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File: campsite.jpg (609 KB, 1880x1250)
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im a 20yr old chronically online male, i've fantasized about going camping/hiking alone for years but never had the money nor guts to take the plunge, what kind of places or equipment do you anons recommend for a beginner like me? my goal is to someday travel around my country for a month while camping inbetween.
Start small and slow. Don't ask about equipment here. This place is more of a gear board than an outdoor board.

Honestly people will seethe, but as a beginner, the only thing you really need is a hammock, a tarp to go over it, a bic lighter, a pot, a lighter, and a big water bottle, a backpack, a flashlight, and an extra pair of socks and a decent pair of boots. A pocket knife if you want maybe and obviously maybe an extra sweater or something. Amazon specials will all work.

Just pick an easy nearby hiking trail that has campsites along it and do like a weekender or something.
Start with car camping and hiking. Then if you like it you can upgrade to backpacking gear.
And by car camping I mean in a tent at a campsite where you drive to, because your car is doing the hauling you don't have to worry about weight or gear optimization.
Increase incrementally on the hiking front, I would avoid adding weekly more than 10% more distance/elevation gain than you did the week before.

Depending on your living situation try 'camping' in your backyard or even your literal living room, only use what you would have fully packed up.
By the sounds of it you should start with a walk at your local park
You probably have what you need to start already . A back pack, water bottle , some munchies, a comfortable pair of shoes and clothing appropriate for the days weather is all you need for a nice day hike.
Start with a day hike every now and then. As you are outside you will figure out what gear you want. Maybe different shoes for your hiking trips, maybe a different back pack.
The key is just get outside to start.
Have you considered starting with going outside?
>not enough money
Hiking is basically free, camping only has the upfront cost of gear but if you're just starting you can get away with cheap Walmart stuff. Look up the 10 essentials and build around that.
>not enough guts
Do a little at a time. You dont have to fo weeklong backcountry treks right away. Hike solo on popular trails, do a solo car camping trip, build your confidence with more experience.

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