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I've noticed that any exposed parts of me when I'm on grass get really itchy the next day, I've read this could be mites or maybe the grass essentially giving me tiny cuts everywhere due to microscopic sharp parts of the grass. I've also read it might be some kind of mild alllergic reaction?
Will this go away if it happens enough? Like my skin will get tougher or I'll just build up a tolerance to the allergy?

It's kinda annoying but I don't want it to keep me from going /out/, how do I get used to this? I don't want to wear clothing that covers my skin because it's hot enough, ideally I'd be in only shorts.
Yeah you'll get used to it and it goes away. Also it's worse in some seasons than others. But even if it's hot, long sleeves and hats are good to prevent sunburn. Sunscreen is bullshit
I bronze pretty well but usually keep to shade when I can, it's just the heat that gets me, it's pretty humid where I am so clothes just stick to you and it's miserable.
This is why I do not go outside
>be me
>like 10 years old
>grandad just cut the grass leaving huge rows of clippings everywhere
>say I’m gonna go and roll in it
>get told don’t because it’ll make me itchy
>do it anyway
>fuck yeah this is fun
>suddenly intense itching
>ahhhh fuck I should’ve listened
Thanks for prompting those memories anon :)
It is a grass allergy and it may lesson over time with constant exposure but it will never go away. Get a HEPA air purifier if you're also having sinus problems.
After 30+ years mine have never gone away. It is defiantly worse when conditions are right.

Fun fact if you're allergic to grasses and go into an old evergreen forest you're allergies won't bother you.
>grass allergies
Just fucking kill yourself at this point your genes are pointless and weak.
It's an allergy. Just avoid grass when it's wet and you should be fine.
I don't get any sinus issues, I just get itchy the next day when I wake up.
Sigh I already said it but chiggers. Jesus did none of you go outside as a kid? Grass allergies Jesus hopscotching Christ the state of things.
avoiding grass in an /out/ specialty
What can be done to prevent chiggers? I don't think we can arrest them all, perhaps we could seed their neighborhoods with crack cocaine.
I guess it started out as a problem in the rural south and then massive chigger migration has turned it into mostly an urban issue. My best advice? Avoid chiggers at all costs. Never live around chiggers. Don’t let your kids date a chigger. Don’t let your guard down around chiggers. They often travel in groups or gangs. If you see a gang of young chiggers best to go the other direction.
what not touching grass enough does to a mf

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