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When I go backpacking I like to bring flour, yeast and salt and make flatbread. Everyone with me loves it but I never see anyone else do it. Anyone else make food in the outdoors that doesn't come out of a bag?
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Mix up the dough and cover it with the plastic bag I kept the flour in and let it rise.
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Form it into balls an let it puff up a bit.
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Flatten it out and drop it in the pan and cook it on both sides. It's good stuff and flour doesn't weigh that much. I can't be the only one doing this.
Looks good. Will especially come in handy if you'll ever happen to get besieged at Mafeking.
I make bannock sometimes. It goes great with coffee if you put cinnamon/sugar in it.
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I'm a light hiker, so I make fire bread by putting my dough straight on the fire using a rock or small metal lid. The outside burns sometimes but I just break it open and eat the bread inside. I won't carry large pots and shit around with me.
Fuckin damper mate. Just needs a bit of golden syrup
I mostly cook like I normally do at home for the first couple nights of a trip. I make a lot of pastas or stir frys
what about adding water LOL

I'm pretty sure most people hate the outdoor boys but that dude kinda blew my mind in terms of outdoors cooking.

he's also making flatbread a lot.

the way does not give any fucks and just cooks whatever he wants is pretty inspirational.
I go camping in bear country so any outdoor cheferie draws the wrong kind of attention.
How do you clean up after mixing dough in the woods?
no one hates them mate
I take frozen steak/sausages and onions/mushrooms/sides, and bread. A little squidgy bottle of olive oil. Then I make steak and onion sandwiches with mushrooms and whatever else. Then I'll cook the sausages and put them in a sealed bag to eat the next morning with coffee.

Really I just do whatever I feel in terms of food. Sometimes it's 2 packs of ramen noodles eaten out of the folding frying pan (room for lots of noodle soup), others I'll go to the above efforts.
I just wash up in whatever body of water is close. Never had any bear trouble.
looks pretty good, is that onions in there?
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Yeah, adds flavour. Also use herbs, nuts or dried fruit sometimes.
I hope you're right.
those guys have so much genuine fun.
I eat strictly trail mix.
>Mix up the dough
what recipe do you use?
As a baker, I find this severely retarded. Why would you want to carry all that shit to make subhuman food? Bake whatever you need at home and enjoy the nature while you're out.
I bring rice alot of the time and a frozen meat. Plus some eggs and flat bread. I almost exclusively eat fresh food since it always helps with my moral. I havent perfected the bread making part yet.
How do you transport the meat? You put in some thermal bag? I'm afraid that my food will spoil during the trekking.
Post danishes or gtfo
When it comes to fresh meat, Keep it frozen and then just put in a plastic bag before you leave. By the time it thaws out. It should be your dinner. Though past day one I usually just cook salami/precooked beef or anything that has a good shelf life and pair it with my rice.
2.5 cups flour, a pinch of yeast, about a half a teaspoon of salt and I just at enough water to make it into a nice tacky dough.
I'm a baker to and I like to cook outdoors.
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Cooking's awesome, if you forage or fish or whatever. Hauling gear and ingredients in the woods to larp a third-worlder is retarded.
>thinks bread is subhuman food
Either you bake treats for purina or you're a shitty baker
For why you are using yeast for flat bread? Nigger you know you can just slap the dough in the pan, good to go
Post tits.
>thinks anyone who doesn't think bread is for subhumans is a woman
Post yours, tubbles
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i have to confess... i do it to
1. Deliberate misinterpretation is a female trait.
2. Flatbreads are a subset of breads and flatbread consumers are a proper subset of subhumans.
Fresh baked is best.
At most you can do night before your way. Also you can leave flour, water, and yeast in a to-go bag for spontaneous camping / unexpected bug out situations like when you get a surprise call from the missus that the mother-in-law's visiting.
I'll eat raw meat left out for hours.
Don't worry about it mate, unless you're hiking for a full day.
>misinterpreting a type of bread as being specifically for subhumans
Sure thing lady
I like it puffy
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Bannock is north american canoeing kino, friend.

If it answers your question I make things like Makaroni po flotsky as the only ingredient that needs to be "cooked" is the macaroni. I use a Czech surplus steel mess tin which is essentially 2 small saucepans and a lid. I move around a lot, so it's good to have a small piece of kitchenware that you could use in your home.

In the UK you can buy these small disposable BBQs at tesco, I might bring one next time (and take it back with me, littering bad) :D
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A classic way to cook /out/ is with a trangia. That is what I last made bannock on. But they can be pretty pricey and overengineered, and most importantly NOT larp friendly.
pork jowls and honey butter
Make pancakes next time
Made pancakes the next morning on that same trip.
thanks fren, I've been meaning to try some sort of flatbread and this recipe is exactly the kind of thing I was looking for
I feel like you can only cook if you're doing chill outings in an easier environment, like if I'm going I'm the alps at high altitude and it's cold as shitnim going to bring food that's ready to eat or requires little preparation, I'm not cooking at 2500m with uber wind and -15C, but if I'm in a chill forest in spring with a light pack and flatter topography then yes
why would anyone hate him he's based as fuck and does super cool vids
with that said I always feel underfed and unsatisfied by the food I bring, aka energy bars, nuts, sandwich, biscuits.

