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Can someone redpill me on those fancy expensive bikes? Four years ago I bought a bike for daily commute. I was poor so I bought the cheapest city bike for €260:


Then I discovered my passion for cycling trips. The problem was, my bike was cheap, so it kept breaking all the time, other than that I loved it. After two years I had enough and came back to the bike shop, where the guy tried to sell me some more racing-looking bike, but I really loved my city bike, so I ended up buying a more expensive bike from the city series for €700:


It's very comfortable, and during these two years the only things that needed repairs were tubes and tyres, even the original brake pads are still going strong. Fantastic. I can't express it how much I love the minimal maintenance. Unfortunately, it's very heavy, which really limits my performance during all-day cycling trips.

I'm thinking of buying one of those fancy expensive bikes for my trips, but I don't know shit about them.
this is my story as well.this year i bought a cheap single speed. next year i plan on picking up a specialized road because i have the need for speed and added distance.

i allready changed the chainring once but desu it just doesnt cut it. i want to add distance and speed into the mix but its rather difficult as my current bike isnt really suited for this.

cant wait.

i also scammed a free helmet from REI.
Get a cyclocross style bike. Not a cyclocross race bike but more of a cyclocross style touring bike. Make sure it is compatible with rack and fenders if you want those. Post on /n/, preferably in the Bike Buying General thread if one is up.
Idk european brands so cant recommend models but in the US, good bikes would be something like Salsa Vaya or Surly Long Haul Trucker. The euro brands should have similar offerings
>scammed a helmet
Story time
read http://topnigger.ueuo.com/
nothing too complex.i ordered one online and they kept changing the delivery date. their customer service is pretty good if you have the membership so i called and complained and they sent another out for free saying it must of been lost.

they eventually both arrived and i brought one back for a refund with no questions asked.
>Unfortunately, it's very heavy, which really limits my performance during all-day cycling trips.

Do you really think a few kilograms is hurting your performance that much or do you just want to talk yourself into a new bike?
Your problem is that you're dutch. Just ride your shit bike until it's completely broken, then throw it in the canal and steal another bike.
Very easy to understand
just like cars, watches, phones.. anything marketed to the masses is image first function last and pricing is based on status not function.

That's why big trucks are all the rage even though 99% of the morons just use them to commute because they're too insecure to buy a honda accord for 1/4 the purchase price and 1/10th the recurring costs.
If you just want some more performance for easy trips then look for a hybrid bike or trekking/touring bike.
You'll want something between €1000-1500 for a decent bike, you're paying for the components (gears and breakes) and brand.
>I'm thinking of buying one of those fancy expensive bikes for my trips
Why, if you're happy with what you have? Consumerism?

Go to the store like a normal person and ride some, see if there's actually a difference that's worth the money.
lool my sister has that exact decathlon bike homo
Single speeds with aggressive geometry are unrivaled fun commuting bikes. If you want a fredsled good luck though, for some reason people think that road bikes retain 99% of their value when they're resold.
Get a E Bike anon
>I was poor so I bought the cheapest city bike for €260
yeah you weren't poor faggot
you can get a perfectly serviceable used bike for 30-40€
He is poor by /out/ standards, just hearing Decathlon makes snobs shudder. They'll probably throw up if you mention your briefs and socks aren't some fancy outdoor-marketed brand.
>aggressive geometry
what the fuck does that even mean
ass up face down
good steel or titanium frame is must
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The bike's frame design and materials affect how it rides - more comfort/upright, relaxed & stable, stretched out with faster steering, etc. "Geometry" means things like the wheelbase, seat & head tube angles, chainstay length, fork rake - if that sounds like jargon you don't care about, try riding a road bike, mountain bike, and a touring bike vs your city bike. You'll get it.

For longer trips you're looking for a touring bike or one of the non-racing cyclocross "adventure" or "gravel" bike like the other poster said. You want lots of gears, rack mounts, decent wheels, and preferably durable but not heavy construction like your city bike.

there are /n/ folks who bikepack, worth a lurk
Strava and clout chasers have everyone thinking their bikes need to be made of carbon
Get a belt drive instead of a chain.
because dripping some light oil on it once in a while and replacing it in 5 minutes once a year is too demanding
>only 1 chain a year
Holy casual.
First things first, you re Dutch so kill yourself
>scammed a free helmet from REI.
sorry sweaty, nobody scams REI. they only scam you if you spent any money there at all. you paid for those reward points
Every one of my friends who bought a gravel bike won't shut up about how amazing they ate and how much they enjoy their bikes. I myself bought a used trek xcaliber (hardtail) and fitted a rear rack for trips. It's a little more heavy than the suspensionless bikes but it looks a lot more sturdy.
Take from this what you like, but a nice bike is nice if you like to bike
>walk in wearing top hat
>put helmet on under top hat
>walk out

it's just that easy
Because I used to go through two chains/sprockets a year and the belt has lasted me for two years without showing signs of wear.
how many are you supposed to go through? I wax, so I literally never have to replace a chain.
And instead you opted to deal with the weight and drag of an internal gearbox?
Yup. I bike an average of 100 km a week and can't be arsed to baby a derailleur anymore.
>my bike was cheap, so it kept breaking all the time
lmao like some onions racing bike is going to break less? I guess things do go wrong on a basic bike now and then but there's not much can fail you can't fix with a pair of vice grips and $10 of parts from walmart or parts pulled from junk bikes. Are you some kind of woman?
You don't even own a bike.
I own a bike I bought used 14 years ago for around $200 and it works great.

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