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If you like being outside and own a gun, why aren't you shooting Steel Challenge this summer?

>easy excuse to socialize outdoors with other people who like being outside every week at your local club match
>soak up sun and enjoy the breeze (which also blows the propellant gasses away unlike stinky indoor ranges)
>travelling to regional competitions on the weekends gives you a ready-made excuse to break out the tent and go camping
>keeps you handy with that old .22 so when you need to shoot small game in that survival situation you daydream about, you'll have the marksmanship
>no equipment barrier to entry, practically any gun other than shotguns or full size rifles has a division
>no physical barrier to entry, the handicapped, children and elderly all can compete, and do
>cheapest of all the shooting sports, saving your money so you can still buy that new titanium backpacking buttplug you've been saving up for
>the targets make a fun PING sound

Come shoot outside with us.
>he doesn't use propellant as a cologne
There’s like none of these near me. Texas sucks for outdoor ranges
I'm guessing this is happening down in the states. We have our national range days every June which is pretty cool, and it's often free to the public with many ranges offering their collections to shoot, and free lunch. I mainly go innawoods alone or with my buddies. Lots of fun
Shooting targets for fun is like hammering in nails without building anything.
>t. someone who has no experience with guns beyond CoD
It's literally an organized competitive sport lmao
Bro post a full body pic of that sweet combloc thing. I'm so confused, it's like an AK but with an SKS bolt handle and a Galil carry handle?
>wrong board
Anons are posting all manner of shit that isn't /out/ at all and jannie won't clean it up; a thread about guns being used /out/side should be the least of your concerns
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It's a type 81 rifle. It is Chinese and its popular in Canada since we had AKs banned and our VZ58s banned. His model is the lmg version that they sold around 2020. Its basically our cope for losing our AKs.
That other Anon didn't write that, I did. I've certainly enjoyed shooting my .22 randomly around the farm but it gets pretty boring fast.
Here fren
Damn thats neat looking piece. That's the only thing us Yankees can be jealous of you for, all those nifty Chinese weapons. Like one of those M-14s that shoot 7.62 out of AK mags. I want one of those just for the lulz
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>he doesn't know
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Honestly the only perk we got over you burgers down south is the endless supply of chicom surplus. The Chinese are bad at a lot of shit but when it comes to making rifles, they are pretty good at that. Grabbed myself a chinese SKS and 550 rounds of chinese surplus rounds for cheap. Too bad I live in southern Ontario so I can't find any good land to go camping and shooting.
Really disappointed that this thread Is about some reddit fag and not about how lame shooting targets all day is. Imagine being a rifle that only ever gets to shoot at inanimate objects, how cucked Is that.
>and not about how lame shooting targets all day is
yeah because those discussions are on >>>/k/
My man which part of southern Ontario do you live if you don't mind me asking? I'm around Vaughan/king area and although it's a bit of a drive, I go up past barrie to shoot and shit. It's like an hour+45 min drive, I think it's worth it.
I am in the center of Vaughan. I mostly shoot at a farmers land. I just don't know any good crown land that isn't a tiny plot of land.
there is a popular drinking game in like, austria, where you hammer in nails to a log and who ever finishes last loses and has to drink or something, also think theres a song, cant remember, i was drunk
Well friend I advise you to use the crownland atlas map and some Google satellite scanning of the area you're interested in. That's how I found my spot. You'll also have to make atleast 1 scouting trip just to confirm there aren't any properties or no trespassing signs etc. My spot is in Severn which is not too far considering most people drive near parry sound to blast their gats.
there's blm land everywhere what do you mean? also, it's texas, aren't there ranges next to every McDonald's there? have I been sold a lie?
No, there is no ranges next to McDonald's, they're next to whataburger
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I shoot trap. And just started 5 stand
Sounds fun but I don't have a .22 and I'm sick of dealing with California's retardation, they refused to clear my background check last time I tried to buy a gun despite the previous 3 being fine and me passing the stupid ammo background check every time I buy ammo, including on literally the same day I tried to buy that last gun.

Texas has fuck all public land. There's a reason all the /out/ shit in CO and NM is overrun with Texans during the vacation seasons.
a gun shot our lord Trump so as a responsible MAGA republican I destroyed and scrapped all 250 of my guns.
A gun gently kissed GEOTUS Trump and whispered in his ear to move out of the line of fire. Another gun obliterated the Hapsburg interloper. You should buy 500+ guns, patriot.
Guns are for people with wee wees so small they can't even fuck their cousins with it.
You don't need them.
Because shooting shotguns is more fun
Why are you thinking about other people’s wee wees?
>you don't need one
Needed one when some broke into my house and ended up shooting at me. So go fuck yourself you stupid faggot.
>Last time I tried to use my [wee wee] on a home intruder I got in way more trouble. The cops were pretty upset, the intruder needed counseling, and I'm on a list. Just use a gun.
the dirt in the little dot next to the michigan thumb is made from rusted casings
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Hello fellow leafs

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