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Are there any of these that don't require stupid subscriptions
Nevermind sorry I just found out about PLBs
You mean for sat texting? Doubtful
Yeah there's personal locator beacons but they can't send text messages, just an emergency signal. Most recent smartphones have satellite connections and can call SOS without cell reception now.

Garmin is a monopoly with terrible products because they have little competition.
Yeah that's all I want, I just want something in an emergency, thanks anon! Up until now I thought garmin was high tier but I guess now
I'm not sure which Android devices have it, but iPhone 14 and newer have GPS emergency function. I do wonder if it would still work if you stopped paying for a phone number.
all smartphones produced since 2011 in pretty much all of USA and Europe have mandatory offline satellite emergency capability, even without a sim card
wildly untrue
next ios update will have satellite texting, downside is owning a goyphone
If you're planning to use any kind of SOS device buy rescue insurance as well. It's very cheap and god forbid you ever have to use it and they come in with a heli you'll be looking at $40k+ starting without any insurance
where i live the rescue services are all free because of community donations
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get the fuck out of here there are people who base jump off cliffs and waste "tax payer" money fuck you
sorry i was being rude
What the fuck are you even talking about?
you can call emergency number without a sim card – IF you have cell signal – and that's it. Apple didn't make a big fuss about its (recent) sat emergency call for no reason.
>tax payers
lifeflight and rescue agencies are run on donations lmfao
my point exactly; retard sperging over taxes, when it's said it's funded by donations...
they aren't, dumbass
moron, i was referring to this post >>2754061
go argue with that anon, if you care that much
>entire county and helicopter rescue teams can be funded just by donations
keep barking, clown
Only since the iPhone 14 and Galaxy S22, both flagship phones that came out in 2022.
I would still get it just in case man. Especially if you ever travel. Mine was like $40/yr for 100k coverage. As long as you're not doing suicidal things, or mountaineering it's cheap as fuck.

I might as well just do that.
I'm not into insurance but that just sounds like sound advice.

thanks, bro
uvk5 is $25 and can be hacked to send messages, just radio though
garmin has a monopoly because the american government gave it to them
Garmin has a monopoly because they put y'all on game.
>garmin has a monopoly because the american government gave it to them
tell me more
theyre the dod contractor its that easy
same reason why boeing had the monopoly on planes for a long while, until you know

these companies effectively operate as part of the government, thats how boeing got to have government sanctioned goon squads to axe their whistleblowers

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