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Anyone have paranormal encounters while /out/?

Please share your stories
There's an entire board for that nonsense, go to /x/
One time I encountered your mom in the woods. Thought it was Sasquatch, then I sassed her quatch if you know what I'm saying. Long story short I'm your dad and I'm disappointed in you for being such a faggot.
/X/ is kind of cringe most of the time I like to see paranormal threads outside of /X/

>I may a post my own story in a little bit
That would be great
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>Be me hanging out with a bunch of friends at stanley park ma
Side note stanley park has a lot of weird stuff going on with it there's a fallout bunker, people are murdered there, and stories of people encountering nomes slash pukwudgie
> We get to the park and walk down the hiking trail a bit
> Come to a clearing by the river and Friends begin to smoke up
>sober because i don't like doing drugs or alcohol at the time and I was the designated driver
> Friends finish off a joint when one of them asks if I can hear that
> I listen w t f sounds like people are coming down the main trail towards us but they're shouting think I hear hey stop go
> Everyone stops and begins to pay attention Most of them aren't very high , but a couple of them begin to panic
>They think it's either cops or the Parks Employees
>Noises get closer start hearing stereotypical Indian charging sounds definitely doesn't sound like english anymore think wild west indian stampede
> For some reason one of my friends decides To keep telling us not to run >listen to him everyone stands put and waits to see what's coming
stanley park is a city park wtf are you talking about
>Finally whatever these things are come in to view
>The moment we get a good look at them We all froze up and stop talking
Out of green text to describe It looked like there was about twenty of them with one leading the charge
They looked like Black ghosts with white or faintly glowing skeletons inside of them Most of them didn't have arm bones or leg bones but we could see the skulls and the rib cages
>I don't know who ran first but but me and the person who originally heard them were at the back
> I kept turning back and to my horror they were getting close
> little was spoken during this time but a plan was hatched
> Our plan was to run until we got out of the park onto public forest land
> Then we could take a trail that would take us to a college parking lot
> At the time only two of us had phones so someone had brought a very bright flashlight
> We were beginning to get away from The ghosts when we came to a fork on the road
>It would have been so much quicker to go left but the people at the front began to slow and freak out
> I only got a glimpse illuminated by the flashlight but in the middle of the path we were supposed to take there was a owl the size of a child
> Didn't look like a normal owl
> We began to go Down the alternate longer path
> Things eventually caught back up with us but only for a little bit
>we eventually caught our second wind and they fell back
> We ran down the longer more winding path eventually getting out to the woods
> It didn't take long for us to get to the Parking lot By that point we couldn't even hear anything following us
>we joged to the Main road once we got out of the parking lot a couple of us fell over the
> I have to be honest I wasn't doing much better than them I remember lying on the grass propping myself up
> Nothing else happened to us that night
> I've spoken to people about this and was surprised to hear other stories vaguely similar and sume very different stories might post more
Yes and no to the north and the yeast side of the park There is woods and the occasional farm to the south there's a bunch of houses and to the east is a college campus
where i grew up in rural (or as rural as it gets) connecticut there is a black dog with glowing eyes that shows itself to people sometimes. i learned about it from some family members that saw it and it was a fairly common campfire tale in boy scouts.
part of the 'legend' is if you see it three times it means you are going to die soon. the only person i know who saw it three times and died was my moms best friend, after seeing it the third time she was talking about it constantly until she died from some kind of advanced cancer that hadn't been diagnosed until it was too late about a month later. we pretty much all believe the dog did not curse or kill her or anything but was trying to warn her. i live in nh now but visit that part of ct every few months and if i see it once I'm gonna get every test known to medical science done, lol.
here is some discussion about it online, but like melonheads it seems to be too local of a thing to really be documented in any meaningful way which is a shame
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>Has never been disproven in your path
You're face is nonsense.
Nothing paranormal, though the natural beauty of creation is from a higher power, which is supernatural.
I've been stalked by a troll (not the internet kind).
I've had things outside my tent that i cannot explain multiple times.
Go on..
Anon wanted stories from people who've actually been outside

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