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do people living /out/ or in very rural areas have different psychological characteristics than city dwellers? do /out/ people (born and raised) around the world share a common mentality? like a person from the Appalachian mountains and the Alps
Well i know in Australia there are noticable personality differences between country and city people.
Country people are more easy going, quiet, doesnt take life to seriously, etc. That's in Australia, so i dont know if its any different in other countries
Its a fact that living in rural areas is good for you. Cities drive people insane. Country folk have a sense of community where-as people in cities only look out for themselves.
I grew up in fairly rural areas. Childhood spent exploring the woods and playing soldier in fields. Northeast Connecticut in the 80s and 90s, it's still pretty rural I think but it's grown a lot.

I would say I have a high tolerance for things people might find gross like insects, the scent of manure spread on farms.... I found a big ball of black rot on a tree in the woods the other day and my first thought wasn't "oh geez louise can this make me sick?" but "I need something to chop this off so I can see what it looks like inside"
Yeah. Urban folks are always stressed out about shit that really doesn't matter. Always in a rush, always things to do. They never really relax, without the aid of drugs or a vacation or something. Unpleasant to be around, like a dog that barks randomly and loudly.
That's a city to me. Looks cool though.
Most humans are locusts--city dweller or rural dweller. You can see the destruction from space. Most rural dwellers ARE city dwellers that just migrated, cut down all the trees, killed all the top soil. A little town is still a concrete covered watershed killer and worse, idiots usually build right on the rivers and oceans which is directly fucking the global water supply.
I think that's pretty normal anon. You've described some things that even most city "people" aren't all that grossed out by.

I'm from the UK where londoners are observably oversocialised sex pests, and the effect gets less strong the smaller city you come from. On the other hand people from the country are fucking retarded so you win some you lose some I suppose.
posting this type of cringe from your studio apartment in a concrete hellscape should be a capital offense.
>Country people are more easy going, quiet, doesnt take life to seriously, etc
everyone says this yet i have lived in both equally throughout my life and there arent really many differences. loud assholish people everything you travel. you have to get way out before you find the quiet hermit types
was great during the pandemic, watching the city folk lose their shit. even had some friends escape and come live the quiet life with us for a bit. Here they were doing this
>you must only go out for food, medicine, exercise except there's like 2 police in the entire town, so as you can imagine none of that was enforced. Meanwhile them city folk were being arrested and fined and shit. Also, we had everything we needed already since the store is a good hours drive away we never run out of things like food, basic supplies, TP etc. Also we have a chest freezer that was fully stocked with game meats and deer etc. So yeah we were basically preppers the entire time without realising it. I couldn't go back to living in a city, every time I go to see family I'm always looking over my shoulder and concerned about the types of people around us. None of that at home. Only problem is our internet sucks, but starlink made things a lot better.
ugh. wtf. sure i put a space after the first line of greentext. oh well.
Many Americans seem to be complete germophobes obsessed with cleanliness and irrationally afraid of anything that could possibly cause disease. Pic related - what you will see in the entrance to most stores here.
>do people living /out/ or in very rural areas have different psychological characteristics than city dwellers?
Yes. City people are better at filtering out distractions and noise and ignoring their surroundings.
>do /out/ people (born and raised) around the world share a common mentality?
Shartlander's response to COVID was so strange, given that "germophobe" is considered and badge of honour.
Where I live, nothing changed during the pandemic, except some places wanted you to wear a mask. It wasn't enforced. Nobody really cared and everything was fine.

Can't imagine all the bullshit that these urbanfags had to deal with.
yeah its called autism we all have autism and hate urbanoid people
i live in a single family home with a backyard in a suburban type area, and i sure was lucky during the pandemic.
>psychological characteristics
That is a weird way to say culture and way of living
Life in rural areas is much quieter and slower paced than the city
Speaking as a redneck who has lived in the ghetto
All this. Plus city people are less probe to being political ridden conspiracy types. They will tell you that country people are conspiracy nit jobs but they really aren't, it's city folk.
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I hate cities, they should never have existed
Uncle Ted was right.
you don't even have to go that far
Visit any old town/village around italy doesn't matter if north or south.
I'm talking the medieval kind rooked on top of any mountain, hill. Low pop, barely any cars or buzz.
The narrow streets in these towns are usually nothing but stairs and slopes, you won't find anything on FLAT ground.
You will meet a SHITLOAD of 90-100 y/o jeezers and grannies waddling around on their own like it's nothing.
Good air+Shitload of cardio due to stairs and slopes+Less stress+Locally produced shit makes you live literally forever.
>things for everyone should be the way that makes me happiest
country people have nothing going on, so they just mind each others business all the time
This town, it was made for me!
My dad had a theory that flatlanders think in 2D and it makes sense.
I was raised in the flats but spent my summers with my hillbilly cousins, I'd return in the fall and every year I'd notice what a bunch of pussies the townies were. They weren't short on macho posturing but the farmer kids and off-grid hippy kids were tough as nails and didn't feel the need to advertise it, they'd just kick your ass without any shit talk. Gyms are one thing and working with your hands all day is another.
My uncle did more for making a man out of me than my dad ever did, I'm eternally grateful. I remember the day I vowed to not be a whiner after my uncle had to set my whiny cousin straight.
Rural types can be strange, there are lots of characters that never could fit in with normie society. They tended to be gruff but easy to befriend and they were a gold mine of practical knowledge.
Small towns have their busybodies for sure, but the good people keep them in line most of the time.
The injos, though...
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"prone to", used in this sense means something like "disposed to". So being less prone to conspiracy would mean you're less likely to do it.

Here is one classic edgelord narrative (that I personally believe in): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Behavioral_sink
Yeah I meant more prone but somehow wrote less probe idk why. Nevermind
There is no need to speak in such a vulgar manner tho, cityboy
STFU Bugman.
It was made for me!
Th- This is my city!
BASED redditors!
The average person from rural Appalachia will resemble an American city dweller far more than he resembles a person from the rural parts of the Alps.
On average, people living in urban areas are healthier and live longer.
>People who talk about environmental destruction are cringe
Yes, you think like and behave just like a locust. Eat it all cut it all down and anyone who isn't just like you is "cringe."
It's amazing how any hint that your shit house, shit roads, shit technology, shit education and shit relationship with nature is made obvious you parasites only cope is brain garbage ejaculations of nonsense.

Locusts, I can see your destruction from space.
Bugpost. You just keep outing yourself as a city dweller.
rural ppl, especially older people; they never throw things away. probably a ww2 era leftover from their parents and grandparents.
Got out of bed this morning and took a short 30 minute drive through farm land and then walked for a few hours through national park and made myself a coffee then walked home. Good to be back in the country, I wouldn't even be out of the city in the time it took me to get to the trail head.

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