At least southern Sweden isn't as bad. So much less time and opportunities for growing.
Yeah, I was thinking as a hypothetical safe haven from climate change and/or political/economic instability.
These nordic countries won't be cooking and will have plenty of fresh water.
They're also far and somewhat separated from potential war zones or battefields.
I'm sorry to say but they've all been struggling politically and socially lately and one of them shares one of the largest European borders with Russia, all of them are in NATO now.
I would also like to say that first and second world countries are the worst possible to weather incoming social instability considering all of them are heading into total state collapse in our lifetimes due to the aging populations and highest tax burdens with the lowest benefits in history
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Jam cont.
I always ate strawberry only but I wanted to experiment a bit.
Three strawberries, two real berries for my sister, two red currants, two wild cherrries, and one jar and a small bowl of my favorite apples that are only around for a month or so.
Gonna try them tomorrow with some crepes or maybe pound cake. Probably gonna jar a few more strawberries heh, I'm a traditionalist. But the apples might be good too. Maybe a batch with cinnamon for that pie feeling?
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And the pickle wall.
The milk jam looks nice.
not knocking you or anything, but...there are larger jars available for purchase.
It's actually cotton ball jam
But bigger jars are retarded
I'm not gonna eat 20 pickles in a sitting nor make that much pickle soup
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>I'm not gonna eat 20 pickles in a sitting nor make that much pickle soup
the fact that these two thoughts were the first ones in your head leads me to believe you are lying to me. i believe you actually will eat 20 pickles in a single sitting, and i believe you have made pickle soup in the past and consumed it.

you're among friends.
i actually don't like pickles much
but pickle soup is peak unironically
I'm thinking about starting some peyote seedlings outdoors in a pot and then bringing them in for the winter. Anybody have experience growing from seed? I can buy a pack of 20 seeds online for fairly cheap but I'm curious how successful they are at actually sprouting.
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Just found this fat fucker going at my potatoes and leaving huge shits behind. Just, smug pepe dropping deer sized shits everywhere. It cleaned off 3 or 4 stems while I was at work. These potatoes are fuckin cursed, man.
i just used to google to see if it's edible. google ai says it's edible. please post results. get your satisfaction. gain its essence.
Horned tomato worm, they eat you guessed it, tomatoes. A large one can eat an entire small plant over night.

The downside is they turn into really, really cool hummingbird hawk moths. If you didn't kill it you can keep it in a jar and feed it scrap leaves from pruning unless you worry about the little guy laying eggs for next year or something.
I acquired some berry cuttings from the forest time to see if they'll root.
Oh no, sad news, the nightshades I've been raising for fun are a type that doesn't have ripening berries, they'll stay green so they aren't edible that sucks. At least the plants look nice and they're very healthy, it's also keeping cats from shitting in that side of the garden so that's nice.
The forbidden gummy worm kek

I regret squishing it, I could have kept it and did bug taxidermy. I already have a couple moths, it would've been neat. I was pretty fuckin pissed, tho.
If you had one you likely will have another, they cocoon in the soil over winter. Small brown oval-like I mean you know what a moth or butterfly cocooon looks like.
>they turn into really, really cool hummingbird hawk moths

Yea I know now, womp. I've been trying to figure out how to catch them, too. They always show up at the end of summer, along with actual hummingbirds but a couple summers ago I noticed some were smaller than others. Then I figured out the smaller ones weren't actually hummingbirds etc etc

Nice, thanks
They're pretty cool, I raised the ones I picked off my mother's tomatoes when I was younger for a few years, because unless you're growing in mass scale just check your nightshades and catch them when they're small.

The eggs are tiny little green dots you'll find on the bottom side of your leaves but they blend in pretty well. Careful though because they WILL eat your entire garden if you're lazy and they actually are all over the place. As cool as the moths and worms both are the worms are a devastating pest.
Alright, going full forensic detail tomorrow
I'll be setting up the sting operation, g-dawg. I'll grow some decoy tomatoes, you investigate.

Cold snap out.
Ok update on the cuttings, I tried smoking the leaves but there was too much water in the leaves to really burn at all so I am drying them out to send in another test run.
>tried smoking the leaves
based kid
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brah, you gotta smoke the FLOWER. the leaves are just like...a symbol. a brand. like the bat signal.
The berry I found is called kinnikinnic. You can smoke the leaves and bark. There were some berries but not many and no flowers. Chamomile flowers and lavender leaves and flowers also make for good smoking. I put the larger cuttings in a bowl of water and left out the smaller cuttings to dry. I'll put them in soil with some honey tomorrow.
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I got your 12
I've been googling with no success, are there any squash vine borer look alikes? I bought some walmart mulch and I saw a bug that looked similar to how I remember them looking but my gut reflex was to kill it before I couldn't. I didn't get a close look so I'm not sure if it really was one and if I should be worried.
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Thread needs more pictures of people gardens.

