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I‘m sure I’m not the first one to ask so if anybody can link me some old threads, that would be appreciated. I want to get away from technology and everything and just live a simple life outside. I have a lot of different skills from all the jobs I worked over the years like carpentry, gardening and farming (relevant to this post I worked a bunch more stuff) and I know I can build a hut from scratch so I’m not some kind of dreamer who never worked with his hands, I know the danger, risk and difficulties of what I’m trying to do.

my question now is where?

I thought about Canada, Alaska or the Scandinavian countries (looked mostly at Norway) but the winters there are fucking hard and not having any sun for like half a year would also make it difficult to farm I think (and would simply be depressing). Where can you go and just built something in the woods and live your life? If I have to buy some land that would also work as long as it is not too expensive.
Well if you don't want to have taxes on the land your choices are limited

> All the countries without property tax for residents and non-residents are Bahrain, Cambodia, the Cayman Islands, Cambodia, Croatia, the Cook Islands, Fiji, Georgia, Dominica, Israel, Kuwait, Liechtenstein, Malta, Monaco, Oman, Qatar, the Faroe Islands, Fiji, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the Seychelles, and Sri Lanka.

But that's just the first thing that came up. I googled a few individual ones and got conflicting info

> Property owners in Croatia pay an annual property tax of 1,5% of the estimated value of the property

I mean technically the USA has no national property tax but every state levies one.

So you need income to live pretty much anywhere in the world. Or enough savings for a lifetime of taxes.
What a fucking retarded world we live in… but still thanks for the info
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You know I just realized the 19 acres behind my house... It's all woods with no road access and the owner is the estate of some dead guy, I tried to contact them once to see if they were interested in selling but never heard back. Anyway it's land in "current use" which is a tax scheme here in New Hampshire for land that is not developed, and they pay about $28 a year in taxes. This is the most recent bill, we get these twice a year. The assessed value is about $1200.

So that land is right behind my house, I could go permanently camping in there and nobody would know or care. Unless and until it sells to a developer, although with no road access and being very hilly and rocky land full of boulders I hope that is unlikely and never happens, there's much easier places to build on like old farm land that's already cleared and leveled.
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Alaska has the only areas in the US that aren’t under a jurisdiction lower than the state. They’re called census areas. If you aren’t on federal land, the only cops you’d ever have to deal with are state troopers and it’d be easy to avoid them off road. Everything is legal as long as you don’t get caught. You can’t grow many crops up there though.

Look at the homestead threads and get books on emergency medicine, local animals/plants, trapping, dressing/butchering, gardening, cooking, soap making, crafting, sewing, and other stuff like that. You’ll always need to buy some stuff from other people though.
In much of latin america, you can buy a bit of land somewhere remote inna jungle, buy a chainsaw, build a small hut that doesn't even need real walls, because it's warm enough anyways. then plant a lot of stuff and live of produce like bananas, papaya, other fruit, yucca and sweet potatoe, fish and whatever game is around. Property taxes will probably be like a $100 and if theres any building regulations, no one really cares about it, or you pay of someone with a low fine.
You could also just join a remote village in the amazon or something like that.
If you don't like tropical climate, in the Andees, you can pretty much pick you favourite climate by going up or down in elevation.
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>Scandinavia has "Allemannsretten" , basicly, you can roam the entire forest and put up tents and whatnot, whoever owns the land.

I think the middle of Norway (or Sweden) would be a good choice. Pitch your tent anywhere, and move around every now and then to deter attention.
Bonus: Friendly people, and no deadly insects or plants. Just look out for certain mushrooms and ticks.

>too cold / too dark
Suck it up, adapt
>I thought about Canada
you will be competing with hordes of indians "students", tranqed-out junkie whites and drunk natives
the farther away from civilization the leas people care. as long as u dont start ruining the natural habitat and setting up multiple encampments ull mostly be left alone it seems like. its legal to camp on national park land in the usa if u leave no trace and leave after 2 weeks.

ppl squat illegally on land that is dubious in its legal standing to begin with. but ull still have to folo the rules of the local gangs etc.

live above the law id say but still maintain ur dignity and dont crunch numbers in an office
You are goy swine and the world is a prison.
Thats the real truth.
Gone are the days of living like an actual human.
Now go stuff your face of McDonald’s and get grt the latest vax
Lame. Go outside.
Southern Oregon west or south of Grants Pass. You can fish the mountain ponds, the winters are usually mild enough. Grant's Pass motto is literally 'its the climate'. Just stay away from the people for the most part.

have fun anon, let us know how it goes
Romania. Untouched nature, cheap land for sale, cheap coat of living, lots of freedom. Can't shoot the bears though, not allowed.
>Can't shoot the bears though, not allowed
can I beat them up with my fists?

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