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please help anons
what can I do to save this san pedro?
This nigga can't even keep a cactus alive
It looks over watered. I fucked mine up the same way, saw yellow and thought oh he's thirsty. Wrong. Yellowing usually means too much water iirc. Maybe repot into some good succulent mix and see if it improves. Good luck lil cactman
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its been tough on the lil guy since me and the mother split
did it recover?
Pot with better drainage and a mostly-inorganic substrate, more light. If you transplant it, don't water it immediately after, wait a few weeks so the roots can heal otherwise they might rot. If it does rot, cut the top off the root that.
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You're overwatering. Overwatering isn't about giving too much water at one time, it's about watering too frequently. When you have a pot in a tray like that and don't ever allow the soil to dry, you create an anaerobic zone in the middle of the pot. This anaerobic zone allows root rot bacteria to set up shop and destroy your roots. If it's not already, repot it into a well draining succulent soil. Pick up the pot to feel how light it is. Now water it thoroughly and pick it up again. Feel how heavy it is. Now, don't water it again until it feels almost like it did empty, it should be a week or more. Also, do not allow the pot to sit in the run off, drain that dish after you water. You should always water to ~25% runoff, this flushes out anaerobic water. and then drain that dish so that it's not sitting in water.
This guy trying to grow drugs an failing
I wasn't paying attention, Ie been fussing over my venus fly trap
Nah mine turned to mush. It was completely rotten.
Remove it from the pot and place it on its side in an area of the yard that gets at least six hours of sun. It'll root and pup and thrive.
Thinkin >>2753366

Get it in the most sunny spot you can find and don’t water it and/or keep it out of the rain for a week or two. Those cactuses (cacti?) will do fine without water for a long ass time and thrive.

If the soil is super wet right now, make sure you have drain holes at the bottom. Sometimes poking holes or agitating the soil or adding some fresh dry soil on top will pull the current moisture out faster if the thing is on the verge of turning to mush.
Wait until the soil is completely dry then Re-pot it. This looks like you have some sort of root issues either rot or bugs.
Don't water it until it's completely dry--once every 10 days.
When you re-pot it put it in terracotta. Glazed pots don't dry out fast enough for most succulents.. so if you do keep it in that pot your watering cycle is going to be closer to every 2 weeks.

Don't give it any water when it's dormant between November and late February.
*Atleast 5 hours of direct (Overhead) sunlight a day if you want it to flower. Evening and Morning sun aren't as good as full afternoon sun if those are your options.
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Do you think this cactus is doing good? Its a cutling I planted three weeks ago, it seems to get green in the middle and I hope it will grow roots soon. How can I judge its fine without digging it out?
Just leave it. They take a long time to root and sometimes won’t even start growing until the next season, then they will take off. As long as it’s not shriveling up after 3 weeks, keep doing what you’re doing.
Cactus flowers are a trip
The pot looks way to big for that plant but if it has really good drainage it should be fine.

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