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I've been lurking here and there for a few years now and I keep seeing people going seemingly to the middle of nowhere (miles from any signs of civilization) to very beautiful sights. I grew up very sheltered and leashed and so most of my outdoor experiences were spent less than half a mile from my parents' car parked near a 'scenic drive' road. I was a very adventurous kid and even had some experience gym climbing but my mother was deathly afraid to let me do anything riskier than a steep hike.

Ever since moving out, I've been trying to get out and hike more and I'm lucky enough to live in an area where it's really very beautiful, but I've never really understood how people go to the middle of nowhere. I know how ridiculous it sounds to ask, since the answer is probably just "you just fucking go", but how do you guys find/go to some of these places? Do you have GPS or maps or something? Do you just wander until you find somewhere you like or does someone give you a recommendation?

In a couple of weeks I'm going to Norway for about 5 months for my job and I've seen some of the natural beauty and so I don't want to miss out on anything doing normalcuck shit. I'd also appreciate advice on what to see there (past just the default answers like fjords)

picrel: meadow from sequoia natl park
>what do I need to go somewhere really remote?
experience. start small and build up.
Not OP but if you don’t use parking lots to park your vehicle when going /out/ to national forests or parks where do you keep them? I doubt just off the side of the road is a good idea
Google earth dipshit. Hope ya get lost normie...
You look at maps. First scour the trail systems at ut.no then take a look at the topo maps at norgeskart and make your own routes. The great thing about arctic landscape is that you can go where ever you want pretty easily without being obstructed.
You need good connections. It's all privately owned or highly regulated.
You can show me all the pretty pictures you want from space: if you think it's easy to get there you're woefully ignorant.
>if you think it's easy to get there you're woefully ignorant.
thats part of the adventure, nobody is going to hold your hand newfag
yes, you're woefully ignorant.
youre the only one starting a thread based on your own pure ignorance and putting it on display, ironic
Drive to middle of nowhere, get of car and walk.
>if you think it's easy to get there you're woefully ignorant.
Its very easy usually. As long as the weather is good.
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>put one foot in front of the other

Alternatively just fork up the cash to be dumped of where you want by helicopter

>pic related
>Shot by a boomer owning the land
>Car left on the side of the road towed away

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