I don't care if you just posted last thread show me some updates. It's summer everything is growing like crazy, friend of mine has some flowering garlic and it's gorgeous.
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Found this while scouting for leaf-cutting ants, first fruit from my Hancornia speciosa, 4 years old, planted from seed, it's 3 AM but it already made my day.
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Second fruit will be this one but it is still a flower.
Congratulations, anon. First time I hear of this fruit. And what are you doing up at 3AM? Lol
Same as >>2754223 but Spain, France, or Germany?
Spain is having and will have drought problems, but I don't know about France and Germany.
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Ok, I'll post some of my less noteworthy photos

Sweet potato, tomato and onion bed
Leaf-cutters are active at night and I planted some new trees so I am looking around to see if there is any, I found 9 starting nests the other day so I am looking more now, once their new eggs hatch I need to poison them again.
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Tomatoes, black cherry cultivar, indeterminate and very tasty even for me and I don't really like tomatoes
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Blackberry, I planted it in too sunny place, it keeps getting sunscald
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Watermelon and pumpkin, didn't have any free space to plant them in so left them in containers
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Nice cucumber vine, I'm trying "Basza" and "Śremianin" cultivars this year but so far they are inferior to "Octopus" I've been using for years now
I see! Good luck, friend.
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Alpine strawberries next to lavender
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Potted fig, was growing very vigorously in spring but slowed down a lot now for some reason
Looks delicious
Spain is basically poverty tier and bursting at the seams
Germany is Germany, even if you didn't get blown up in the street, you probably wouldn't get the seventy permits for a homestead kek
France is, well, at least it's growing unlike most of the continent, even if it's just arrived at another hung parliament
Figs are really hungry, I give mine a little water soluble fertilizer every other week
Hope this isn't the wrong thread. But my parents own a small farm in Slovenia. And as they're getting old, I'm starting to think what I can do with it. It's 1 acre, some woods, some pigs, a field for potatoes and corn and a decently sized garden. The machinery is all getting old, the buildings themselves were built like ass and it's very unlikely I'll be able to sell it either.
Self sufficiency is the only angle I care about. But my parents buy pigs, register them through an app, have to buy extra store feed, buy half of the lumber for the winter, and my mom has to go grocery shopping basically every week. It's basically a hobby for them that's mostly just work.
Any ideas what I could do with this? Sell for pennies and keep living in the city? Transform it into something that requires way less work?
Leasing is the easiest thing if you want to leech. I don't know how it works in your country but you could possibly lease a part of it and keep the rest for your own use. You can apparently get enough tatos for own use for a year from 1-2% of an acre.
I'd personally keep chickens for own use. Quicker, easier, eggs.
The problem is that the entire region is in my position. Everyone's trying to get rid of the land, because it's a lot of work, machines are expensive, and food stuff is still very cheap. So what started happening is that we and everyone else is lending plots of land to bigger farmers. They clean it up nicely, and nobody pays for anything, or even get the government involved.
Yep, the chicken coop is golden, I love eggs, they seem very low maintenance. Might get goats so I wouldn't have to mow the lawn for hours and hours? Not sure.
What are your land taxes? Should be negligible.
It's better to keep it even unused and pay them than sell and then wake up to a 100x price increase like here.
>What are your land taxes? Should be negligible.
Yep, negligible. Though not sure what happens to a garden if it's just left to rot kinda?
It would probably sustain itself somewhat before getting snuffed out by weeds
oh damn my brussel got laid down by the wind
fortunately no damage
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First ripe super sweet 100s snipped. I could have let them go another day or two but ants started to get to the low hanging stuff so here we are.
Corn is a grass.
They're alright, this is a new plot the soil isn't very good so they're not the most flavorful, but I'll take them.
So, surprised red currant preserved most of the sour flavor with all that sugar. Apples are better than I expected. Berry is good, but the wild cherries honestly suck. Strawberry's standard.
I'll stay with strawberry for crepes but the rest would be good in cakes besides the cherry.
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North Carolina. Why is this happening? This isn't leaf tip burn, right?
>everybody refused to eat it
Did you remind them that there are starving people in Africa?
there are starving people in Africa
Naw just meant I didn't have to feed 4 people.
Talk me out of asking my landlord if I can seed my whole yard with wheat when we re soil it. I'm completely serious but I feel like he'll laugh.
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Fava beans are done, time to ploont some cucumbers there
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Really nice root development
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Is it sunburn on my pawpaws?
I'm keeping them is somewhat shaded place but they do get some direct sun here
From my own experience
Haskap jam is unparalleled god tier, never tasted any jam even close to it
Apricot jam is really good
Cornelian cherry jam is decent
Plum jam is ok
Autumn olive jam is decent
Apple jam is meh on it's own but gets pretty good when mixed with other things
Aronia adds interesting flavor when added in moderation to something else
They look ok, what else are you growing?
Looks more like rootburn to me desu
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That's based for the plants but I'd also run like a motherfucker.
why should we talk you out of it?
cucumbers and pumpkins develop roots fast and you have 3 per pot, what do you expect?
>Haskap jam is unparalleled god tier, never tasted any jam even close to it
how come?
European honey bees and bumblebees are basically harmless unless you step on them or something like that.

