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Good day gentlemen.
What is one to do when all lands are claimed as private estates, surrounded by barbed wire and guarded by mistrustful boomers? No matter where I venture, I am deemed a trespasser. Even the so-called 'public lands' are often forbidden.

I understand that in these troubled times, the presence of disreputable individuals makes it challenging to maintain order. Yet, I grow weary of constantly watching my back. And before you levy any unkind judgments upon me, know that my experiences in the great outdoors far exceed those of the average normie soul. I speak with the authority of one well-versed in the ways of nature.

It is disheartening beyond measure to feel the weight of suspicion when all I desire is to explore this wondrous Earth. Should I surrender to this frustration and seek refuge in the wilds of Scotland?
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Not in foggy ol Inglun'. Trespassing isn't worth the legal repercussions.
>I am very experienced
>how do I find places to camp?
These two statements are incongruous to one another. The only way to gain experience is to go camping, which means you already know how to find places.
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Scotland is a train ride away. Regardless you should definetly head up there if you haven't been, it's brilliant.
But camping in the hills of England and Wales isn't new. Hike up into the hills in the afternoon, enjoy yourself until it's close to sunset, pitch up and sleep. Then rise with the sun, break your fast, and break camp. Ideally you don't pitch too early or leave too late. Leave no trace and all that.
No one is roaming the hills at dusk and dawn to catch wild campers.

However, due to an increase in people not following these basic rules, pitch way too early or leaving way too late, leaving rubbish etc. I fear a backlash. Promote best practice and enjoy yourself.
>Trespassing isn't worth the legal repercussions
what? there literally aren't any
I think all the New England states have some "freedom to roam" at least here in New Hampshire any land that is not your own is free to use unless it's posted no trespassing. Most isn't. Very few yards are even fenced let alone raw land, nobody fences that except the national guard base.

There's not much public land, most is privately owned. We have a town forest that's like 40 acres but all other land that isn't a building is private. But people still find places to hunt, just "in the woods" somebody owns it but I guess they don't care if people hunt on it.

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