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#509- “Do You Even #Baitcast?” Edition

Previous Thread:

janny pls…

Thinking about picking up a new hobby? Want to get a memecaster? Haven't mastered the Palomar knot? Click here!

New Bong Fishin Guide

First for best telescopic rod is the one you exchanged for a 3pc.

Talk about fishin
Instead of a leader, anybody else color their braid with a sharpie?
Finally got my pack rods shipped. Still figuring out what reels to go with, and then a better rod tube.
whats biting in Michigan rn?
also I will go in private lakes no one cared last year no one is even out there.

I own a Plano telescoping travel rod case and it's good but unironically the best rod case I ever had was from Cabelas, one of those ultra thick cardboard shipping tubes with end caps. It's like 1/4th inch heavy ass cardboard tubing and I trust it more than the Plano
Just picked up some Zman TRD micro finesse soft plastics and micro jigheads. These things are seriously nice. Next Monday I'll be throwing them on an UL, BFS fishing for trout and throwing out a 11" fucking 10 ounce swimbait for striper. I'm probably going to blow my shoulder out after 1 hour and just stick to BFS fishing for the rest of the morning lmao, we shall see.
I just got into fishing like a week ago, on the Oregon coast mostly fishing in lakes. Tried power bait for trout and fake red worms for bass so far, haven’t caught anything yet. Any tips? I’m using a cheap 8’ Hurricane Mako and don’t have anything fancy, just some bobbers, splitshots, and some inherited jigs.
Correction, it’s a 6’ rod.
Wacky rig Senkos will never disappoint you. Senkos are a bit pricey but I hear people buy molds and melt down the ones that have been torn up and the subsequent product works just fine.
There are a number of commercial and homemade options I have found, but most of them are for fly rods, and I have a 4 pc spinning rod. I’m not even really sure why fly rods are the default “hiking” rod. The only place around me that you can get a back cast from is a boat, gravel bar, manicured park, or above the tree line.
Texas rig senkos are pretty good too, and allow you to fish weedless. Just don't set the hook too early, really let the fish take some line
And by this I mean that I’m not sure what diameter a 4 pc spinning rod and rod sock will need, most tubes are 2” and that sounds a bit tight.
This is the one I have. It can fit up to 7'. I've had zero issues flying a lot with it.
Wrong type of tube, this is for hiking. I want the smallest, most reasonably durable tube.
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The new Daiwa Sol reel. I have their rods and love them. It’s $370. How much of a retard would I be to invest in one? I am in love with the look. Would be a huge step up from my Daiwa BGs.
Fuck that looks so good. Honestly how much a reel color matches my new rods is taking way too much importance.
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Is line-through lures a thing outside Scandinavia? Found this article while trying to get an answer, which also shows the kind of lure I'm talking about https://www.henry-gilbey.com/blog/i-wonder-how-these-inline-style-sea-trout-lures-sandeel-lookalikes-might-work-for-our-bass
First time seeing those but they look like they'd work well for blues and stripers
stick with dingers honestly
80% of the effectiveness for 1/3 the price
Just checked it out on American Legacy Fishing, pre-ordered for $315 including tax. That looks dope.
that doesn't provide any abrasion resistance
for what purpose?
from hardware store buy fiberglass tube in appropriate dimensions and PVC pipe fittings for the endcaps and put it all together
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Steezy channel cat on the fly
Private campgrounds pond so doesnt -really- count but I sight fished it and it bent my rod so.im happy
tube flies for spey fishing are similar and relatively common in Britain and Ireland
for reducing visibility of the line
There's new tech out called Flouro.
>younger brother bought a boat
>get excited because I might finally be able to go boat fishing now
>turns out the previous owner swapped the stock motor for a 70HP one which is too big to legally register the boat
God damnit
whats the smallest quality snap swivels i can get
found some gama size 10's but still larger than what i want
Stop using snap swivels, get down on the fast snaps. Half the size and stronger.
Do snakes make good bait for catfish or gar? Hit a garter snake with the lawnmower so have a pretty big chunk available and will freeze it if they're good bait, otherwise I'll just leave it for the birds
they'll both eat literally anything, especially catfish with it being the grosser the better
its for an ultralight setup and don't wanna deal with line twist
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Captcha can eat my ass
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These are pretty nice, but dunno if you can get them outside EU.
Wiggler.se and part number is 4491.
Got my car broken into last night and all they took was my empty fishing pole carrying case with my fishing license inside.
Hustle and bustle of the big city
just buy some live worms
Oh that was you I took that from, now I’m sitting here trying to figure out what to do with it since I can’t exactly pawn it for much, maybe next time leave your rod in it cheapass. I can’t even fish with the damn thing, what do you expect me to do, hit the fish on the head with an empty tube?
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Fishing retard here, do I really need a rod? Handline fishing really appeals to me. Wwould appreciate if someone listed all the benefits they could think of having a rod over handlining.
What type of markers should I use for coloring flies? Do I need to buy fly tying marketed markers? Or will colored sharpies do the job? From what I've seen so far, most of it will end up under UV resin, but some may remain exposed when making color changes to just the thread.
I always used Prismacolor with no problems.
I've been using copic markers
Thanks, these don't look much different from the colored sharpies I have.

