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How do you feel about volunteering your skills to help your community in the event of a disaster?

>do you feel you have skills you could offer?
>would you be more likely to join an organization if the organization was based?
>implying the commenters won't be the cause of the disaster
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you mean like ... work?
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A significant amount of modern "disaster relief" seems to be doing very trivial things for fat, stupid or lazy people who should get filtered by such calamities.
If I were to volunteer I would do so independently and to restore vital common infrastructure, or at most dispense short term basic help to the vulnerable.
There is always ugly crap in organizations, they are a mirror of the rest of society and things aren't good as now. You can avoid it all by being your own master and not join any of these trash heaps.
>to restore vital common infrastructure, or at most dispense short term basic help to the vulnerable
With what skills lmao

4 chan users 100% causing the next largescale forest fire
The burn down your small town is literally a sub on reddlt retard. They hate the Right so much they literally drive around lighting conservative counties on fire.

If it was conservatives they'd be cutting off the food, power or water to cities because that's where you liberal parasites live.
I would help my friends and family and fuck everyone else especially the imports.
I get that you live in a city and have a public education. You are a useless eater--you think like a useless eater and comprehending the life on a non useless eater is beyond you.

Feel bad about never bothering to learn how anything around you is manufactured, installed and maintained.
The ones you lack, zoomtroon.
desperate swing and a miss
disappointed in you
Learn to have a normal interaction, imbecile. Your crap is all over the place.
I had a plan to buy a bunch of food grade barrels and create rain water catchments hidden all over the local area, mainly hidden in out of the way places. I feel like having knowledge of something like that would be valuable in an emergency and apart from having to worry about vandals or officials, I think it would be left alone to collect water until it is required.
Also it is worth having decentralised resources in a disaster because of the you-know-who's that like to do as they please when the going gets tough.
In 2017, I picked up a machete and went to clear up my local main road after a large hurricane. To my surprise I wasn't the only one there. There was about a dozen people doing the same. Someone haves us coffee.
Most I could do is help clear some brush or lug heavy shit around all day. I could maybe still do some basic triage from some FEMA training I had years ago but I'd rather leave that to pros. I'm good with a chainsaw, though.

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