I'll start bringing some cheese sausages, oil in a soft bottle and bread dough and shit and cook it on my gas stove with my steel kettle
other thing is that theres no wood to make fires after a certain altitude
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It uniroincally is what changes my mood. I always make sure to cook hot and home meals since I just feel satisfied and refreshed. Also you can always bring a slab of frozen steak that you can let thaw while hiking and eventually eat when it becomes dark.
I always tell myself I'm going to cook big meals when I go out and then when I get out I just end up doing mountain house shit because I just want to sit down and chill.

he's successful.
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any Potjie bros here?
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Wild fish, grilled or fried, caught with a pole or passively with a trap. Meat, a lot of that to be found in the wild.
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Venison, about fifty pounds of meat for one piece of ammunition, or even deer traps and snares.
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Fish traps are dead simple, you can make a primitive one for free. There are also cheap ones you can buy or nicer ones made from cut wood. For bait they like shrimp and crackers, even fish meat is good bait.
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These are called slat traps, a little more complicated but the same design. These are left in the water overnight and catch fish passively, those cone style traps are good to put against the flow of moving streams.
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Some of these fish traps are very beautiful, made as basically baskets that catch fish naturally, here is an Ojibwe wooden fish trap.

The fish reproduce constantly and lay eggs in the thousands, multiplying. As long as the waters are clean, as long as you do not take more than you need, there is plenty to eat.
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It is not a complicated mechanism, like running a trotline, it is knowledge that can save your life.

Wild caught fish and game is a highly dense source of energy when cooked on a fire.

A lazy man does not roast his game, but a diligent man prizes his possession.

Proverbs 12:27
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A beautiful fish trap from the tribes of the Pacific Northwest, these are river traps for salmon. These traps provide food reliably for many people for a long time, there is love and care put into making them.
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Snares and small game traps are another means to passively catch wild meat for cooking, some are very simple lassos or can be made for free from sticks and natural fibers.

However, trapping on land is very different from fish trapping, it is generally more difficult and involves running lines of many traps at once. Trapping is not easy, but it is a very useful survival skill.

This meat can be salted and stored, but in many cases it may be easier to dry the meat into a powder, mix with berries and animal fat, make pemmican. Pemmican is a very dense food.
Yeah so anyway about cooking
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If you are skillful and successful in your hunting and trapping, you will end up with more meat than you need to feed yourself and the camp. In the wild, you may not have a freezer or butcher or salt or means to store it long term, especially if you are on the move. That is the practical use of pemmican.

You can dry meat on a campfire in this case, pemmican makes the meat last longer and is tasty, was beloved by many frontiersmen and explorers. These are all survival foods, it is best to pack dry foods if you pack any, even spices. Water adds weight to your pack, some sort of canteen for clean drinking water and means of purification is ideal.

Being able to survive in the wilderness means being able to source enough food to live, cooked meats are a highly efficient source of food. Fishing and hunting are basic survival skills, fish and game trapping is more difficult, especially using only the materials around you. If you are equipped with good survival skills, you can walk into the woods and source what you need to live, with or without a rifle or even things like flint and a tent.
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>it is best to pack dry foods if you pack any
oats, nuts, milk powder, snack bars, dry grains, dry beans
you can only live on packed food supplies for so long
in a survival situation, you need wild foods
you could be struggling to survive
foraging for roots and berries
or be well fed and rested
with solid food supply
I always actually cook at least one meal when I'm /out/ so I'm not just scarfing dehydrated shit and preservatives the entire time. Made a breakfast skillet with ribeye steak the one time, got some jealous looks from the mountain house group, kek
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Ja, boet.
What does the rest of your backpacking setup look like? This looks cozy as fuck but also alike it adds ot of weight and eats up space
I have no idea what youre on about
Based and public education pilled
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22 years ago I bought these Potjies during a spell of obsessive compulsive consumerism. This earned me the title of Fire Tender at large gatherings where other people picked the recipes and did the prep. One year we fried chicken for 50 campers in the #8 Potjie.
Most people have never heard of them, or are like me: don't care.
Hate would mean I at least acknowledge their existence and I don't.
I like to make meals at home and dehydrate them. Chili, risotto, that sort of thing. Sometimes I catch crab or clams and cook em up too
I was there.
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I uploaded that picture to Wikipedia commons 16 years ago. It can now be found on the web in hundreds of places. If you really were there, you're either a family member or belonged to a now defunct church.
I've been eating Chinese mystery snails and freshwater mussels from the lake. I'm in Ontario and I can't figure out if this is Illegal or not
>t. hates OB
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would need a fishing license or get a big ticket for illegal harvest..
Lentils and hardtack maybe some potatoes
Maybe flour put where it can in the bags
Sugar would be nice too

On long excursions you can even plant the lentils and potatoes

Lentils have the 6 amino acids that your body needs to make the rest of the 22.
That and they taste p gud and are small so they cant fit compactly in bags wherever.

Then bring a phone with a plant identification app or a field manual and try to find all your own food.
You can make candy with the sugar or sweet biscuits
A lot of energy also peanuts
yeast adds b vitamins and flavor too

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