Those copic's are expensive! $100 for 36, $50 for 12. Those are the one's I've seen on the tying channels you guys have pointed me to though. They're permanent, alcohol based markers. Is there any reason to use these over another alcohol based, non toxic, water resistant, permanent marker?
They were available individually at my local art supply store so I could buy just the colors I wanted
Sharpies should be fine though
A rod is an extension of your arm that allows you the leverage to cast your lures and fight fish. You can hand line cut baits worms and such but using artificial lures seems very impractical
Obviously you can't handline a shark or tuna (or at least not without massive difficulty). There was a homeless guy near our local fishing hole who always handlined because he was trying to eat, so for feeding himself it was fine but you're going to have a hard time fishing for sport. The local B&T gifted him a rod and reel setup and we buy him rigs and shit from time to time to help him out but sometimes I still see him using a handline and he said its "familiar" to him. Cool guy.
Stop enabling parasitic pieces of fucking shit. If that asshole wanted a fucking rod, he should have gotten a job and bought one like the rest of us instead of getting fucking handouts from you and the rest of the bleeding heart faggot squad.
I took my fly rod back out to the river park to do some more practice casting. I decided to focus on roll casting, take the back cast out for now. I got a lot better results. I'm still not rolling out smoothly, but it's not all falling in a pile. I'm still stopping too far forward, I'm still trying to flick it with my wrist unless I'm focusing on exactly what I'm doing. I've been fishing for so long, it's hard to be constantly mindful. But I cast a lot better when I do. I even managed to roll cast a nymph rig without it tangling up on me. Didn't catch anything, but I was there to practice anyway. A fish would have been a pleasant surprise, but I wasn't expecting to catch anything. But if I'm practicing on the water....I might as well have a hook on there just in case ;)
These OP images are always of white women. Do Asians not fish or something?
Nah, he’s mad cool. He doesnt talk about his life situation and I don’t care. Maybe hes an addict or criminal, maybe his whole family was killed by a drunk driver and he fell apart, all I care about is that he’s nice, funny and interesting so I will always help him out, especially because he enjoys fishing even if he doesnt have the nicest setups.
They do, they just keep everything regardless of regulations or species and trash the beaches.
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Gave an good old float a try , caught some rudd perch roaches and whatever this thing is, pretty good outing.
>you can't handline a shark or tuna
Wrong that's not uncommon, the use ropes and gloves with a leader.
>it's hard to be constantly mindful. But I cast a lot better when I do
There you go that's an insight. Fly casting is proven to be meditative in the same way as yoga; by focusing your mind purely on the repetitive and specific motion the outside world melts away and stress with it. Being yourself to the here and now and clear you rrf mind of all but the cast.
Do they really? I’d be terrified that the line would still compress and potentially sever fingers inside a glove. Its been like 15 years but from watching The Old Man and the Sea, he was using incredibly thick rope which would have distributed the pressure over a wider area.
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Both are floating and dive to 3’. Top is Magnum Long A Bomber, bottom is Yozuri Hydro. Are there any situations to throw one over the other?
Saw my first tarantula hawk today. Saw 3 of them. Not gonna lie, scared to go shore fishing now. That's fucked bros. I never knew they were native here.
Real Life isn’t Fallout. Cazadors IRL are not aggressive and won’t sting unprovoked. Just don’t reflexively swat if one lands on you to drink some sweat. That’s how I got tagged. Worse than a bald faced hornet, but not by as much as Inwas expecting.
>fedex email my rods got delivered
>picture of delivered package isn’t where I live
Google lens suggests a common bleak

