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What exactly happens in Iowa?
Hogs, retirement for intelligence agents who did fucked up shit, a very strange gridded road system, le trad old people who hate anyone younger than them being successful in the slightest or having fun, in general probably one of the worst states next to kansas
There’s a decent townball baseball league. The deer are large and well fed, the bird hunting is decent too. If you live by one of the rivers, the fishing can be pretty good.

But if you want lakes or forests or hills, you’re SOL. The land use is basically 95% monoculture row cropping. Lots of corn and beans, lots of feedlots where the corn and beans is converted to pork, turkey, or beef.
You drive to Minnesota
>gridded road system
The road system is gridded to avoid conflicting with the farmland. If you're big on ag it's a great state, decent economy, decent rights. If you want /out/... it's not the state for you. And the worst state is Ohio, uncontested.
Farms. All the goyslop you eat in the cities, comes from Iowa.
no, it's because they wanted everyone to be within a day's journey on horseback to the county seat so they threw it out in a big ol grid pattern and made a bunch of counties
It's accorded neutral territory where westies and easties can meet to trade breakfast burritos and barbeque
>within a day's journey on horseback to the county seat
This would give you get a star pattern, like in Europe.
It's where the old middle class from the Western states will move and retire. IE your future nursing home. Mock the plains states all you want, they're going to be the last affordable place to live in America so the poorfags on this board will inevitably land there eventually. You will be priced out of the fucking Ozarks of all places, /out/ in the future will be for rich Texans and Californians
>Would produce a star if implemented by idiots for Serfs who couldn't afford horses.
Ftfy bong. We have horses in America and the goal was to be there in a day--not to have a direct line there. These things are not the same.
That isn't how economics works, goofball.
Oh wow. The American fails to understand something but must fling shit anyway. Shut your face until you learn to use your head for more then a hatrack, sharter.
I am born, raised, and currently in Iowa

There's corn, storms, no public land, and an alcohol culture second only to Wisconsin. I live in the second biggest city and it still feels like nothing happens here. The neatest /out/ areas are the Mississippi River Valley and the Driftless Area. There's areas nearby me to explore but there's no true wilderness to experience here. If you know people with land, you can have redneck fun, which should never be pooh-poohed if you get the right people together.

For real /out/ I go to the UP, seven hours away. Chicago is 4.5 hours away for social events.
nothing, so stay the fuck way
-t Dubuquer
Also this
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>eurp still too stupid to understand simple 2d geometry
Handful of mediocre state park lakes.
Idk anon tell me the cost of living in Colorado vs Kansas right now. And while you're looking that up, you should check to see how many immigrants used to live in California and what the average home value vs Colorado was when they moved.

Most of the West has already priced out poorfags.
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lots of rivers for fishing
There are still spots of virgin oak savanna in parts of Eastern Iowa
Iowanons, thoughts on Des Moines?
Incest and meth overdosing
It desperately wants to be Chicago >>2756912
I've lived in Iowa for 26 non-consecutive years and I've been to Des Moines like three times. The one time I stayed there for than a day and had the chance to walk around downtown on a Friday night, I was struck by how there were zero other people out. The only pedestrians I came across were a congregation of urban youths doing some light vandalism. Kind of like Chicago. I would hate to live in Des Moines.
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You know what they say about country girls and corn
>It desperately wants to be Chicago
thats more pathetic than incest and meth desu
Ohio has the whole Hocking Hills area, southern and southeastern Ohio have great hiking and camping spots.
fuck off
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>worst state is Ohio
Can you please explain in some detail why you say this?
some dipshit who doesn't realize ohio is connected to a great lake, probably from the southwest in Ohio
he's a redditor tourist
>le ohio bad

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