>how come?
It's just this good, imagine blueberry jam but with some of currant's tartness and richer flavor.
If you can get haskap berries where you live give it a try.
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Three kinds of basil, an Italian roasting pepper that I doubt will give me anything because it can't root deep enough.

Previously had a row of garlic I planted right after frost because I only wanted them for the greens but they just finished growing early instead.

Also black cherries next to the super sweets, I doubt they'll be great but they'll look nice.

That whole plot isn't really doing well, I didn't get it deep enough to fully remove the weeds before I put down soil so I've been struggling with that shit. I'm just having fun in this it was a late start this year.
Have another cherry tomato in a pot that I'm testing burying with a banana in nice soil it was struggling to start, Monday will be a week since I transplanted it seems to be bouncing back a little from the purple leaves it had all all over. Honestly it's the one I'm most excited for this year if it actually gives me anything, my first container plant I've only ever planted in ground before.
>European honey bees and bumblebees are basically harmless unless you step on them or something like that.
Hey, so are spiders but I'm still bolting.
I still remember this freak incident when a bumblebee crashed through my window net and smacked right into the wall at mach speed for some reason, kek.
I have haskap, I eat them fresh.
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y'know. the one thing keeping me from planting lavender or rosemary bushes is the fuckin bees, man. i don't have many irrational fears, but flying stinging insects is one of them. other people can have all the bees they want. ill tend my land in other manners.

no bees here. bees, keep moving.
Nigga, bees!
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I have one terrorizing me daily because she really must love my longbeans
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I have a lot more videos of pollinators if you guys like them so much, it's a pain to convert them into tiny .webm tho, turns my CPU into a space heater and quality is still atrocious despite that

White clover
I planted wildflowers this year for the first time and it brought in so many bees I didn't even know existed in this area. I hadn't seen a bumblebee in person since I was a kid and finally had them.

Love me some bees mother fucker keep posting pollinators.
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>File too large (file: 4.01 MB, max: 4 MB).
ffs, this is why I hate converting to .webm, can't even use proper hardware acceleration with this shitty format so it takes 10 minutes for something so simple because it only runs on CPU

Oregano, a lot of butterflies at this time

I should have recorded onion flowers when they were blooming, they were swarming with all kinds of pollinators, some of them I didn't even recognize
Do you get dragonflies in your garden? I don't have many butterflies but I have a ton of huge, really colorful dragonflies.
when did i ask about your sexual escapades?
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She loves terrorizing my meat and two veg
Ah you have the worst kind of garden pest of all, a girlfriend.
Bitch, bees don't bother you. Hornets and wasps are the problem...unless you live where bees are "africanized" if you know what I'm saying.
i occasionally hear some steel guitar and faint sounds of swahili whispering in the gusts
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I fucking love bumble bees.
good that i tied down that brussel
storm ass weather in the night
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Still can't tell if this had a mineral deficiency or curly top virus because the heat has been scorching everything.

Here is day 1.
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1 week later affer repot with a banana sliced up under it.

It seems greener but I also had to prune branches that didn't have any time to bounce back. So it could just be that.
You sure there's enough drainage? That soil looks wet and chunky
Not a good year here either. Weird damage all over. Ueh.
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That's a layer of mulch on top the soil I used an organic soil with alright pumice content. Pot has a ton of holes in the bottom.

Anywho I read that there should be necrosis in the stems with ctv but these seem fine. So I still have no clue, guess I wait another week?

Hate to see it.
im not gonna pretend i know everything about your soil and plants, but heres my anecdote. i never buy top soil, i never use top soil. it is not natural to my local environment, and it kinda "shocks" local plants. if the plant youre trying to grow does not naturally grow in primo black top soil, try growing it with some soil from your backyard. at least set up a control plant and an experimental plant.

it sounds counter productive, i know. but just try it. try to grow some shit without the absolute top tier nutrition.
Well not much I can do about this one I suppose. My last excuse is that it's a crazy heatwave and I've been keeping the mulch slightly damp to try to keep it cooler.
yeah, i agree. the heat wave did us all dirty. some worse than others. in vegas, it was like three weeks of like 110-120°F lol
We have fucking thunderstorms followed by 90% humidity 32C
really ridiculous that the Mexican stuff grows better than regular cucumbers now, completely wrong zone lmao
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Remember to support your plants