you can't fish most lures with a hand line, you have no options for presentation, you have to use heavier line (rod effectively increases breaking strength of line).
Since it's been 100 american degrees every day for a few weeks I've just been wading the small secluded creeks around here and it really is my favorite kind of fishing. Smallmouth, all kinds of sunfish, pickerel, chubs, no matter the size it's so much fun in these cool shaded waters.
I went the other day and unfortunately with the humidity didn't really feel that much cooler being the in the water. Still had a great time though.
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I Just think to myself why doesn't Fishing Florida Water on YouTube ever upload videos like every other tuber.
Can any of you fishmeisters give me some advice on catching blackback/winter flounder from shore? I'm on the east coast of Canada; more rocky shoreline than beaches. No access to a boat. Thanks!
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Fly supply haul. I bought some flash material an tinsel, poly yarn, pheasant tail, several hooks, foam, more elk hair, ice dubbing, flat rubber strips and more barred round rubber...not in the picture are a couple more spools of thread, some head beads and a hackle gauge. Not too bad for $150. I'm going to be making a different elk hair caddis pattern and chubby chernobyls next.
What are some good polarized sunglasses for fishing that won’t break your wallet?
I just use w/e polarized sunglasses at costco
>fishing that won’t break your wallet?
This is subjective. I have RayBan Wayfarers. This model, in both prescription and non-prescription (I always wear eyewear when fishing, not risking a hook near the eye let alone in it). Plus they're a classic style. I find that too many "fishing glasses" have that 2003 era Oakleys douchebag look to them.


The beaches I fish for flounder on are sandy with very little rocks but my setup is:
>light-medium 7' fast action rod
>1/4th-3/4th oz jighead
Since I'm fishing in the Cape Cod and Jersey areas (cold water) I use the jerk shads and curly tail grubs. You WILL lose a lot of them so go ahead and get the bulk tubs over the envelopes, and buy the Plano bait holders over the stock containers because they leak like War Thunder forums
they aren't hard to catch, in fact we pretty much overfished them out of existence where I live. small hooks, slow retrieve or dead stick. they eat way more worms and crabs compared to their bigger relatives.
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caught my first ever lake trout.
I love that natives can go spear and net unlimited walleye and musky it's cool meanwhile I'm limited to 1
I feel you, they’re insufferable in Wisconsin, taking out whole streams of them, but hey, if you go over the limit you’re destroying the ecosystem.
it wouldn't be that bad if they didn't brag about it on social media...
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Chubby Chernobyl, 3 on #6s and 3 on #8s.
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Trail of Tears: deserved
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A different elk hair caddis pattern
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t. Running Bear
How’s the fire water treating you?
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Thanks lads. Yeah, I used to jig tons as a kid on a cheap rod and whatever lure I could find, but I've been getting back into fishing lately and getting skunked. Figured I'd try some new tactics. I've made a few bottom rigs that I've seen online, and got some cheap shrimp to cut up for bait. See how it goes.
Mentioned to a friend I wanted to try using braid and he gave me a spool of Beyond Braid to try. I heard it has inconsistent quality as a brand. Should I risk it or just buy some J8 Braid?
never heard of them, I think that is weird they sell made in america and chinese line. they are just selling rebadged product seems like.
>new to fishing
>wanna catch and keep

assuming everything is legal length, what is the common courtesy/best practices in regards to keeping big fish?
Swimbait anon here. I want to finally commit to it. I want to get into BFS fishing. For years I put it off, but I'm going to do it. Swimbaitting, fly, BFS only from now on. Rod I have in mind:
>NFC fw661-4
>6' 6", 4 piece, mod-fast action, 1 - 5 gram lure rating
>Aldebaran BFS
>Sunline 8 strain 14 pound braid to 4 pound fluoro
This sound like a good set-up? Going to be mainly throwing jointed craw 70's, megabass darter 80's, megabass BFS microdog and micro finesse 1/16 oz jigs.
Review doesn't look good. Would use it if it was free and you want to try out braid I guess, but I'm autistic about my gear so I wouldn't touch it. I only use sufix 832 nowaday

if you are new to fishing you probably won't be catching any big ones unless you are poaching so I wouldn't worry about it. If you are actually eating what you catch don't have much to worry about. Ideally you harvest the median sized fish for the water body though.
Say I pass under a bridge while fishing, what’s an appropriate item or gift to leave the bridge troll so he lets me pass by peacefully? I don’t feel like being mauled fly fishing under a bridge.
An unopened can of beer is usually hard to go wrong with
Things that are "really big" should be thrown back because they're able to produce more babby. The minimum size for flounder here for example is 16.5" and if I caught one that was 30" I'd toss it. Also if you're going to keep a fish for sure, don't just string it or toss it on ice, take a knife, slip it through both gills and bleed it out, no need to keep it alive for longer than needed. If you clean it on the shore/river/pond etc make sure you clean up your mess, nobody likes setting up to fish next to carcasses. And once again, bleed them if you're going to keep them. No suffering.
cant wait to leave these on the bottom of the river. i call them wing-it clousers because they're a clouser tied with only the wing, and "wing it" tends to imply shortcuts which this fly also has. they keel great and seem to fish just as well as normal clousers in my experience, but with less consumed materials and time.
those will work, they're great for a dry dropper rig
im not sure i like the look of those personally but they should float great.
buy something name brand
big fish arent great to keep, they're the breeders and they have the most chance to pick up pollutants. barely legal to about 5 pounds is what id call "eating size" for most fish.
>4 pound flouro
you're gonna lose a lot of lures. id do at least 8 on it, and if you're gonna be using stuff that light 10 pound braid might be worth to milk every bit of casting power out of it.
as for the rod and reel, i have no idea.
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This works too.


