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File: IMG_6766.jpg (59 KB, 500x333)
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Title pretty much explains it, live in eastern KY, close to WV and i'm looking for spots to hike during the colder months, as I hate the heat.
Can you see if there's a view here?
37.544557, -81.940536
It's outside Wharncliffe near Tug Fork and Google Maps suggests there *might* be a nice view there but I have no idea if there actually is and nobody posted the pictures of the beautiful view if there is one.

I believe you could park off of Right Fork Ben's Creek Road around
37.544974, -81.961513

I went there in person and I believe there was room to park and didn't see any no trespassing signs but maybe there are some further in and I don't think it is public land but neither are the ATV trails so southern WV is sort of uniquely odd in that way.

Also, there's a fire tower at Panther Wildlife Management Area you can climb via an actual singletrack trail or a doubletrack fire road. I didn't climb the actual tower cuz I was exhuasted after the climb and the tower is in shitty shape (appears to be the original one from 100 years ago) but you can (it isn't blocked off, just a closed sign) and the views are likely spectacular.

Problem with southern WV is most of the trails are ATV trails. Eastern KY you have Pine Mountain and if you wanna do some scouting there's an abandoned fire tower atop Stone Mountain north above Big Stone Gap, Virginia that, theoretically, could offer a view as far as Roan High Mountain NC but probably there is no view anymore and the tower is gone but who knows for sure. It can be accessed via a fire road in town or via Dark Hollow Trail that I think you again have to kinda park in town to access.
Alright, i'll check that out sometime, and the fire tower sounds cool so i'll look into going there, thanks for the advice
Bro are you retarded? Just hike any and all of it. Like, walk around bro. Lmao. It's actual outdoors. All of it. Fuck private property you can't keep me out.

t. from EKY
Have you ever climbed High Rock near Eolia?
There's apparently a possible "back way" via parking off a dirt road and hiking in through a possibly abandoned trail (albeit on public land) and I haven't been able to find any info about this route other than someone's recording online to show they did it.
No I haven't, however my entire life I just went straight off into the woods didn't even consider a using a trail for years. Winter is a really good season for that too, you know, because it stops looking like Viet-fucking-nam.

Just look at a map and go. Rules are for gays.
Have you found any good views that way?
Every single time bro, Kentucky is one of the most beautiful states I am glad(for the most part) that I grew up there.
You moved away?
I did, Kentucky ain't what it used to be. It's going to get worse too. I need freedom, and Kentucky is going the route of the insecure religious zealot and I'd be sick to see the lack of freedom in a place that used to be so free. Just another white washed landed gentry tourist destination it is becoming.
4Cs trail at Carter Caves State Park is a fun little trail
What’s the public land situation in KY? I’ve visited the first time recently and the nature and backroads are gorgeous here.

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