Another storm is foretasted to roll through in about half an hour, I hope it won't be as intense as this one
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Blackberry makeshift trellis collapsed, I have to set up proper trellis at some point
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Pumpkins and zucchinis suffered massive leaf damage
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holy shit. i do not think i have seen that much precipitation in my life.
You only need a sterile environment for growing the mycelium. Once the mycelium takes over the substrate you can leave it out.
rip your plants
Well, the plant is putting on new growth, which is good. But the purple leaves are a potassium deficiency. Miracle gro makes a "pro organics" water soluble fert with a high potassium count, it's in a black box. I would get that if you can find it. Mix it with a half gallon of water for a higher concentration.
>the mushrooms become contaminated with fungus
And this is why that show is fucking retarded.
I'll try a miracle gro product if this doesn't mostly clear up by next week. I tried the banana thing that's supposed to help but it needs more time to break down even if bananas decompose fast.
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cool webms
I don't understand, pls elaborate
>Vine growing on fence that flowers
>Bees love it
>Vine gets a little overgrown and goes over the entrance
>Accidentally bump into a bee when opening the door
>Stings me right in the neck


Now they scare me
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I've got two dahlia types i wanna propagate, but my garden is too small for both. Which one should i pick of these two?
I like the one on the right. All my Dahlias are falling over. Do you stake yours?
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Depends on the type of dahlia. Those two arent that high (the one on the left has unusually small plants) and very sturdy.
I also have pic related which i do have to stake whenever i plant it, it's just too large
>Didn't even know what a dahlia actually was until a month ago
>Been wanting to grow them since
Are these... hard to grow? Flowers have seemed very very easy so far but I'm new to them and only grow easy shit probably.
No but they need to be overwintered in colder climate, you need to have cool, dry storage if you need to overwinter them
Eh. I'm up for the challenge next year I think. Are black dahlias a meme? I think I have a theme in mind for next year because I'm tired of the old hispanic lady two houses down one-uping me with all her flowers.
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Forgot image. Average temps are fine but we do tend to get one or two extreme cold nights a year so I might have to do something.
There are a shitton of dahlia types around, and they vary greatly in how they look (both flowers and plants). I find them very easy to grow, with only three major problems:
1. Theyre perennial, with an asterisk. If you're in an area with harsh winters, you have to take the tubers out of the ground and store them in something like a garage where the temperature doesnt get below freezing. I live in western europe and we've got a mild climate so i can just leave em in the soil over winter.
2. Theyre prime targets for slugs and snails when theyre still small, and this year has been horrible in that regard. Not too hot and very wet, any slug's dream.
3. The very big ones may need some support in order to prevent them from falling over.

I really love dahlias, theyre very versatile, easy to propagate and breed with, and you can store the tubers of the types you like to grow and propagate them next year. I almost always have way too many so i give them away to friends and family.
>2. Theyre prime targets for slugs and snails when theyre still small, and this year has been horrible in that regard. Not too hot and very wet, any slug's dream.
No slugs in my area to speak of, haven't seen a single one or a trail in the five years I've lived here.
>3. The very big ones may need some support in order to prevent them from falling over.
This is mandatory I live in a windy area I have to support basically anything that grows tall.

My original plan was to grow some mongolian giant sunflowers because my neighbors have some patches of really nice sunflowers that grow every year and I'm jealous, but I was thinking about a goth flower theme, blacks and dark reds. Black beauty sunflowers, black dahlias, stuff that's nice and tall that you can't miss. I do a veg garden every year, but the older ladies around here all do giant patches of flowers and act all smug.
Do you just divide the tubers to propagate? Have to wait until they are done blooming? I realized I think I planted mine in a spot with barely enough light. I want to move it to another sunnier spot, but maybe I can just make another one. That way I can compare how it grows in the different conditions
Yeah you divide the tubers to propagate. There are two moments you can do this; either in autumn after you "harvest" them, which is easier because it allows you to drie the scar from separating them over the winter. Alternatively, you can separate them in the spring because the eyes of the nodes are easier to identify (you want a tuber with a node, else it wont grow any plants).
You can also very easily propagate them from cuttings, and those cuttings will also grow tubers.

