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What's your favorite socks for your /out/ings? I do pic related but I'm wondering if there isn't a better way. My priority is on keeping cool in the summer and not getting my feet super sweaty but the thread's open to whatever you're into, I'm curious to hear. Maybe there's some kind of advanced ultra waterproof wader socks I've never heard of. Post 'em.
I could have fallen for a meme and they’re pricey but I like Darn Tough wool socks out of Vermont. They have a lifetime warranty.
I saw these, how are they? What does a lifetime warranty even mean for socks? Honestly I posted this thread because I got some new hiking boots the other day and was overwhelmed looking at the 50 different varieties of socks which are all $15+ a pair and completely indistinguishable without wearing them for a year.
I’ve got hella wide feet so they can be a little tight but that’s not horrible. Very soft cushion and the breathe like a dream. According to the website “ Unconditionally Guaranteed For Life
We knit a longer lasting sock that stays comfortable season after season. We're able to guarantee them for life because we knit them ourselves. If yours ever rip or tear, we'll replace them free of charge.” I have a pair I’ve been abusing but haven’t checked to see if it’s legit… mostly because despite wear and literal holes I still like wearing them.
How long you been wearing these and what are you putting them through?
2 year… and hell. I put them through hell. I don’t wear shoes most of the time. I have chickens. I wear socks outside in the mud and yuck. I give zero fucks. My feet are always warm and comfortable. I have some barefoot boots for hiking.
That's advanced socking, I fuckin hate having wet socks though I either rawdog the earth or do full on boots, in any case seems like a good candidate so thanks for the rec.
Buy Darn Tough socks online. There are 3 or 4 different thicknesses and 4 or 5 different heights. They are legitimately great socks but it’s not just one style.

It’s real. You send in the old ones and they give you a voucher (via email) for the cost of an equivalent new pair. I’ve used it twice (one was because a puppy chewed a hole in a sock, which isn’t supposed to be covered but I guess they couldn’t tell).

>TJ Maxx
Beware the Darn Toughs you find at TJ Maxx and Sierra Trading Post. They are usually factory rejects (TJ Maxx is always factory rejects of DT socks) and the warranty doesn’t cover them. I found a ridiculous pair of bright orange, knee high ski socks there that I just wear around the house in the winter.
Darn Tough socks are the fucking best. I wear then until holes form (which takes quite a while) then bring them in to my local boot shop. I hand them to the worker and just grab a replacement off the rack. Sure they are pricey but I am on my 4th or 5th generation of socks now. You can spend $100 and have a lifetime supply of quality wool socks. American made and available in a variety of thicknesses and lengths.
The fuck are you doing bubba? LMFAO watch a jewtube tutorial, get a pool ball and some yarn and fix those socks you slob!
>I have chickens. I wear socks outside in the mud and yuck
Mental illness. Get a pair of rubber clogs or make one from broken rubber boots.
Like everyone else has been saying, they are the best. They’re expensive but it’s a pair of socks you’ll wear for the rest of your life. I’ve worked 12 hour shifts on my feet in their light weight boot socks and they are extremely comfortable.

The only complaint I have is that they might be a little tight but it’s really not an issue because they have different widths. Just measure your feet. They don’t shrink.
Gotta say I didn't expect such complete consensus, either these are godtier socks that I am a fool for walking away from in the store or this place is overrun with Darn Tough shills
They’re really good socks man. The price is daunting but I say get a pair see how you like it before you know it you’ll be taking the toughpill and replace all your socks. I look at it as an investment in myself and my comfort.
DT is really that good. Only downside is the price but they're mad easy to just steal from REI by the dozen and live off the warranty forever
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They’re really good socks.
Are those smartwool socks any good ? I'm looking for some socks for running + hikes below 4000 feet

Please tell me they don't tear at the tip of the toes
Haven't for me, they've held up better than any others which is why I've stuck with them but if the rest of this thread is any indication you should just be getting Darn Tough (TM)(Made in Vermont) socks instead. They're not bad though, smartwool is kind of the staple "good sock" and if you're comparing to some hanes from the 'mart then they're going to be a big improvement.
>DT is really that good
>I like Darn Tough wool socks
>They are legitimately great socks

I got the memo. I got a voucher to a sports store that has smartwool stuff. If they had Darn Tough I wouldn't even bother asking.
Still gonna get a pair or two of DT. Y'all made me really curious with so many claims of their superiority.
Idea for future threads:
>What brand toe nail clippers should I buy for when outdoors?
>This Appalachian company makes custom water bottle caps for hiking, should I get one?
>What type of natural fiber pouch do you use to hold your Garmin?
>The locking screw in my foldable /out/ shovel came loose, which brand makes the best replacements?
You're retarded, socks take the most abuse out of anything you bring on a hike besides maybe the boots themselves and having shitty ones will leave you with itchy trench feet the entire time.
This. But DT are not socks for the casual keyboard warrior. No they’re the socks that I can wear completely soaking wet and go “hmm my feet are wet but still warm and comfortable” and then they dry out and the bottom layer of skin hasn’t peaked off and I’m good to go. Don’t waste your breath some people have never even looked at a blister man.
>having shitty ones will leave you with itchy trench feet the entire time
I had no idea, probably neither all the people before us that never even bothered thinking about it and just used common sense. I don't even know how any of us even went outside before brand(TM) product and their ambassadors came along. How lucky of us to have you and your pet "THIS, SO MUCH THIS" around.
Here’s some more good advice go outside man. If you’re getting this triggered over socks just skip it and go touch grass.
I have a sneaking suspicion you should do some laundry? Maybe take a walk? ;) I love you man.
they're a little over rated, but I use anyways for the warranty.
I live in pacific northwest and only use the thickest grade they have.
you want ideally 80% of wool or higher. When you get to 70% or lower they start to feel clammy which is a lot of their socks.
don't bother with coolmax ones either. they are not worth your time. wool does a good job at regulating body temp.
they reason i think they are a bit over rated as the 'best' is they are fit like an athletic sock. they are too tight like a tube-like fit. If you size up they don't get wider either, but just longer. Again, tube.
I find it constricting around the toebox and the ankle. They hold on well, but that is my two cents. They are a super dense knit which I think also doesn't insulate as well. Now not saying this is the worst thing either as I have had loose knit wool socks from wool power that didn't last long at all. This is why I still go with darn toughs at end of the day.
I used Bass Pro's lifetime guarantee socks that cost $10 a decade ago before they discontinued it and those were loose, heavy on the wool and overall the best.
Kek. Yes, I second that, he's a laundry kind of bubba.
>y-you're the one who's not going outside and should touch grass because he's too busy pondering/shilling sock brands, of all things
>also if you dare suggest I'm a braindead consoomer and you're tired of my reassuring horde and the never-ending dumb gear threads for that shopaholic dopamine spike, you're actually just triggered ha gotcha
Maybe if you'd wear some normal socks like everybody else you'd grow some self-awareness.
by this logic you surely go on week long high altitude treks in your skechers, jeans and tshirt right?
Fell for the meme, not thrilled
Sure they're better than random 5$ socks, but I'm not sure if they're 20$ extra better.
Hopefully they will last longer than generic socks and warranty process in the EU will be as smooth as people from the US claim.
Well there’s the problem right there anon.
Usually any thin wool sock. I sweat a lot and my feet stink. Only time I switch it up is when it gets cold and you run the risk of trench foot/frostbites. I do however always carry a pair of sealskinz extreme cold weather socks in my pack.

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