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Is it worth it to go to Death Valley in July?
that's where the undertaker lives
I kind of want to go there just to feel what it's like.
You can feel the exact same thing by going to Arizona. Exact same temperature right now.
if you want to find out why it's called death valley sure
>worth it
depends on where you find value.
Turn on an oven and stick your head inside. That's what it feels like.
I was in an attic the other day that was about 125. I would not recommend.
Doubt. The other day it was 107F in Tucson and 127F in Death Valley.
I went there in the middle of July 2001 when it hit 119 degrees. It felt awesome for about 15 minutes and then I fucked off back to my air conditioned car.
It's just like standing too close to a campfire, but you can't escape. It's marginally tolerable if there's wind but when the air is still you literally have minutes before it's too much, you have to stay moving to keep sweat evaporating. it's all the same above about 108, you just can't do it for any meaningful length of time. You can spend a few minutes in the sun and retreat to shade, but you'd be feeling pretty shitty in even half an hour unless you're taking other measures like wetting yourself or constantly sipping cold water or misting or whatever. I moved a wood pile the other day while the air was still and felt like I was going to die but then I started pressure washing and felt great.
How big of a concern is it to your car being there? How dangerous driving alone?
Watch the temp gauge, may have to turn off the a/c or worst case turn the heater on, but if your car is in good shape it should not be a big problem. I wouldn't go adventuring off the road alone. If you broke down and lost your a/c 5 miles from the highway with little water you're suddenly in a lot of trouble. If you're just driving on the highway and break down you have a pretty good chance of getting picked up
Oh yeah I would just drive through the main road to the ranger station or wherever you see in pictures, then back to the state highway that runs north/south

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