If you want black dahlias you should look up some variants with that color, there are tons of them with different shapes and sizes. If you pick one with a relatively small plant, chances are it's sturdy enough to not need any wind support.
Blast this weather
I’m the guy that also has 15 varieties of maters and diggin on your 100 cherries. Give it more time before you fuck with it. I’ll find pics to show how long it takes for them to look right. I got some peppers that were so sad and yellow and now they’re lush and beautiful.
Here’s a pepper I put in on June 18th. Notice the yellowing.
VS 4 weeks later. Other than trying to keep the bugs from chomping it’s doing great but it took at least two weeks to get the color even close to right.
Vs one I put in at the end of may same deficiencies.
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Yeah im thinking its kino
my cat would love that
Yeah, I did have to clip some branches and plenty of leaves that had no chance, but this morning since the heat hasn't been as bad and we had a little wind looks like she's bouncing back, the last sad curled leaves are uncurling and the purple veins are going away it seems. Guess the weather wasn't doing much favors. But I don't think trying to keep alive 2 low branches that were pretty far gone probably slowed it down a lot, I should have pruned those when I replanted but I was optimistic.
Oh yeah, I'm kind of doing an experiment with my tomatoes. First one I did the whole sucker pinching and training it nice and tall. One I'm trying the "Don't pluck the sucker, clip the branch under it" on one of them because supposedly some people prefer that method and the one that had the mineral problem I'm going to do nothing to now that it's bounced back.

Let's see which one ends up giving me more fruit, the first tomato has an advantage because it was planted in spring but I can tell you they don't taste that great this year. They're way bigger than last time I grew them but kind of tough for a cherry tomato and not that flavorful.
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Dont say that
I can't grow lilies anymore because I have cats, and they're my favorite flower. Shit sucks.
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i could make spaghetti with how many strawberry runners i get
2 jul to 15 jul difference on those brussels
healthy plants
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What the fuck is this shit?
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Grow dahlias instead
explain to a non-cat guy. why would cats be interested in those flowers?
Lilies are highly toxic to cats. Many plants are, but lilies are by far the worst. Every part of the plant is toxic to cats, including the water of any vase that contained a lily. Worst are the pollen, as these can get on the cat's fur, the cat then licks himself during cleaning, and ends up poisoned.
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lol wild. i cant believe an entire family of animals can die from an innocent flower. not a stinging flower, not one covered in glochids or needles. just a pretty flower.

Even ingesting a small amount of pollen can cause kidney failure.

They also repel rodents like field mice and rats because they're toxic to them as well. But if you've recently handled a lily and then pet a cat before washing your hands you may have just killed that cat. Shit sucks.
Dahlias are also highly toxic to cats bro.
Not even close to the level of lilies. Ive got a garden full of dahlias and my cat never had any trouble
>spend 325 dollars on manure and mulch and 165 on a fuck ton of pots
Why can't all purchases be fun and exciting like new plants
But I got excited to throw down mulch/wood chips and decorating just like I did for planting. The cost is the worst part about gardening, why is literal dirt so expensive?
every base consumer product/staple is 95% value based on transport costs. soil included. shit like grains, potatoes, rice, basic beans, you get the idea. the cost any singular product that is basically worthless, yet you purchase at a store, is based on transport costs. think of those disposable wood paint brushes, most common hardware like nails and nuts, etc...

of course, you could always just carry a 5-gal lowes bucket in your trunk. then, next time you're at the park...fill it up.
That much? You can get like a tonne of each for a dollar if you're buying bulk from people. It's the store shit that's expensive.
Local nursery sells 100 square feet of their raised bed mix for $99. 1.5 square feet of soil costs like $10 at the store around here.
Some people here give stuff like this away just to get rid of it lol
But yeah it's the transport that's the problem. Add a truck or something and you equalize the cost.
couple weeks ago, some anon informed me of "Chip Drop". i'll be doing the mulch drop in october when weather is...more mild to physically move a full truck load.
I heard about this, you sign up for it then 3 years later they dump so much wood chip on your property when you aren't home that you will never run out of it. Even the owners put out a video that was like "If you don't want to come home one day to a mountain of mulch then just don't use chip drop"
Do people really refuse to eat things that use fertilizers not marked as "organic"? Because I could pay 5x as much for an organic fertilizer that has less nutrients in it.... or just spend $10 on a normal vegetable fertilizer.
I'm really not excited to move it 2 bags a time up a bumpy hill with my shitty lawncart

I think I got a pretty good deal, 1250 pounds of composted manure and just under 10 yards of mulch delivered

I'm definitely going to be using them next spring to top up. Right now I'm focusing on building some nice soil for next year in a 20x25ft patch I just created in my backyard, I cut all the grass into squares and flipped it upside down, gonna cover with manure then mulch

If you don't want to wait 3 years, add a tip, it costs the arborist to use it. I hope they drop 20 yards, I have two neighbors that would use anything I didn't
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let's not exaggerate. i've seen a couple dozen images posted to reddit regarding the drops. it is simply one full truck load. frankly, im gonna need two drops, but ill worry about phase two later.
they cost about as much here and synthetic shit is harder to use so sure
>Harder to use
Put in bucket, add water, pour at roots, how hard is that?
Do lilies also kill squirrel? What other plants repel them?
god damn, the amount of ways my mother loves to kill pets.
She also feeds chocolate to dogs, then whines about the dogs having host of issues.
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Only one way to do it.
>another ultraloud thunderstorm
>woke me the fuck up
>also supposed to hail
What do they grow in the jungle?
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why's my coriander shitty like this?
Doesn't coriander like bolt in two days for a lot of people? Or was that something else?
Heat causes bolting, under-harvesting causes the rest probably.

