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>start first year of university
>go live in big city
>have constant fear of getting robbed/stabbed
>literally only like 2 interesting things to see, the rest are just novelty places
>so much noise it makes me want to blow my brains out
>having to put up with constant ads and lights everywhere

>first semester done
>i want to kill myself
>one day i go running
>end up in a park
>literally the happiest ive ever been since i started
>start seeing survival, bushcraft, homesteading and prepping content
>getting naturepilled

>second semester done
>go hiking for like 3 hours in the mountains
>no food but some nuts i bought
>only one bottle of water
>almost zero experience
>i feel like im in heaven

bros, in the future i want to live in a small town with lots of nature, have a little garden, go camping and know useful things like bushcraft, first-aid, agriculture, prepping and survival. maybe even have a wife and start a family. how do i get started? how do i get the knowledge? any resources on the matter would be highly appreciated.
if you're american the organization AmeriCorps has a year-long Forest Corps program where they teach you shittons of wilderness skills and basic wilderness first aid so you can do your job deep in the boonies with your team.
>go hiking for like 3 hours in the mountains
>no food but some nuts i bought
>only one bottle of water
ooh fucking hardcore natureman over here
What kind of prepping are you talking about? because SHTF/EOTWAWKI is gay
You're a bugperson. Stay in your hive. You can try to larp as some rural badass who loves nature but we both know that isn't you.
Is there maybe a scandinavian version of this? Or European maybe? Am very interested.
>in the future i want to live in a small town
you likely moved from one big city to an even bigger big city.
the average big city in a state like texas is 2.2million
that doesnt seem like a lot until you move to a town of 5000 or even less. in a city of 2.2million you can have a bad encounter with someone and will likely never see them again for almost your whole life.
I grew up in a town of 5000 people
that's small enough to where if you talk shit to someone or someone talks shit to you you're likely gonna see them at the grocery store that same afternoon, like an 80% chance.
you would probably hate living in a small town if all of your hobbies are centered around big city things. like playing video games(good internet requirement which small towns dont have), going to the club, going to live music shows.
i grew up in a small town, there isnt much at all to do in them. If you already dont do much in a normal sized city
you are gonna be doing less in a small town.
Small towns are also corrupt to the brim and usually someone who isnt even involved in politics is the one in charge.
Like what if i told you the head coach at the high school pretty much called the shots because he was in charge of the football team?
it can be pretty bad and once you piss off a powerful figure in them they pretty much arent gonna let go because of how small the town is.
Drugs are more of a problem in smaller towns than larger cities because there is almost nothing else to do in these small towns
with that said the only thing i miss about living in a small town is that the traffic wasnt as bad and the people were slightly nicer because there is a massive chance you'd see them 10 minutes later. But there is just as much drama as there is in big cities and it lasts longer due to things staying relatively the same and people staying relatively in the same spot
my older brother lives there still. He tells me a log of people that we went to high school with still live there
and they still talk about me as if we're still in high school.
It's kind of sad
I'm happy for you anon, nature is amazing isn't it? It's good for you wellbeing too.
>I am a part of and connected to nature--why did no one ever teach me anything cohesive about nature in public education!?
You almost broke the conditioning lad. Almost.
Christians were corrupted into thinking "I am a curator of nature therefore I can do whatever the fuck I want to gods creation"... Christians do not conserve nature, they make golf courses and pretend that's what god intended.
Corporations, who control education, would lose piles of money as well as control over public resources if they actually taught how much modern society fucks up nature in the face of overwhelming evidence.

The only way for the banks and corporations to keep fucking nature with zero oversight is to ensure schools never ever teach anything about it so people have no clue.

Most people are self centered idiots who don't care but every now and then you get a Noticer.

Most public educated morons think cutting down trees is good for forests and that living right on the water and paving over everything is just "how we do it"

Fucking insanity.
I grew up in a town about that size. My high school class had 17 kids. It was an affluent tourist town with tons of outdoor activities every season. No ridiculous football culture, and most people got along because rich/outdoorsy people have better things to do than create problems for each other. Much like OP I moved to a larger city, (still not a BIG city), for college and I started to pine for small town living. It wasn’t until I had traveled through some farming/reservation/welfare communities in the middle of nowhere that I realized that my “small town” was an exception, not the rule. I guess my point is that there are fun small towns to live in out there, the problem is that they are just as expensive as the big city and there are no jobs, so you have to be able to start a business to get by in a meaningful way.
You sound petty and shallow and this all reeks of estrogen.
>Drugs are more of a problem in small towns
yeah, because you fuck faced retarded cities keep bussing in drug addicts into smaller towns while building methadone distribution centers in the city centers.

However, big cities have WAY more drug problems than small towns. Go to seattle and portland or LA--hands down way bigger drug problems than Joyce.
Bussing immigrants to small towns is a new phenomena--pushed by megacities and the parasites that live in them.
yeah but this is very recent
smaller areas have been like this for a very along time
it jusr doesnt get talked about
because you have spergs like this having autism fits about random shit>>2757366
>I'm a 20 year old and I'm so smart
10 years isn't a long time kid.
>10 years isn't a long tjme
I mean it's not if you just sit around posting on 4chan all day pretending to do something with your life.
nice cope kid. You're short sighted and stupid. Common paring these days.

I expect no less from a delusional city parasite.
the woods are 10,000 times safer than the not-woods because there are no monkey people there. You have to be disciplined, in-shape, and foreward thinking to be comfy innawoods and those are directly incompatible with general apedom of being obese, impulsive, and destructive.

Timothy Treadwell survived with the bears for 13 summers, how long would he have lasted in your average monkey neighborhood? The woods and wilds are simply the best because they are a melanin free zone.

In addition, if a monkey is innawoods and trying to start trouble with you, there are no fat white women around to run defense, so you can treat them how they deserve.
I’m so sorry. Humans are becoming soulless creatures, but there is some hope.

fuck off with this zoomer shit
mental illness, he means that they use busses to bring them in
It's just another mentally fried millennial/zoomer that wants to LARP as a mountain man because they're upset with their life. They won't actually put any effort in but they will whine about it on /out/ at least daily.

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