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Hi guys long time no see but I need your advice, what's the very best option for a base layer for rain and cold? Is wool still king or are there better alternatives?

>Just get a goretex hardshell and don't get wet
I'm working construction for 10h shifts, I'll get wet and sweat a lot no ifs or buts.

Just quit your job and stay inside
most your coworkers are just gonna have their grunden overcoat on
Nothing wrong with good old human skin
try a 100% wool sweater it was worn by irish fishermen out at sea

shouldnt be more than $10 at the thrift store
Thin merino t-shirt or longsleeve, and if you're feeling frisky you can try a mesh merino t-shirt or longsleeve baselayer. Make sure it's 100% merino wool. Multiple thin layers > one thick layer. It's more versatile. When wet, wool still insulates and warms. The mesh is very breathable and even more insulating. It's just gonna look like you're headed straight to the gay bar after work though
Don't know about best, but wool is great. I've had a few times where I was out in winter (hiking and cutting down trees, mostly) wearing a wool shirt (wool / polyamide mix, either 60/40 or 70/30 from a bunch of different manufacturers - whichever was cheapest at the time), wool pullover (the miltec austrian army repro, 100% wool - would recommend that, since it's the only design I know that let's you move your arms without sliding up) and jeans, and upon coming into my house realized I was dripping wet. Never felt cold or wet, though.
>goretex hardshell
They suck. I've got one for biking, and while it's waterproof in theory, the shell gets so cold from the rain that my sweat condenses on the inside and I end up wetter than when I just wear my usual leathers.
Try a poncho
>shouldnt be more than $10 at the thrift store
Maybe in 1992
How do I get a girlfriend like this?
Do you care if you're made fun of? If not, mesh.
I'm convinced the fishnet base layer is a meme that got started by fetishists and influencers only ran with it because they were afraid of being out of style
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>rain AND cold
fren, those are two different objectives.
wool does indeed keeps you warm but it suffers when wet which is why sailors would wear wool peacoats and then yellow rubber or oilskin coats on top when it rained.
since your mentality is "imma get wet anyway" I would buy milsurp synthetic or hybrid base layers.

I like british milsurp undershirts for this purpose especially since they are sweat-wicking. Also check out varusteleka's base layers - thin merino wool and 20% synthetic blend, will dry fast. Long sleeves too!
Don't do this lol, ponchos are often a compromise between a hardshell raincoat AND a shelter, and they're not as good as both done separately. A poncho is ok if you're standing guard but they'll get in the way for manual labour.

If I were OP I would also have polycotton trousers and jacket too. TL;DR - milsurp!
Mesh is great, just wear a shirt over it.
A Norge anon that looked like he knew his business recommend models with normal fabric inserts on the shoulders and elbows, more comfortable with a rucksack.
>working construction
Synthetics are more robust than wool, and a lot cheaper too. Just saying.
Mesh is fine but your fellow construction workers will probably bully you for it.
Consider also plain old cotton that you then switch out when they get wet.
>suffers when wet
Wool retains a majority of its insulation when wet, which cannot be said of other materials.
Woolnet and a hardshell.
Yes, wool is king. And like>>2755927 mentioned look for ones with inlays, its not awful without them, but the ones with wool patches on the shoulders(and elbows/knees) are nicer.
Can you recommend brands making pure wool mesh? Do you know any making cotton ones?
Aclima, Brynje, Devold and Dovre makes them, not sure if the latter two makes them with inlays. I think Taiga makes some with some cotton in them, not sure. But these are all european brands, I think american brands exists but im not familiar with them. I personally use aclima.
I have no input but I fucking hate the social norm of men wearing shirts outside, especially while doing construction work. It's 100 F and I'm swimming in the humidity - let me take off my goddamn shirt
Thanks m9, am not a mutt.
Do so, what are they gonna do about it?
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>Do you know any making cotton ones?
Brynje makes cotton ones, but only short sleeve and sleeveless
How about the coolest base layer in hot weather? I've been sweating buckets in these last 2 months on the Dolomites, neither poly not wool seem to help.
Also is there a way not to ruin your pile with arms and neck sunscreen?
That is not a reason to get it wet or not protect it from getting wet
That's a niche bonus where something's gone to shit and now your clothes are soaked
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