Say I let my buddy use my favorite deep sea lure since he wants to try getting into fishing at a deeper depth and he falls over the boat when something snags his line and he never resurfaces. Do I have to take his family to court to get reimbursed for the lure or would that look bad on my end? It’s not like they know why he disappeared but I really liked that lure.
Just take the L and buy yourself a new lure ffs
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Caught a nice smally this morning!! Caught it on a panther martin, black with yellow spots. I also caught 4 more that were in the 4-8in range. They are aggressive little things!! I hooked into one that was barely bigger than the spinner! Didn't land it though, it jumped the hook when I pulled it out of the water.
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Also caught a couple bluegill, same spinner. It's 7-8in long around 4in tall. Nice size bluegill. Kept it for lunch :)
What about the new elk hair ones do you not like? I have no particular attachment to the pattern, just something new I saw on the mainelyflies channel. The foam is too thick I think. I should have bought the 2mm not the 3mm. I also used 2xl hooks and the video was done on a regular, possibly wide gap barbless hook.
He also used a very long hackle feather, so more of the black on the head was covered. I only have little neck hackles in the color he used(red). The only long hackles I have are in grizzly.
it just looks a little awkward to me. im sure the fish will eat it.
What's your favorite dry fly?
I went deeeeeep diving on BFS YouTube videos from Hook Up Tackle and Japanese guys. Going to go 11 pound braid to 8 pound fluoro, you were right, 4 pound is too light.

Gonna do it guys. Going to go BFS nerd mode now.
Foam hopper or parachute Adam's
fishing with worms is getting boring
Agreed, real men just use their hands to grab the fish out of the water.
Noodle maxxer in his trout tickling arc
I seen a bloke stick his penis in a carps mouth, I don’t know what to do.
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You will do nothing because you can do nothing.
Gave me a good chortle, thanks anon
Do they make floatation attachments for fishing vests or do I have to rebuy another vest with one built in? Looking for a way to just attach one to the back of my vest when I go out in a kayak.
Buy a fishing kayak pdf. You want something comfortable and work well because you gonna be stuck it in while sitting down on your kayak for hours. It's one thing that I wouldn't want to cheap out on. I have only an NRS Chinook, which I got for like $80-$90 on sale and it last me for like 5+ years now
>manage to get up early
>30 min drive
>Set up my kayak and ready to launch early
>Realize I forgot my fishfinder at home
>Get skunk
This guy needs a fish finder to “fish”, grow up and just cast into the water.
I can fish without one, just limit myself to visible structure like the jetty or floating kelp, which didn't produce today.
Sorry I can't magically locate structures that I found and mark in past in 30+ ft deep open water
All I’m hearing are excuses, just drop the line and fish.
Cool advice from some guy who never does anything beyond pond fishing I guess
And ditch fishing
Using mediocre braid as backing for 100 yards of good braid, Y or N?
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Got my second Daiwa BG. Love these guys. Now have one in 2500 for my 7’ inshore and one in 4000 for surfcasting on my 9’.
Not optimal but if you have some shitty braid you don't want to use but don't want to throw away them okay I guess.
If I want to save good braid, I would just the backing with a lot of high test mono then put in the braid. Mono backing doesn't slip and doesn't allow the braid to dig in. That's what I need to spool my daiwa Fuego 4000 because I don't need 300+ yd of 20lb braid. I only need like 150yd or so
About to go fishing bros, wish me luck.
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good luck anon
Alright I have a couple questions related to fly fishing.

I got a Chinese 5wt (with 6wt line), the brand is Sougayilung or something like that. I'd guess I could effectively cast about 40 feet maximum on a standard overhead cast with no fly and no wind. Is 40 feet pretty typical for a 5/6wt or should I work on my technique some more? It works well enough, here's a bass I caught on it, but I'm struggling with casting distance on the ponds around here, so not sure how much water I can effectively cover. I know if I had my spinning setup with a small weighted bobber I could easily get further than with the fly rod, so it's somewhat frustrating to use.

My other question is related to purchasing another rod and probably using more than the cheap Chinese one (since I've only had the Chinese one for a short while and things are already feeling sketchy, namely the reel but the rod feels a lot more whippy than I was expecting). Through gift cards, I can buy something from Cabela's and I've been eyeing the Redington original fly kit. My only hiccup is I can either get a 5wt or an 8wt, only 2 options. I fish primarily ponds, lakes, and decent size rivers (at least 20' wide) in Iowa. I'm thinking between the two, the constant wind in the Midwest, and I think a heavier line would be easier to cast further, an 8wt would serve me better (also since I already have a 6wt). I'm fine if I'm not pinpoint accurate, that'll come with time on the water, far more interested in increasing casting distance. I'm also fine with the rod not flexing as much on smaller fish, I can always go back to the 6wt if I want that.

