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kayaking with women is so fun and you get to stare at their butts when you stop for a break at the beach
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indeed it is..
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Peak bri'ish
She’s a floater.
Bizarre body type but I would fuck it
not reading all that, still love, kayaking, still gay, first pic has a genuine kayak, those Sit-On_tops are garbage cringe.
if you cant do a Greenland roll in borderline freezing waters you dont """kayak"""
It's called "average woman pear body", anon
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its literally the archetype of sexo
my last day with my ex we were kayaking, she was a big assed big booba thick thighed tall dark skinned asian woman (head turner)

then she left me cause i developed an auto immune disorder and no /out/ GFs since :/. My desire for an out gf is strong but they are women at the end of the day just like all the others
I'd spray her skirt
i usually paddle without my glasses on so i cant see too much detail off in the distance so i didnt realize the woman i was approaching was topless until i got right up by her and then was sort of shocked and she just chuckled. thats a pretty good memory
Nobody is realistically shaped like that.
Best part is you get to drink her bilge water at the end
Just say fat nobody has a week to read your list of politically correct obesity descriptors
This is what the people calling you a europoor find attractive
huh weird, both of my exes were pear shaped just like this. maybe youre just a virgen
This is an obvious troll thread and the person who made it is a janny who is not playing by the rules
Doing anything with women is the antithesis of fun. Women are not capable of appreciating anything but themselves. They even hate other women.

Kayak alone and you'll be surprised how much more enjoyable it is without a bitch in your ear complaining the entire time.
i find when i paddle alone women seem to gravitate towards me i guess im the mysterious gentleman kinda type
im OP and i love wide bottomed women especially those who enjoy watersports and going to the nude beach

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