They are a spring and fall grower, they actually don't do well in summer.
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Brussels still going wacky, if they "fruit" properly, it's gonna be my favorite new crop
Tomatillos still puffing up
These tomatoes are growing, meanwhile those weird retard ones got red recently
Longbeans are getting ready to harvest
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Starting to get crowded in the tomato house.
Coriander is just cilantro that has gone to seed and it does go to see if you even look at it so you’re half right.
You don't know what crowded is.
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Maybe I'll start growing succulents.

>transplant outdoors in 110 degree weather, water once, leave for a week
>still throws off some new flowers
And to think this shit can survive negative 10 degree temps too.
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>Squirrel enters my garden
>Tears up my root vegetables right before they were done
I should give up on gardening and take up hunting instead. Squirrels are fine to eat right?
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Wanna see crowded? My dumb ass thought this would be fine my first time growing years back. I learned pretty fast I fucked up.
>Zucchini ends up completely shaded by tomatoes on both sides
>Cherry tomato overgrows so bad because I didn't know how to manage it that it ended up killing the other tomato too
>Ended up resewing zucchini in another spot and that just being a cherry tomato bed
Have you tried keeping snakes in your garden? I remember an anon was having trouble with rats. I read snakes are great predators.
cats are better and your mom won't have a heart attack when she see it
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Ate one of those weird stunted tomatoes, not bad but also not better than the average storebought cherry. Not gonna plant tomatoes next year for sure.
Welcome cayenne though.
Bro, I have my own personal multi year vendetta with two species. Grackles and pigeons. You know what you must do. Tell no one, do not brag, dispose of expired material promptly, then toke something nice and appreciate being That much closer to ecological serenity.

Do the dew.
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Lady in the garden section really played up the "but they're a mystery!" to get me to buy every discounted plant they had.

Guess I'll take more tomatoes and eggplants?
Picked most of my garlic scapes, garlic should be ready to pull in less than a month. 3 of my plants are weak and small, but I should still end up with twice as much garlic as last year.
>I read snakes are great predators.
They're more likely to sun bathe than hunt. They're opportunistic hunters, so if your foot or some poor unsuspecting creature passes it's way, they'll strike. They don't really seek anything out.

>t.cottonmouth environment living person
Used to wander ponds and lakes with my brother to fish, found a LOT of diamond backs, coral snakes, etc venomous and deadly things but they ignore you unless you walk right in front of them. Bitches are scared of snakes for no reason. Personally, I am deathly scared of HURTING a snake if I handle it, they're just so limp I feel like they're gonna break.
Yea I thought we only had garter snakes and gator snappers, until I took a deep walk into the woods and scared a couple cottonmouth snakes along the trail bordering a freshwater pond. Actually scary moment, knowing I was completely isolated from first aid for miles in any direction.

I know the feeling my man.
>Hiking around the hills
>Find a cool huge cave
>Go inside
>Wandering around a bit at the entrance until my eyes adjust
>Turn around and notice a a PILE of snakes
>Peak summer is rattlesnake mating season
>Stomach dropped immediately realizing that it'd take me hours to get back down the mountain and cell phones weren't that common back then
But they still ignored me honestly snakes are pretty chill.
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That's pretty brutal
Depends how hot it is. But yeah
How fucked am i? Can i salvage this?
It started on a tomato plant that never grew big so i thought it was just a defective one, but now it spread on many
Pls halp, i never had to treat any tomato illness, i think it's peronospora but i'm not sure
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Aronia isn't even fully ripe but I already devoured like third of all berries, I need to plant more
Don't berries take up a ton of space? I grew up with a yard of established fruit so for a long time I never realized exactly how much space the extensive blackberry bushes we had took up. How big do these get? What do they taste like? I'm looking for shit to get started that I can enjoy for the next couple years I'm here and leave for the next people.
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>Don't berries take up a ton of space?
Depends how many you grow, if you don't have much space veggie garden will benefit you more than fruiting stuff.
But those are understory shrubs so you can plant them under fruit trees or in other shaded places, all my aronias are planted in shade of large trees and doing well.
Main advantage of aronia is how maintenance free it is, it doesn't have any pests or diseases here, no problem with heavy sandy clay soil like mine, doesn't grow very fast or large so little pruning.

