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This might be verging on off topic but does anyone else love seeing what kind of gaming set ups they can pull off with a low budget and low weight? There's just something about hooking up a tiny computer screen in a cabin with no sound or scuffed sound that makes the experience way more enjoyable than just using the TV at home.
I know what you are talking about.
I watched bladerunner on vhs at a beach house on a small TV like the one in your pic. After that I went for a swim and came back at sunset and fell asleep in a rattan chair listening to the rush of waves while the air smelled of barbecue. It's one of those memories I distinctly recall thinking at the time "I will always remember this moment".
I have a retarded idea of trying to set up a hike in lab party using one of those long range wifi routers with directional antennas and set up teams on different ridge lines or peaks to play classic C&C or civ or something.
>step 1 find a friend
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You ever get a chance to use one of those little hand held televisions back in the day?

It was like literal magic. Both in the fact that the technology was pretty mindblowing for the 80's , and even into the early 90's, but also for that strange charm you're talking about. It's just different than watching TV in a normal place.
In a very small way it feels like you're transgressing the laws of reality or something.

I'm not sure it's a sensation Zoomers can fully understand. Having grown up with smart phones.
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My grandparents had the Pocketvision-22 from that ad. And before that they had a couple different models of Sony Watchman.
Zoomer here. I didn't get a smart phone until I turned 16 and grew up with a portable DVD player so I understand
i bought one excitedly thinking that i could watch tv anywhere, but i had come to find out that analog tv died 4 ago and the only station left was in spanish
still have it though so if theres anything i can plug into the rgb cables into it'll work
love this shit OP. my grandpa had a camper conversion van and in the back he had a tv just like your pic and bought a ps2 for us to play while he was driving. great memories playing playing spyro and crash bandicoot on it. something is just comforting about having something you know and love in an unfamiliar place.

funny story i remember clearly

>driving home from camping trip with cousin aunt and grandpa
>raining so fucking hard cant even see out of the windshield
>grandpa still just driving normally down the highway
>aunt in passenger seat losing her shit begging him to pull over
>grandpa: oh it's fine stop complaining
>literally passing cars that have pulled over because it's raining so hard
>cousin and i playing god of war in the back trying to ignore everything else

thought i was a goner, told my mom and she was pissed
i thouught extensively of doing this but in the end I opted for N64 emulators on a tablet

so i can play super mario 64 or goldeneye on my tablet on my sailboat at night

however, despite what everyone says.. N64 emulators are highly imperfect and not a substitute for the real thing
I remember playing through Metal Gear Solid and all the Mega Man X games on my first smartphone. It was on my class trips from my boarding school (they also gave me an old computer in my room as part of Senior privileges and I ended up playing through Majora's Mask and MGS Peace Walker. The school ended up upgrading their security to keep people from playing games on the computers after that.
i had a tiny TV like that when i was kid, alwasy used to sneak out into my aunts camper and watch shitty TV on even shittier signal, but it was comfy, dont even remember what i watched, probably just german news broadcasts or something, i didnt understand anyway
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if you INSIST on gaming while youre out just get a steam deck man, no need for all that larp shit
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actually randomly saw one at the thrift store the other day

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