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File: Archer.jpg (29 KB, 620x360)
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Hello /out/ im looking to get into bow hunting. And im wondering what bows you reccommend/own yourself, not looking for something fancy just something that does the job well. I can bbrow 2plate for reps so i recon draw weight will mostly be a non issue (i think). Animals im looking to hunt are dove,rabbit and diffrent game birds.
>dove,rabbit and diffrent game birds.

why would you shoot that with a nice arrow? just get a slingshot faggot
think of pulling a bow like doing a pull up
you can lift all the separate lifts you want
they arent gonna help you do a pull up.

I was strong as fuck in lifting when i started 200lb seated row for 10 reps
the best i could pull starting was 30lbs
pulling a bow is a compound movement that requires you to do that movement on a regular basis to get better at it
start at 25-30lbs if you're actually genetically strong you'll be going up by 10lbs per limb/bow and not 5lbs
i pull 40lbs now.
30lbs feels like a toy to me nowadays because of how often i shoot.
something to note is that you literally have twig people pulling 90lb bows
or 70lb bows

it literally is a movement that requires you to specifically work out that movement to get better at it
i see so i should try to get a grow whit you system or a bow that can be set between 14-70lbs?
I got a Samick Sage years ago and bought two with sets of limbs that range from 30 -60#
Bbrows definitely help increase your pullups m8
Bear G2 Cruzer

I would also buy a can of chrome spray paint for the arrows makes them easier to find
ok, go shoot a 110lb warbow.
Make sure to post the footage here.
Your comparison was dumb, I'm not talking about the bow part
Go to a pro shop and ask this retard.
the pro shop is just gonna give him the same run down we did.
let him find out the hardway

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