>How big do these get?
Aronia bushes are pretty compact, this large shrub here is 17 years old iirc and it's about 1.5 meter tall and wide, they don't get bigger than that even in full sunlight and they have pretty sparse foliage.
Don't let the number of berries fool you, they fruit a lot but I ate most of them already.
>What do they taste like?
It's unique astringent taste with some tartness and a hint of sweetness, I love it but most people don't like it and use it for jams and other preserved stuff, they don't know those can hang on the shrub for a month and get sweeter and less astringent over time.
I made the mistake of planting a lot of something I didn't know if I would like it and then ripping it out when fruits dried out on plants because no one wanted to eat them.
Before you start planting a lot of them I recommend you start with just one or two aronia (they are self fertile although better with cross pollination), even if you don't like them it's still something to show off and let your friends and family taste, I have a lot of unknown plants and they are always a tasting attraction when I have guests during fruiting

For planting as I mentioned before they do well in all kinds of poor soil, don't need a lot of fertilizer or water (I never water my aronias after they establish), do well in understory, perfect for less than ideal locations however they fruit more in full sun and good soil.
For cultivar choice "Viking" and "Nero" are very popular and what you'll likely find in nurseries, I have them both and they taste good, my favorite is >>2754145 but it might be near impossible to get where you live.
>What do they taste like?
I only had a booze from these and it was close to cherries.
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This seems like a fantastic solution to weed problem, zero expensive chemicals, just concentrated light, 100% organic, so why isn't it used everywhere?
sounds fine and dandy on paper but does it actually work
I don't know, looks pretty cool when burning weeds on a video but I don't expect producer to go over any problems of his product
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Isn't that just an overcomplicated weed burner
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>When you unintentionally create superweeds by trying to get rid of them

No, it uses some sort of deep learning vision system to leave crops alone and target only weeds so it can be used even when crops and weeds are growing right next to each other, at least that's what the producer claims
Kek I thought this was the weird stunted tomato at first. Like… anon… that there’s a pepper!
>Kek I thought this was the weird stunted tomato at first
Actually had the same initial thought when he first posted it, thought it was some meme post until I re-read it.
Deep Learning is a load of shit
It does theoretically work, and I remember watching some video of it "working" but it was in a test bed in small scale not actual agricultural scale use.
i mean those sites are pretty accurate and it's definitely some kind of deep learnt algorithm
but i know these fags are gonna want millions per one machine utilizing a basic image recognition model kek
how important is hand pollinating tomatoes and peppers for outdoor container gardening? should I touch each flower with a vibrating toothbrush/paint brush or does the wind take care of it mostly?
It isn't, why do you want to do the job bees and other pollinators already do for you?
Do you not have any bees there?
i would and do to be sure
but then people did it 10000 years without so
I do this if I'm trying to specifically hybridize something. Tomatoes, for instance, don't like to hybridize because they're able to self pollinate and if you don't have Bumblebees they won't, so I take an electric toothhbrush to them to drop pollen. Also I do this with corn on account of how bees don't like its flowers and very much not the silks and the wind isn't reliable
Oh but yeah, do you wanna make hybrids? Because they will self pollinate. I like making landrace varieties but you might just want whatever boring bitch tomatoes Walmart sells
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Guerrilla pumpkin grower reporting. The plants are not growing in length for some reason, still there is some hope. Also the damned druggies are camping all over the place and making messes, leaving filth. Fucking cunts.
Nice I'd like to do some gurella gardening with my extra seeds sometime.
I let the wind do the work. I also have consistent 30mph wind all summer. I lost one cluster of flowers. Unless its windy like it is here I'd probably break out the toothbrush.
qrd? did you plant some seeds in a park or something?
since I started veg gardening this year all I see walking around is prime real estate to plant a seed
>Guerrilla growing
I planted some of my fake basil outdoors and they all disappeared the next day. Still don't know how, maybe some dog ate it because it smells good.
I put in some of my currant cutlings in ground too, have to check up on them.
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Partridge eating where I feed my guinea fowls, there was a couple but when I grabbed the camera one was gone.
Making soup with those pickles
Not fully pickled yet but the taste is supreme already
Tomatoes have both male and female parts in their flowers they self pollinate without insects.
I've seen videos of farmers using it. So it is out there. Looks cool as fuck.
If I want to overwinter some of my peppers when should I stop fertilizing them?
>in a park or something?
So true!
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Taste comparison soon, they should reach full ripeness in a week or so

With so many peppers they smell so strongly I can feel the pepper smell a few meters away
That's pretty quick, I remember you just planting them here.
I started them in february, they already had a lot of developing fruits when I planted them
What region? Snow?
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My 2024 project
I did this all alone
I am insane
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I'm pretty late but the tomatoes made good progress all is sprouting and flowering now
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16 + 4 tomatoes so far
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The slugs took their victims but the fortress is improving FUCK THOSE SLUGS
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The crops will be expanded in front, insane effort to sieve the soil and the stones are running out too

