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>1000 mile road trip
>shitbox hatchback
>4-5 days
>beach oriented
What would be the best strategy for sleeping? Is camping by the side of the road viable?
God I wish I had an ass like that. Now I'm sad.
what ass she looks flat as a board
>Is camping by the side of the road viable?
id be worried some careless/drunk driver would veer off the shoulder and smoke you from behind in the middle of the night
I hear you. I also thought about camping on the beach but it's going to be hot as shit and then sand gets everywhere.
But considering the alternative is to pay $100 for a glamping bungalow I need to figure out something.
use ioverlander and delete your fucking faggot thread
>What would be the best strategy for sleeping?
A hotel
>Is camping by the side of the road viable?
Go to a 24/7 parking lot or campground or truckers rest stop. The latter two being the safest if there are others there. Don't sleep anywhere near bars or run down towns/cities.
I drove across the west coast and camped for basically all of it. Just google "free camp sites [region]" and find something.
Hotel costs out side of city limits will almost always be lower than hotels inside the city limits. The cheapest hotels are outside the metro areas--usually at truck stops before, at or after major interchanges.

Some states in the US have much cheaper hotels than others so sometimes it's better to drive another hour or two to cross a state line before stopping for the night.
>Let me shill this shit website
delete your post and feel bad about being retarded
Sleep in your car at highway rest stops or off-ramps. If you need extra space, remove your rear seats. I road trip in my shitbox without much issue.
Also just don't stop by any big tourist locations and hotels will be cheaper
For such a trip how do you guys sustain such a trip? What do you do for work and money?
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What do you mean sustain? If it is 5 days, 200 miles/d is nothing. If he's car camping it'll also be very cheap even if he buys permits for NF camps ($30 max each night). I'm guessing OP is just going up one of the coasts and hitting the local towns or cities along the way each day. It shouldn't cost all that much really. Even hotel wise he could probably do $100-150/night as long as he's staying on outskirts, which imo isn't a big issue if he's just going to explore in the day, ride to hotel and sleep at night.

If he's doing a destination trip it may be a bit different, say 500mi out, 500mi back. (easy day each of those if that's the case).
>What do you do for work and money?
It's summer and we have this think called paid holidays.

I will be taking secondary roads and to sleep inside the car I really need to remove the backseats but I'm not sure if that's legal. I'll be taking a tent so I'll likely stick to good ol camping.

>If he's doing a destination trip it may be a bit different, say 500mi out, 500mi back
My destination is a beach and there's a small village next to it but it's somewhat hippie place so they charge more than I'm willing to pay for accommodation. I can get an airbnb for like 100 a day but since I'm alone feels excessive.
Then again it would make things more comfortable.
>I'm alone feels excessive
Being alone should never stop you anon.
I know but it's a bit lonely when you're always doing things by yourself since you have no gf and your old mates have moved on with their lives. It's summer holidays and it would be nice to have people to talk to and share the experience.
But yes it's either doing things alone or not doing at all so at the end of the day I choose to go and enjoy myself, but knowing that doing this road trip with a gf or a couple mates would likely turn to something "memorable" and a better experience.
I understand. It's best to just not think about it unless you're willing to make an effort to change it (ie: finding a group/club to do things with or dating apps or however you want to approach women). It'll just leave you sad man. The groups/club is probably the best bet really as at least you won't end up with a friend denying you in a polite (or maybe impolite) manner.
I looked into similar, looking up campsites in BLM and natl forest land. In the area I was looking at lots people reported tweakers that felt dangerous to be around in the campsites. Shame, otherwise I'd say just camp around. Maybe if you found dispersed sites not far from the road, but these days you also risk car breakins. It's a pain in the ass. I'd just go with hotels I guess.

It's a humble honest ass. No one appreciates such things anymore.
I agree. I started using a dating app recently but honestly I'm not a looker (balding and 5'10) so I only get a couple likes per week which often don't even lead to chatting. I invited a mate but he told me he has to work.

This has been going for years so at this point I've accepted but I guess it still hurts a bit arriving at a nice place and seeing everyone there with their pairs while you don't even have a single person to share a beer with.

Anyway it is what it is, this beach looks amazing and I'm going to have a nice time.
>but I guess it still hurts a bit arriving at a nice place and seeing everyone there with their pairs while you don't even have a single person
Yeah, I can relate man. Just gotta focus on the positives.
its shit that works and youre retarded

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