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What's the cheapest and easiest way I can get to this lifestyle in Australia?
Yeah nah. Fuck off, we're full.
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>Australia, full of chinks.
>Europe, full of sand niggers.
>US, full of niggers.
>Russia, full of russians.

If you're white, come to Poland. We have cabins here and hot single women. If not, go to Africa and build one.
>What's the cheapest and easiest way I can get to this lifestyle in Australia?
Not posting embarrassing memes on 4chuds can be a good start. Besides, one can't just live like that on the prison island, the drop bears will track you down and get you unless you prove your worth by killing their local alpha, then they'll leave you alone. That's how bushrangers did it.
There's this Australout blog I like:
you can build women in Africa?
Honestly I'm tempted to try to relocate somewhere in eastern europe but there's two things holding me back.
How likely are they to give a job to an English-speaking foreigner (I'd try to learn polish obviously, but it'd take a while) with experience as an electrician?
How redpilled is the populace on replacement immigration? It would suck to uproot just to have the same thing happen there that destroyed my country before I was even born.
>hates immigrants
>wants to emigrate
>sees nothing wrong with this
Build and develop your own nation. Be the change. Fight for what you care for. Don’t run and hide like a faggot. That behavior is beneath us as White people.
>be the change
LMAO thanks for the laugh
America is Brazil 2.0 there isn't going to be any change.
>one white anti-immigrant who wants to immigrate and integrate into the native population is totally the same thing as mass replacement migration of non-whites
Either retarded or bait
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stop playing dolls with wojaks
ID rather have Russian then poles
Looks like you triggered the double standard wannabe leeches.
>It's bad unless I do it!
>No, you don't understand! I'm huwhite!
We're all the same when it's convenient, isn't it?
Have a look on realestate.com.au
I found plenty of rural blocks of land no more than 200k, little to no neighbours, fertile land, etc.
Land size is usually around 1000-5000m2 sometimes more.
Ive seen auctions of these places and there is almost no competition, so you dont have to worry about some rich asian outbidding you
slavics either way, aka white africa, with the HIV rates that go with it.
>What's the cheapest and easiest way I can get to this lifestyle in Australia?
You're gonna need hard drugs for this pipe dream
It’s shite being Polish. We’re the lowest of the low, the scum of the fucking Earth. The most wretched, miserable, servile, pathetic trash, that was shat into civilisation.
Some people hate the Germans and the Russians, I don't. They’re just wankers! We, on the other hand, were colonised by wankers. Can't even find a decent culture to be colonised by…
It's a shite state of affairs to be in, Bazyli, and all the cabins in the world won't make any fucking difference.
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Choose kurva.
I think you should try this in some comedy club
huff more petrol to get to the dream time
I dont mind Poland as an Australian and Catholic.
What youre explaining is just the effects of communism, younger generations will grow out of it.
Younger generations here are turning into brain rotten kiddos. With their whole life turning around flexing and having "the latest thing" just for the sake of it
It's like this everywhere. Ed Mayo wrote abouy this in 2008 in his book 'Consumer Kids'. It has only gotten worse since then.
>having "the latest thing" just for the sake of it
That's the slavic notion of wealth.
just go squat on some land in the wopwops
>having "the latest thing" just for the sake
That describes 80% of Western civilization.
Do all your campgrounds have cooking facilities like ovens etc?
Anyone here done a horticultural apprenticeship in Australia? Is horticulture a decent career?
I'm a low motivation, zero ambition, unemployed only worked for 9 months in my entire life university graduate looking for a career
I've been growing vegetables for the past 10 years, collecting plants for the past 15 years and have an interest in farming/nature
I'm thinking horticultural, baking or cooking

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