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Girl claims to have been stuck for 13 hours in a canyon but was detected by a helicopter flying over, probably via thermal. Do you think this video is legit?
No and I’m not clicking your TikTok link gook. And she has a flabby tummy.
Literally have to download thr chink Spyware just to watch some normie trash.
And here I though youtube shorts were already demonic.
It's so over...
bussin tiktok ong fr new trend stanley mug lil bro it finna hit different no cap bruh
Fuck your tiktok link, make webm if you want us to watch it.
>ew chink spyware?
>no thanks, I'll stick with my amerimutt spyware
dickdock links should be bannable. certainly they should be illegal.
There's zero news about this and it's the kind of thing that's 100% guaranteed to make the news at some level if it actually happened. Probably wouldn't be the top headline but would get articles at least in the Daily Mail and New York Post, plus tons of Vice type sites.
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Do you think she pooped herself?
Yes, I would rather my data be gathered by real american patriots with no agenda other than our nation's security than chinese communists looking to subvert and destroy this great nation.
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>with no agenda other than our nation's security
>real american patriots
>no agenda
Pick one (1)
Nta but the point still stands. Tiktok is the greater of two evils
At least jewtube works in a browser and doesn't force you to download the app
>I'll stick with my amerimutt spyware
They'd be lucky if that was true.
It's all running on Israeli spyware.
TikTok also works in a browser.
A desktop browser.
Or a mobile one in desktop mode.
no chinaman ever called me a nazi bigot

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