Thanks for reading my blog post, I can answer any other questions as needed, just curious thoughts on this.
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if you can only cast 40 feet that is almost certainly a skill issue, i can push 60 with a 4 weight easyit is possible that your rod and line are holding you back though. do you double haul and shoot line?
also the best rod pair in the midwest is a 4 and an 8, the 4 is for trout and panfish and small ponds, the 8 is for bass, carp, and other bigger fish.
Didn’t catch anything, practiced my casting with my new fly fishing gear, I suck.
Typically just standard overhead casting, but I do shoot line. I tried again this morning, with a little bit of double haul, and my line kept tangling on itself so I think I gotta work on the double haul specifically. It was probably around 40'-50', so I can tell it's getting better but I gotta keep practicing. As for the rod selection, I think that solidifies my desire for an 8wt over a 5wt
Tailing loops?
Go grass cast and watch the orvisnfly casting guides on youtube with your phone at the same time that's how I learned to cast
That's how I feel with my new fly outfit too! I've been fishing for decades and so much just doesn't translate, it makes me feel like a beginner all over again...
That’s how I’m feeling, I’m so used to angler fishing, learning to cast a fly makes me feel like a 5 year old again just trying to get it down
That's half the fun
Fundamentals still count. The fish are still in the same places eating the same things they are when you're soin fishing, but getting a presentation changes.
One trout kept taunting me, he must have a bed in one part of the river, never seen him move 6 feet from the spot the entire time I was there. Was trying to cast to it and got to the point I was just about to run over there, jump in and grab him.
I had an otter "taunt" me a couple of days ago! It was with another two. They took turns diving and watching. As they passed me, one came up with a fish in it's mouth and looked right at me, as if to say "They're there, you just can't catch 'em" lol
>Tailing loops?
Only when I try double haul, otherwise it looks like a clean cast
you will get some friction from the line to line knot going through the guides but its preferable to being underspooled or using mono backing.
With the knot at 100 yd deep in the spool, that knot probably rarely going goes through the guide while fishing, if ever at all
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A boat was the best decision I possibly could've made.
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I bought myself a cheap traveler clone off the zon. I like it a lot better than the cheap(er) one I got with the kit I bought on Craigslist. The rotation on the plane of the hook shank makes things so much easier!! I could flip it and see how things looked on the other one. But getting into a good angle to make a cut or even things out was sometime challenging. I'd have to stand up and walk to the other side of the table. Not a terrible inconvenience, but an inconvenience none the less.

I made some GFA hoppers on it tonight. I like the pattern, thanks for the recommendation. The grass is mostly brown this time of year and so are the grass hoppers. So I think this color should do nicely.
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Those hoppers look great
Congrats on the vise upgrade, rotary vises are goat
Grab a beer or two and watch this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1u2cFm6PFY
What do I do about the seagulls that laugh at me everytime a fish gets away or my line snaps? They’re not helping my confidence with their constant laughter.
don't worry until they start shitting on you
You need a pet falcon. Thise things will rape seagulls.
Try tying the clousers with a quarter of that much hair. Bob Clouser said he on ly had 20 or so strands of hair on the original design. It still catches fish and has more of a translucent profile like many baitfish. It will also sink better since you're only using the hook for weight.
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Rotary vices are amazing. I have this Renzetti. 21 years of use, soon to be 22. Thing is a powerhouse. Short of a nuke dropping on it I think it will last another 20.
I've starting fishing recently and I found some old spoon lures that I tried to use today for the first time but I kept catching them on shit under the water. How do you stop this, is it just experience? Should I get some shitty ones off AliExpress to practice? Or can I just put a float on the line like I'm bait fishing to stop it from sinking too deep? And how far do I cast them, I can get them out pretty far since they are heavier than the floats and stiff I normally use. I'm fishing in reservoirs in the UK if thats relevant. Thanks.
If there's a lot of vegetation floating around you're going to get some hooked no matter what. I suggest buying these, Berkley Johnson Silver Minnow spoons. They're top tier spoons and people use them for almost everything almost everywhere.
Nice! My biggest concern in ordering the clone is cheap pot metal. If this one breaks quickly, I'll probably pony up for the real deal. The only complaint I've ever heard about Renzetti is the price. But if it's going to last +20 years, that sounds like a good investment.
If the vegetation isn't in the top of the water, try spinning faster. Else you're pretty much fucked. If you're using treble hooks, switch to a small single hook that isn't too narrow gape/shank wise.

