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These long nosed shits are annoying as hell
The real truth of the matter is humans are scum humans are swine. They deserve mosquitoes. I can almost guarantee you 100% mosquitoes were not even that prevalent nor even that big of an issue when Jesus was alive these are just more products of the disaster that was and it is industrialization and instant air travel.
Now get back in the pod and put on the
Vr goggles
I'll be honest, all of the natural repellents I've tried had homeopathy-tier effectiveness.
I'll usually just stay away from still water during dusk and dawn, get in my tent (or hammock with mosquito net) quick and I carry one of those syringes with a plastic cup at the end, so if I get bit I can apply negative pressure and suck the mosquito saliva out. If I catch the bite in the evening and do that, it almost doesn't get itchy or inflamed.
If I'm somewhere with many mosquitos I'll just go to bed/in the tent early and I'll carry chemical based mosquito spray.
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get some of these bad boys
>preferably in nature friendly ways
Mosquitoes are not an endangered species anon…
Eat less sugars, bathe less often, and use nicotine. Since i have done this, mosquitos hardly bother me. May just be genetics but they are generally on everyone else and not me. And im from northern mn so i know how bad mosquitos are.
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DEET is the goat. Mosquito nets for sleeping, some tents have their airvents covered with a net.

An old school way is to smoke. Nicotine is a pesticide, I brought my smoker fren camping and insects never bothered us although we have not done this in North Europe or North Canada where mosquitos are way more pervasive.
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DEET works
You can also build a pretty good resistance if you are willing to risk blood parasites.
One summer I managed to build up complete mosquito resistance but it goes away after a few months.
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Do you think planting certain plants would scare them off certain areas? Like lavender, chrysanthenum or tobacco?

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