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What do you guys watch when you go out camping?
the duality of man
Steam deck
Leaves softly rustling in the wind.
Ants slowly, but in lockstep building and maintaining their home.
The soft lapping of waves on shore either from a lake, or the rare times I am at the ocean.
The intoxicating sound of my nuts slapping your mom as I PLAP PLAP PLAP that whore
The reddit of you.
nice pedo doodles, keep telling yourself you are sane
that is so gay
>big ass screen
>heavy chairs
>loads of heavy condiments and a big bottle of coke

Tell me more how you love the outdoors anon
Based zoomer
>goes hiking for 2 hours
>sets up camp
>"ok time to spend the weekend inside watching anime"
based blind retard
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Sitting down, putting my back wherever I can. Staring hours into the grass flowing in the wind, and then I look straight up into the sky and feel the dizziness of the overwhelming greatness of space, embracing the moment before the storm.
Checks out
I literally just stare at the trees until it gets spoopy. Then cower under my sleeping bag praying for the morning in fear of wendigos and aliens after my flesh.
tranime and tranimals of nature go hand in hand
When im not hiking, fishing or hunting? The campfire, a book, my eyelids. Tolstoy by firelight, with an 18 year old scotch is a beautiful thing.
Bet that's a designated campground because chinks are too pussy to "camp" anywhere that isn't a curated safe space.
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I once joked that I was missing a football (not handegg) game and someone said "LET'S WATCH IT THEN" and whipped out a steam deck. and after that we watched UFC. it sucked and I wish I never opened my mouth.
normally I stare into the fire all night.
I sometimes bring my laptop camping, mostly because it's winter now and by 6pm it's already dark and cold as fuck, and i have to figure out something to do for 6 hours
me, my friend or both
I bring my ipad mini.
works well for what i need.
the rocks and the trees and the birds in the sky
I usually bring dual monitors.
>you just killed a man and like 30 seagulls, dad
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killing people and things doesn't seem to matter much to the jones boys
Imagine gatekeeping earth
>pointing out delusion is the same as gatekeeping
i still think it's silly to go on a trip that most people use to unplug and get away from society and do the polar opposite for reddit upvotes and twitter likes.

captcha: hpvd
op has herpes
>anon realizes the point of modern camping

and moaning anime girls as you blast hentai out of jbl speakers at 3am to annoy the other campers
the really silly thing is living such a life that you feel the need to “unplug” or “get away”. only city dwellers who go out a couple times a year think this way. people that actually live and work /out/ have no qualms about watching something after the suns down

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