Try looking up "bombarda float rig", it's a method for fishing with very light lures/flies.
There were two 12 year old kids today fishing the local duck pond. (I'm 28 from Britain) And I was roving the river next to it for Chub. After I finished for the day I walked past the kids and gave them my leftover worms I had. (They only had bread.)
Part of me really wanted to ask them if they wanted help and teach them fishing, because they only had basic gear and they looked new to it.
But I didn't because l didn't want to look like a creep.
I really wish I did at least ask them, because I feel that if they get into a hobby like fishing, and enjoy it, then they're not out doing stupid shit.
Anyone else ever helped out new fishermen?
Not helped, but some guy did what you are talking about when I first started as an autistic 14-year-old (also British) and helped me a ton. Just asked them if they've caught anything, what they're using and suggest something they could try or someplace they could go, and if they show interest offer to show them real quick.
if you see them again just ask if they had any luck. don't be afraid of looking like a creep, it's only women that'll say that shit anyways, if you're truly not being a creep then the kids will have your back.
Wtf happened to this guy? Probably a little over 6 foot long how old do you think? Was just bass fishing the Willamette and looked over
Just started fishing. Haven't caught a damn thing.
>l didn't want to look like a creep
Modernity has been a disaster for the human race
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I used to make funny faces at little kids at the supermarket to make them laugh, havent done it in like 15 years because I’m worried some soccer mom is going to accuse me of trying to groom their kid. :(
Bullshit. You took them into the bathroom and licked their assholes clean. Bet you couldn't even fit a dime in there.
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Some spanish zander, caught in a spillway w a 28g Storm soft plastic
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Should I respool this? The bump in the center is activating my almonds.
Thanks anon, will try switching to a single hook.
How did that happen????
That doesn't look like a non level wind reeel
No clue. Havent used it all year but I keep it at my parents vacation house so I can only assume someone rented it earlier this year and used it even though the contract says that the rods in the closets are for guests (I leave pre-rigged UglyStil combos out for them). Either that or some weird combo of moisture, heat and ghosts.
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Never kept a sea robin before but I gut hooked him bad and didnt want to let him go to waste. Big boy.
I saw one of those once, a freaking flying fish.
No you didn’t
Look like someone used it but rigged it up without going through the level wind lol
I would respool it. Would take like 10 min probably if you just move the portion that is uneven onto a a spool and just reel back in
I have a $200 gift card to spend at Bass Pro and I can't decide if I want to get an entry level fly rod combo (Redington Original) or a solid Medium Light/Medium general purpose combo. I already have really cheap versions of both, but looking to possibly upgrade. I'm not close to any trout (or small creeks in general) but I really like fly fishing. Both casting and catching fish is more fun than on spinning tackle, but it is one of those things where I don't think it's as effective for where I fish/what I fish for (western Iowa). And I could always use flies on my spinning rods with a bobber or drop shot, but I can't use the heavier lures or senkos on my fly rod. Any insight/thoughts?
Any recs for a multitool good for fishing stuff? I was thinking a Skeletool would be nice. Currently using my Swiss army knife keychain and a small needle nose but I want something a little more elegant.
forceps > pliers
Most of the tools on a multitool or swiss army knife will never be used. You're better off getting a nice folder and a pair of forceps. They also make fishing forceps with a braid cutter section. I really like those. forceps and nippers in one
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I have this attached to my pack. Nippers, eye cleaning pin, knell knot tool and hook sharpener on a zinger retractor. I clamp the forceps onto a flap on my pack to keep them from flopping around. I keep a buck knife in my pocket, but I rarely need it. This is pretty much all I use for tools all day, for fishing.
I use everything on my swiss army knife, but I get your point. I really wish someone made a multitool with both pliers and forceps, that'd be cool. My dream tool would have:
Big and little knife
Spring loaded scissors
Wire cutter
A couple screwdrivers
Fish scaler
Tooth pick
Tweezers (sturdy, not flimsy shit like the ones in swiss army knives)
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I also have another set of the same brand forceps with a braid cutting section. If you fish with braid, I highly recommend these or another like them. They cut through braid like nippers through mono.
Also, forgot the bottle opener, possibly the most important tool for a day of fishing.
What are you doing with the pliers that you can't with forceps?
>big and little knife
>spring loaded scissors
If you're just cutting line, get a pair of nippers
>fish scaler
that's what your knife is for.
>wire cutter
you can get nipperas that will cut mono, braid and wire. They usually have somewhere you can crimp sleeves onto leraders too.
>screw drivers
>tooth pick
I hope you're not using it to pic your teeth.... I keep a couple metal tooth picks in my pack for picking knots.

