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Getting tired with my bulky heavy ass bag. Light weight is also appreciated. Any recommendations?
get a down bag
>under 100
think he might be SOL on down. could always get a shitty but lightish chinese synthetic bag on amazon and get a fleece bag liner. Would be less bulky in one spot. But you can't have all of cheap, compact, warm, and durable.
Get a shit synthetic bag with TWO synthetic liners. You can easily achieve 30F with that.
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All synthetic ~25° bags will be bulky. The cheaper ones will lie about their temperature rating. And reviews are always subjective; some people really aren’t as cold or warm as others claim to be using the same bag in the same conditions.

Best bet is to use your own judgement. Get a quilt instead of a bag. Add a liner.

I saw pic on Etsy. They’re claiming 800fp down, 26oz total weight, 10oz of insulation, and 30° comfort rating. It’s a very basic rectangle and one end sewn together to form a foot box. The inside is some kind of reflective Mylar. It really doesn’t get much simpler. The brand/store is HangTightShop and the model is a HotFoot Top Quilt. It’s $95.

But it might be totally misleading. Down retails for $25 per three ounces, so 10oz retails for $83. Maybe it’s not homemade (like most things on Etsy) but is just mass produced in China. Who knows. I’ve seen down puffies in TJ Maxx for like $20. So cheap down is definitely real, and the overall quality is what you’d expect (shitty), but the warmth and compactness are a great value.
Same anon here. It looks like they took a $72 quilt (HangTight has their own website) and added insulation and a Mylar lining.
Naturehike CW295 and snowbirds are sub 100$ on AliExpress, both are down bags.
CW400, which is the sleeping bag I use, can be had for 104$.
The CW400 is great quality and very versatile, haven't seen or tried the other 2 but they are probably good too, depending on your needs. Not quite 20F rated, but I've tried mine in 30F and had 0 issues, 20F might be fine (though I sleep hot).
no such thing exists. a quality packable down sleeping bag starts between 300-400 dollars. good down isn't cheap. cheap down isn't good.

one of my best purchases when i was a poor fag was a western mountaineering ultra light, buy quality, cry once. paid 275 used in 2019
Teton leef 0 is $90, synthetic mummy style so compacts fairly well. It comes with a compression bag and can clip outside you pack. It's not bad, a good step to colder weather without the expense of down
>cheap down isn't good.
It’s not black and white. Cheap down is better than synthetics most of the time. Inb4 poorfag. My quilts were $200 to $300 because good down is indeed better than cheap down.
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I'm thinking of going with the EE revelation quilt right now. It's around 300 - 400
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