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I've been using a sling bag for uni and i find it's neat how it lets you access your stuffs without removing the thing. So i can't help but wonder if I can use a bigger one for /out/ stuff. For example picrel, a 12l pack

Will it fuck up your shoulder/back thoughbeit? I mean there's a reason most hiking packs use 2 straps
What do you keep in there? It doesn't look big enough for a laptop or even a college textbook. Is it just for Onions bottles and your make up?
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Ray Jardine basically started modern ultralight backpacking and popularized DIY backpacking equipment, and he hiked the PCT while using a regular backpack on one shoulder at a time. Also invented the spring loaded camming device and was the first to climb the West Face of El Capitan.
It only looks small when it's not worn. Like i said it's 12l, so about the size of a typical daypack
Also this isn't the one that i wear to uni. That one looks more like a laptop/messenger bag. This is just my rough idea of a "larger sling bag".

That's pretty cool
Why not just use a purse at that point? Sling bags are fucking stupid. Use a real backpack like a man.
>I want to fuck my back up so I can look cool to gradeschoolers and midwits
yeah, no thanks.
I know idiots who have back problems because they fell for the single shoulder strap meme.
>12 liters is a daypack
No it isn't you retard. 12 liters is a diaper bag and what nannies keep wet wipes in. The smallest daypack is 20 liters if you live around actual mountains and aren't a larper.
I removed a strap from my large ALICE so I can wear it cross-body like a sling bag
How else are you supposed to pick up primary school girls?

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