What would you plant here?
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The tobacco also survived, one Physalis is doing really great, the rest was ravaged either by deer or slugs
Now broadforking, I know it's used to reduce compaction in the soil before planting.
But how retarded is broadforking lightly on established plants?
Say I have a tree that I think isn't doing so hot due to possible lack of air in roots.
How dangerous/good would it be to try to lightly broadfork the area surrounding the tree?
The way I see it, I either damage the roots and make things worse, or I reduce compaction and bring in some air deeper into the soil thus improving things.
Poland, first frost usually comes in october but if I'm really unlucky it can come as early as late september
I pinched my panache fig.
If I won't get figs on time thi year even with pinching I'm done with it.
It's just too late for my area and I don't have greenhouse to give it head start.
unless it's a young tree it's probably a waste of time, you're not going to reach the roots depth
you can try planting stuff with deep roots tho, some variety of giant asian radish are used specifically for this
Maybe some currant or berry bushes?
Or just tatos.
The pollinators really love the tomatillos. And I constantly see those bumblebees doing it, not regular bees.
Maybe it's just color balance but they don't look healthy

How much light do you get there, do you need a lot of light coming through?
If no and a lot of light then grapevine on a trellis in back, strawberries in front

>some variety of giant asian radish are used specifically for this
Yeah, it's literally called tillage radish
Half shade, it gets a lot of direct sunlight during morning and midday, in the evening it will be shaded by the surrounding trees
They suffered a long while in too small pots on my window board until I finally finished the construction. Thats why I'm late. But I have hope they regenerate very well.
>unless it's a young tree it's probably a waste of time
how young is young? and what about the possible damage to roots?
> you're not going to reach the roots depth
I am pretty sure that if I reduce compaction in the first foot of the ground, it would help the plants, a lot of activity happens in the first 1 foot of the soil, even for trees.
>you can try planting stuff with deep roots tho, some variety of giant asian radish are used specifically for this
that's actually a good idea, daikon radish would "dig" deeper, and then get killed of by winter and leave pockets open without the big risk of damaging roots.
I guess I know what I will be planting around my fruit trees.
That month old pepper is finally getting red
The tomatillos are getting filled too
Other posts answered most of the points.

I like the aesthetic, gonna bury the cobblestone? Seems kinda dark, I trust the area sees sunlight at least 6 hours a day?
Recent transplants? The do seem unhealthy somehow.
Cobblestone ruined, sadness.
Build or buy a tumbler/cylinder sieve. I spent years "shaking" materials its a good workout but inefficient. The need for sieving/filtering will never end.
How is that stone ruined? It is indestructible. I get these from a spot 7 KM from here, the only way is to carry them, usually 10 at a time in my backpack. I have been doing that for months by now as my regular workout program.
Is that cement or muddy-looking sand?
Trommel sieve is what I meant to say.
When you anons are buying fertilizer, what are you looking for?
It's mostly for chilis in containers (sips if that matters).
I have no idea what to look for, in the past I usually just bought generic "fruit and vegetable organic fertilizer".
I like Espoma stuff for general use and then blood meal, bone meal and potash for individual elements. For water soluble I usually like the tomato blends because they're more balanced
>is liquid
>is vermicompost
simple as
may we have bread pls
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I planted Catnip where spearmint (i think) had already been planted and comes back every year.
Does crossbreeding or contamination for lack of better word happen?

I want to give the catnip to my cats, but most other mints like spearmint (i think its spearmint) arent great for them.

I buried my cat, ripped the ground up, i tried to remove as much of the spearmint by root as I could.
I put a raised flower bed on top with the catnip and some other flowers.
It all grew, but the spearmint keeps coming through. I rip it out as far down as I can every time and its slowed, but I still see some every 3-4 days.
Outside of the flower bed is a huge amount of it.

Id like to give it to my cats as its finally gotten big enough, but im not sure if I should.
We have bread at home >>2753691
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Ah shit one of my potatoes really did start growing. Surprised it didn't just bake in the constant 100 plus degree weather.
I have year old potatoes coming up from under my strawberries.
I really didn't expect them to survive.
I'm gonna throw some mulch on it or some shit maybe I'll have a couple little potatoes to cook at the end of the year.
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Potatoes and Jerusalem artichokes truly don't care. Had some moldy jerusalem artichokes I didn't remove last year from the soil and behold, they all sprouted this year. Gotta love tubers.
That is sand that I use to fill the gaps. Its just wet.
When is the time to harvest garlic? The flowers have recently formed.
Should you not have harvested them already if you planted in fall? I'm no expert though.
Well they are still in the ground at current
Ain't flowering well past the harvesting stage biologically
Pretty sure you're supposed to break the stems before at least
Page 11 here we come!
i'll bake lazies
Thanks for making the new thread anon.

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