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You guys wouldn't do this, would you?
I bet he purposefully went off trail to make them feel guilty. It's NH, nothing there can kill you and every normal person has gps on their phones now a days to see where they are.
>now a days
Bad hiking group. Slowest is supposed to set the pace.
im guilty of doing the thing where i motor ahead and then rest while the slowpokes behind me take forever to catch up then just as they do i speed off again to the next spot. not my fault that i have put in the years of grueling training to be fit enough to actually walk places. it blew my mind the other day how my coworker was shocked how i routinely walk 30 minutes to the grocery store rather than driving. THIRTY MINUTES are you kidding me. these are the kind of people we have to live with..
I usually run a head, drop my gear, come back and carry their shit.
This. If someone is noticeably fatter than the rest of the group the very first thing you should do is distribute their gear--they shouldn't have any cookware or tent and let someone else carry their water (assuming someone has a filter and water is available at the destination)
>she doesn't know about the horseflies

this board is exclusively occupied by scum who say they'd do that but are actually the person lagging behind.
Does this help make them better people, or does it make them worse?
Nah. I usually hike very slowly and stay in the back. Fast hikers/groups are kinda loud and don't enjoy nature.

I'm confident enough in my hiking abilities to do it alone. I understand if you want to make it to a campsite before dark though. It can be scary out there!
I don't hike with fat people anymore.
yeah no you do this shit on a proper mountain and somebody is going to die
>"I-it's okay, heh, I'll be alright. I'm just t-tired..."
>*Goes missing*
If you die to a fucking horsefly then you weren't mean to be going /out/ in mountains
Nope. If someone is being a maggot, you carry his stuff. You carry the maggot yourself if need be. The pace shall not be compromised.
Real fag shit.
>the very first thing you should do is distribute their gear
Did this once, I'm not doing it again. If their dumbass brings it, they're stuck with it. I'll see them at camp.
Everyone who goes on group hikes should know how to handle themselves solo, in all conditions, at all times of day and night. That slower hiker being left behind wouldn't have been a concern if he could've managed the rest of the hike by himself.
And then you went home to an air conditioned home with refrigerated food and plumbing. Nice larp boomer faggot
my friends do call me Mass Man
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>cater to a fat retard

How about no
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If I choose to go /out/ with you it doesn't matter how fat or dumb or weak you are--I chose to deal with it.
Im from the area and this happens all the time.

PSA: If you're hiking in groups always have the slowest person lead. Anyone who disagrees with this is a fast autist who no one likes.
Sounds like decent advice. Thanks for answering.
If want to go fast, then go alone.
I would never abandon you OP
fast autist hands typed this
No because
1. I'm from New Hampshire so they won't label me a tourist
2. I don't have any friends to hike with, I'm always alone
> It's NH, nothing there can kill you
true, except lyme and rabies.

> and every normal person has gps on their phones now a days to see where they are.
Yeah but no signal in the woods and if you don't have downloaded maps it won't help.
I unironically wouldn't. I'm generally a very fast hiker since thats what I enjoy with hiking, but ever since I was in the army and our 2nd lt. made me feel bad about me and two others leaving the rest of our team behind(this was our first ever exercise) I never did it again. It's a shitty thing to do, and its more virtous to stay behind and help, and its also important in case anything happens to the person, which is highly likely. It also helps me slow down and enjoy the hike instead of just speeding through it.
Yes, I will make the spontaneous decision to continue along.
>and if you don't have downloaded maps it won't help.
skill issue
>Mindbroken by zogbotting many such cases
>having good courtesy is jewish
Not even pills will help you.
>an entire group
>not even one to stay behind with the guy
Sounds like a bunch of faggots
Well there are many things I dont agree with about the army, but I do agree with the concept of not leaving a person behind and only being as strong as your weakest member.
The trees have claimed him, let him fight for his own life.
Firstly, those are hills, second; anybody dumb enough to not carry a map and compass and know how to use them deserves to be gangraped by racoons.

Lol, east coasters.,
Have a bump, fag
Plus it's the east coast just was 50 feet to the nearest house
>east coast just was 50 feet to the nearest house
>t. has never been outside of a major city
There is no way to escape a major city on the east coast
Pic related
You literally have never been on the east coast, let alone outside your house from whatever shithole you live in if you think there are major cities everywhere and a house every 50 feet. This isn't even good bait. Like lmao, you need to be 18 and older to post here btw.
>true, except lyme and rabies.
so hes still alive for the next month or so
>Drive hours to a remote park
>Lol parks full bitch 90% of the population lives east of the Mississippi and this parks a 3 hour drive for 30 million.
The places worth living have fewer than 10 ec votes
We need to put a stop to fat and weak people
Ok, what's that got to do with population distribution relative to parks?

Up state Main is still 3 hours away for 30 million+. The entire population of the Seattle metro area is only 4 million. The total population between WA and OR is only around 12 million people and Main is 1/2 the size of WA.

I'm sure living in the rural areas is great but I'm talking about the amount of volume /out/ based on population and 90% of the US population lives not just east of the Mississippi but most of them live on the coast.
Natural selection.
Don't be slow on mountain paths, it's rude,
My Gps signal died on a public paved trail that is right next to people's houses. What makes you think it will be any better up in the mountains?
30 minute walk for groceries is annoying honestly, physical fitness aside. Like driving 30 minutes for groceries is stupid too.
>30 minute walk for groceries is annoying honestly
that's when you use your bike
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eastoids always full of cope & seethe
the slowest in the group should always be killed and eaten when reaching first camp
im weaksauce from having an auto immune disease, but you wouldn't know it from looking at me. This is why I refuse all group hiking trips. I'd become such a liability.

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