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I can’t for the life of me find a good series of online and free atlases for the Pacific Northwest.
I’m trying to collage several of them together to make a map for a project.
To my annoyance, Google Maps and Google Earths’ curvature means the snips I take don’t line up.
And all the free atlases are these tiny jpegs scanned from ancient books since they are the only ones not under copyright.

The jackpot would be good scans of the Nat Geo wall posters. But I’ll settle for something that has terrain and roads on them.
Check your local library you ass hat
Don’t live in the US, plan on vacationing there though.
PNW is full, go visit the superior east coast.
>hur dur I can't find any maps of the USA
The USA was literally founded by surveyors. The federal government will gladly sell you maps. USGS maps are cheap and easy to use.

I also just want to call you a faggot.
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this is a great book to read about the northwest survey if you can find a non-shit printed copy.
What you're looking for is offered on the various state department of transportation websites
They still have maps in non American libraries lad. Librarians can usually get stuff through interlibrary loan as well.
PNW dweller here--you wouldn't believe how many ukranians and russians and chinese I've met in the back woods.. probably 8 so far in the last 10 years.
what a weird map to make abbotsford so prominent
Caltopo if it's free if it still exists.
it does and has scans of the US topos, which are pretty beautiful maps. It also has a good set of tools for exporting printable pdfs.
>what is a gazetta
the wild life is gonna fuckin eat you.

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