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File: SSX3-mountain.jpg (2.86 MB, 2500x1789)
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Can you parachute off the top of K2 and Everest?

That would make short work of descending. Think of how epic that would be. A quick way for those who are struggling to return to base camp.
It has already been done.
>Can you parachute off the top of K2 and Everest?
Stupid fucking idea. Please go and try it.
Mt everest is all larp.
There is taller mountains like Denali
Base to summit is the real measurement.
Mauna Loa is 55k feet from the bottom of ocean and continues upwards.
What an embarrassment of a post.
He’s right about Denali.
Watch The Man Who Skiied Down Everest. It's very comfy
Yes but you risk being blown into the side of the mountain. There's a very small chance you'd land somewhere accessible from which you could disconnect your parachute and continue your descent. More likely you'd be slammed into rocks, get your lines tangled, the parachute ripped, and then pulled back off the rocks by winds on your now ripped parachute. You would spin wildly, slam into the the rocks over and over again until your lines were all cut or the parachute too shredded to generate enough pull on your body to get airborne again. Your broken and bloodied body likely would end up somewhere completely inaccessible and never recovered.
How long before we can build a hypobaric chamber with VR so anons can simulate the climb without leaving their local 'VR Experience Centre'?
>Chinese hands in occupied Tibet typed this

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