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Post critters that you encounter in your outings. I always find these little fellas during reptile surveys.

Bonus points if the critter is unusual.
Funniest I saw was a feral donkey who hooked up with a pack of wild horses. They just chill out in the forest.
I found a shrew in a mouse trap at my cabin. tiniest little fucker with elephant nose. I get stoats, chipmunks, squirrels, hares, grouse etc...all buzzing around the cabin. Got marmots living underneath but unfortunately for them thats coming to an end. And thats just the small critters. lots of big ones too.
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Possums in old mining cabin
What are the possums mining for?
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Big owl yesterday
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frozen mole I found hiking
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mostly the usual suspects (whitetail/mule deer, elk, bighorn sheep, a moose here and there). coolest critters ive seen so far are oryx and horned lizards, as well as those weird vampire deer when i was stationed in korea.
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Checked and also F
whenever I find moles or shrews I want to put them in my pocket and take them home with me. If you are cold they are cold and you need to put them into your blankets with you at night
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Wall lizard
Almost stepped on this lil guy
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forgot pic
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>Cantharidin, a poisonous chemical that causes blistering of the skin, is secreted as a defensive agent. It is used medically to remove warts[2] and is collected for this purpose from species of the genera Mylabris and Lytta, especially Lytta vesicatoria, better known as "Spanish fly".
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Was so nice to bump into this guy in the middle of the woods instead of on the side of the road.
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flat back millipedes who caught a corticep mushroom
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