You're better off getting better quality individual items than getting a multitool and you'll spend less money, especially if you're looking at a Leatherman.
Why are you bringing glass bottles to the water? Bring cans, don't be an ass hole.
So the hermit crabs have homes.
>What are you doing with the pliers that you can't with forceps?
Crimping things, bending wires into shape
Cutting things, often involving food. Whittling as well
>If you're just cutting line, get a pair of nippers
Scissors can cut other things better
>that's what your knife is for.
And get fish scales all over my food knife? No thanks
>you can get nipperas that will cut mono, braid and wire. They usually have somewhere you can crimp sleeves onto leraders too.
Wire cutters have much more flexibility
Driving screws, sometimes useful for gear
>I hope you're not using it to pic your teeth....
Yes, same thing I use the Swiss army knife one for

You seem to think I only want it for fishing, but I also would use it for camping since I like to do both at the same time.
Cans are lined with plastic. I'm trying to cut out sources of microplastic from my diet.
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Friendship ended with freshwater fly fishing.
Now saltwater fly fishing is my best friend.
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>go fishing with dad
>cast road
>put all of my weight into it like a retard
>fall off boat
i still had fun
caught a drum too
man i really am retarded
Have you ever been biten by a muskie or Pike before??
Yes, this one. I still have the scar. The blood on her face is mine.
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How often do you guys do a full tear down to clean and re-grease/oil your reel? I do it after every season.
Is it better to have a straight or a bent eye hooks when drop shotting? The further your cast goes the more steep your line is going to be so bent eye should to keep your lure in a better angle over there. Or does it even matter?
Old days of fishing with the bros but before Fishing Florida Water started up.
>Any recs for a multitool good for fishing stuff?

>You seem to think I only want it for fishing

Yes, because that's what you asked about.
>that's what your knife is for.
>And get fish scales all over my food knife? No thanks
That's what water is for.... You.....you do know you wan wash things don't you?
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What is this fly pattern? I got a bunch of clousers and deceivers today and they threw this in for free. Black bucktail, hackles for the tail and some shiny shit. Didnt get the name of the pattern.
once a year, and I fish a lot... but if I dunk it or fish in rain I'll do it right after.
probably doesn't matter, but I use bent eye. the gap between the point and the top line will be wider.
Half and Half I think
yeah, its a half and half. half deciever half clouser.
These days you got these Fishing Florida Water guys on YouTube catching minnows.
Thanks, they look easy enough to tie.
Got damn! That's a big bluegill!
Same as you, once a season if I fished hard. Ironic thing is, I've never serviced my spinning reels however. Shimano has like a 0.3mm hex screw above the spool and I've been too lazy to buy one. Think it's actually smaller than that, it's insanely small.
My spinning reel doesn't seem to need service as much. I feel like spinning reel is more of a pain in the ass to service as well.
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Its 0.9 or 0.8mm hex screw. I think that is only the case with their higher end reels that have the new drag clicker disc. They dont want you to open their more complex reels or atlest its a tool check to see if you are worthy to do it.
Lower end shimano models with locomotive gear line lay are pretty straight foward to service. All you need is a 12mm wrench and a phillips screw driver. Shimano will provide you a good schematics in the box and if you are unsure about something you can take pictures as you take things apart. Just make sure to not mess with the antireverse clutch if you dont know what you are doing. You dont need to take that apart if it works.

