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You are thrown out into the wilderness with only a knife, a pair of tweezers, and a hafted hand tool of your choice. Which tool do you think would help your shut-in self survive the longest?

OP's (correct) choice: A cutter mattock.

>hard mode
No combination tools.
I'd pick an adze here.
the tweezers because i am constantly digging pieces of shells out of my heels. plenty of shellfish and fish in general to eat here so i dont need your fancy iron tool bullshit
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You get the tool in addition to the knife and tweezers.
A magnifying glass so I can easily start fires
A 2.2lb camp axe with a European handle.
Sorry forgot pic.
Not a shut-in, so I'd pick a boar spear... Though I guess that's not a tool anywhere except German law (Not joking btw).
For an actual tool, I'd pick a hafted hatchet. One of those long british ones, wehre there's a 1m grip and a 1m blade with a sharpened hook on the back. They can replace axe, hatchet and machete, and the hook is useful for when you want to harvest high-hanging fruit.
Very useful for when you have to start a fire only at noon and during the hottest and driest time of the year.
Are you describing a block billhook?
i would trade the other tools to the natives for some berries and dried fish
I would take a McLeoud.
Isn't that used for building trails?
>a hafted hand tool of your choice
a PBY Catalina with a stick duck taped on somewhere
Connor MacLeod of the clan MacLeod
A really sturdy spade type shovel, preferably one that can be used to also split wood with the side. A shovel is so valuable in the woods. Digging is so valuable. If you're where it gets really cold your best bet is to dig way into the side of a hill and make a cave-like structure. Also can be used to garden and can be used as a weapon. Shovels are fucking gold.
The tool in op is the best digging tool by a mile. A Shovel is great for moving loose soil and a spade is for digging straight holes for fencing and piles but a mattok will straight up dig better than anything. One of them with a wider blade would be ideal depends where you're digging though.
Also for planting stakes, setting up fire pits, digging out roots for cordage, and perhaps most importantly burying your logs. Still, a shovel is less than ideal for denser soil/clay, and adzes can do so much more wrt wood.
Pre-5000 BC, stone adzes were all that was used for working wood in Central Europe.
Traditional German mattocks have massive implements on either side.
>Are you describing a block billhook?
The ones I'm familiar with are more the size of a halberd rather than the hatchet you posted, but the blades are similar. No clue what they're called, though - in German, it's "Hippe", but that's more of a general term for every blade used in gardening.
Billhooks with long shafts were also used as weapons alongside halberds. I think I would like one with a two-handed handle, you could always extend it with a long stick and a few constrictor knots if the need arises.
Trade and diplomacy. You have the right idea.
I get what you're saying but I would still go with a really thick sturdy shovel if we're talking about no combination tools. The cutter mattock is a combo tool. Not to mention that digging a hole is a whole lot easier with a shovel. I've done trail work and all kinds of outdoor work for the past 2 decades. If I am digging I'm using a shovel, not swinging a mattock. How do you plan to scoop piles of dirt away? That's the whole point. I could go with what you're saying if the 'adze'/scoop side of the cutter mattock was super wide, like 8 inches, with the chopping end on the other side. That would be sweet.
Adzes aren't combination tools. A 5lb mattock has an adze the width of a trenching shovel, and grub hoes/mattocks are different to shovels in that you use your legs and thighs to pull material out rather than (mainly) your shoulder and back so they're much less tiring and straining. Mattocks make shittier holes, can't dig very deep, and can't move material very far, but they're passable for many purposes. Adzes are usually sharp enough to cut wood, you can carve a smaller tree down to a cone and fell it like that. Both tools have their place though, especially wider shovels.
I've neglected to mention that not every tool with a blade perpendicular to the haft is a woodworking adze, the slip-fit ones are usually wider, blunter, and intended for digging (i.e. grub hoes), and wedge-hafted ones are usually very sharp and occasionally curved along the edge and are designed exclusively for squaring or hollowing timber, always called adzes in this case. I'd be reluctant to chop down a tree with a slip-fit adze.
>thrown out into the wilderness
shoes so I can walk the fuck out
From building mtb trails I'm 100% set on the mattock. I've dug caves with them, they're far more efficient.
Same. Digger mattocks are much faster excavators and take less energy to break through material.
Shovels can't deal with roots, rocks, or compaction.

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