After just the first season all the shimanos white grease had turned into a grey/black goo inside my reel. You dont feel it at this point but all that grime will wear down the gears faster. And the thing is that shimano uses really low viscosity grease to make their reels spin with the least amount of force. That stuff does not stay on the fast spinning gears that good. There are better greases out there that feel just as smooth so you dont feel the difference. If anything you should clean and oil your lineroller bushing or bearing. That thing is super important to prevent line problems and when fighting the fish. All the junk in the water and dyes from your braided line can get in there and prevent it from spinning smoothly. Even more important if you are salt water guy. The next most important thing is that your drag washers are well greased and give line evenly under pressure.
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Shameless self-bump but I'll also add another question, any good stiffer medium light combos from Bass Pro for all freshwater fishing? Kinda looking at the Daiwa BG Medium Light
They're simple enough
Not freshwater but I use a Daiwa BG 2500 paired with a Daiwa TD Sol ML Fast rod for flounder. I’ve had no problems with stripers on it, even thought I’m not targeting them. I see no reason why it would not work for most freshwater.
I use a bg 1500 and 2500 in fresh and saltwater, it's a great reel
I'm pretty sure Shimano uses this grease for their reels internal. It's blue teal in color but will turn dark after a while. I personally used the white Shimano star drag grease if I service the reel myself
Yea, the line roller would need more frequent service than the internal. It takes more beating from the environment and if the bearing of the line roller slow down, you'll feel it, especially if you are using braid.
Oops forgot pic
How do I learn to fish for food in 5 minutes? I have never fished before but I want to catch and eat fish while hiking Sweden.
>buy any fishing rod
>put a worm on the hook
>reel in your dinner
we have been doing this for tens of thousands of years, it's very easy.
Buy a spool of line; some hooks and a bobber. You dont even need a rod, maybe a telescoping one. Dig for grubs or worms, get nymphs or crayfish from under rocks (I know you have crayfish my ex’s mom from Lund made a whole bowl for dinner one night) and use that.
Fishing in Alaska is pretty much just trout, salmon, and halibut, right?
Grayling are fun on really light tackle.
I fucking love FISHING
I caught over a dozen perch this afternoon, mostly quite small but whatever
I fucking hate FISHING
I caught shit this afternoon, not even a big bass
I fucking FISHING
I caught this afternoon, mostly but whatever
I fuck FISH
I fucked over a dozen this afternoon, big or small whatever
Nice fishe, dude, is that a Dardevle you got them on?
I found you
Bepis go fishing
split rings for jerkbaits/crankbaits?
For the tie in?
If the lure already comes with the split ring, I'll use it to tie on the lure. If the lure doesn't have the split ring, I prefer to use the good snaps
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Caught my first pike today on a 2lb line, float and some worms. Was trying to catch perch, did not expect this guy to show up. It felt so fucking amazing once I got him in. Next time I will bring a net and some forceps just in case this happens again.
Pike teeth shred lines like crazy. That was lucky.
I took my fly rod back out for more practice. I'm finally getting the hang of it! Practicing the roll cast really paid off. When I add the back cast back in, I'm stopping where I start my roll cast from, I've built up a little muscle memory to that spot. I'm still stopping too far forward around half the time, but the other half, I'm getting a nice roll out. Even the bad casts aren't landing in a pile anymore! And I can just pick it up and cast it again. I do also need to work on my timing. I was cracking it behind me quite a bit and cracked one of my hoppers off. But I only lost the one. I didn't land anything, but I hooked into one small bass and had bluegill hit my hopper several times. I was at a bass/bluegill spot I know because I had my nephew with me and I know they bite there, so he wouldn't go home skunked. I think I'm ready to take the fly rod back out to the creek.
That's fantastic to hear anon congratulations on your progress
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Very nice anon! I wouldn't have expected that either.
If you see these plastic hook-removers for cheap, try getting one. They do a pretty good job on single hooks without tearing up the fish' mouth. Of course it's always good to carry the forceps as backup.
Thanks for the tip, I have some of these but I never knew what they were called or used for. Will bring these too!
I keep dropping these down the fishes throat, like 6 of these got lost that way.

What a bunch of slut fish.
I follow a simple mantra when fishing. Strike first, strike hard, no mercy on the fish.
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>t. bow fishing trout
Forties of bow fishing for fish, started bow fishing for anglers and fly fishermen.
Tired of
livescope recs?
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I wish I had tartar sauce, but I don't, so I used ketchup and Chick-fil-A sauce. This is a wiper cooked up in Cajun Shore Lunch. This was probably the best catch and cook I've ever done. Firm and not-too-fishy white meat. I caught my PB wiper, I've only caught babies, weighing 2.68 pounds, which I let go. Some Chinese people show up and fish right by me. This is an urban spot, so this is common, and they were nice enough, but I could tell they were hungry. I lost one on the bank, and then, I kept the third and final wiper I caught. There are tons of snags at this spot. I normally have terrible luck, but today was a good day. These fish were the first I caught since I took a 2 week trip to Europe for summer school and sightseeing. I'm extremely glad to be back.
Anon, nobody on here can afford that shit and the ones who do probably have the (correct) mentality that it's cheating and bullshit.
>staring at a fucking screen to catch fish
>$1.5k just for the transducer itself
Gay as fuck.
I don't even use a depth finder. Fucking cheater.
You sound poor
NTA, the only way I'd use a live scope or depth finder is to scout fishing locations. This would be to familiarize myself with the lay of the land. When I'm actually fishing, I only want to fish, not look at a screen. I think it's behavior similar to eating everything that comes out of the water regardless of size and species. It's repugnant. But I'm not going to tell a stranger what to do.
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Do me a favor, buy this and never go on the water
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Us fat people know some what how to eat tasty food.
There are only few name brands that have livescope available. I only have a basic gps and downscan so I can't really help you. However, I make my decision based on what resource I can find online. Look up video/resource of how the fishfinder work, see if you like how it function. The more resource out there you can find, the easier time you will have to set up and troubleshoot your own fishfinder. There are only like handful of fishfinders out there with livescope so it shouldn't be too tough of a choice

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